Dido and Aeneas in the cave, 1646. Creator: Bosschaert; Thomas Willeboirts (1613-1654)Dido and Aeneas in the cave, 1646. Found in the Collection of the Sanssouci, Potsdam
Dido at the stake summoning the gods. Creator: Kauffmann, Angelika (1741-1807)Dido at the stake summoning the gods. Private Collection
Dido receiving Aeneas and Cupid disguised as Ascanius, 1710. Found in the collection of the National Gallery, London
Aeneas and Dido, 1739-1740. Creator: Solimena, Francesco (1657-1747)Aeneas and Dido, 1739-1740. Found in the collection of the Museo di Capodimonte, Naples
The Death of Dido, First third of 17th cenThe Death of Dido, First third of 17th. Private Collection
Aeneas and Dido, 17th century. Creator: Pasinelli, Lorenzo (1629-1700)Aeneas and Dido, 17th century. Found in the collection of the Muzeum Narodowe, Warsaw
Dido burning herself at the stake. Creator: Elliger, Ottmar (Ottomar)Dido burning herself at the stake. Found in the collection of State Open-air Museum Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg
Didos sacrifice to Juno, 1630. Found in the collection of Nationalmuseum Stockholm
The Death of Dido, ca 1510-1511. Found in the Collection of Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna
The abandoned Dido. Artist: Battaglioli, Francesco (1722-1790)The abandoned Dido. Found in the collection of Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid
The Death of Dido, ca 400. Artist: Master of the Vatican Vergil (active ca 400)The Death of Dido, ca 400. Found in the collection of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Dido building Carthage. Artist: Pittoni, Giovan Battista (1687-1767)Dido building Carthage. Found in the collection of the State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
The Death of Dido, Early16th cen Artist: Liberale da Verona (1441-1526)The Death of Dido, Early16th cen.. Found in the collection of the National Gallery, London
Dido building Carthage (The Rise of the Carthaginian Empire), 1815. Found in the collection of the National Gallery, London