Prize poultry and dogs at the Birmingham Show, 1871. Creator: UnknownPrize poultry and dogs at the Birmingham Show, 1871. 'The poultry represented in our Illustrations are Mr. J. R. Fowler's pair of white geese and his pair of white ducks, from the Prebendal Farm
Prize cattle and sheep at the Smithfield Club Show, 1871. Creator: UnknownPrize cattle and sheep at the Smithfield Club Show, 1871. 'At Islington [in London], on Saturday last, a good deal of excitement prevailed as the beasts arrived
Oscar Mackey, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceOscar Mackey, between c1910 and c1915
Royal Academy Prize for Sculpture; Hercules and Antaeus, by T. Brock, 1870. Creator: UnknownRoyal Academy Prize for Sculpture; Hercules and Antaeus, by G. Brock, 1870. 'It is not always that the prize group modelled in the Academy school of sculpture can bear the test of severe criticism so
The Royal Academy Gold Medal Picture: "Ulysses and the Nurse", by F. Trevelyan Goodall, 1870. Creator: William HollidgeThe Royal Academy Gold Medal Picture: "Ulysses and the Nurse", by F. Trevelyan Goodall, 1870. Engraving of a painting, winner of the Royal Academy students' prize '...for the " best historical
Prize dogs at the Paris Dog Show, 1870. Creator: UnknownPrize dogs at the Paris Dog Show, 1870. 'The show, which contains some very good specimens of watch and fancy dogs is singularly deficient in sporting breeds...The large dog at the top of the page is
The Turner Gold Medal Landscape of the Royal Academy, by F. Trevelyan Goodall, 1868. Creator: Mason JacksonThe Turner Gold Medal Landscape of the Royal Academy, by F. Trevelyan Goodall, 1868. Engraving of a painting of '...Goring, looking towards Streatley, Berkshire
Prize birds at the Birmingham Poultry Show, 1865. Creator: UnknownPrize birds at the Birmingham Poultry Show, 1865. 'Pigeons: 1, Mr. T. D. Green; 2, Mr. T. H. Ridpeth; 3, Mr. Mathew Wicking; 4, Mr. Mathew Hedley; 5, (Laced Fantails), Mr. Arsenio Pinto Leito
Distribution of Prizes to the 26th Middlesex Rifle Volunteers at Guildhall on Saturday last, 1865. Creator: UnknownDistribution of Prizes to the 26th Middlesex Rifle Volunteers at Guildhall, [City of London] on Saturday last, 1865. 'Lady Elizabeth Romilly performed the ceremony of distributing the prizes to
Prize dogs from the exhibition at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, 1862. Creator: UnknownPrize dogs from the exhibition at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, 1862. All sizes of dogs [upwards of 800 specimens] were represented...beginning at the top...[is] Canaradzo
Prize horses at the Horse Show in the Agricultural Hall, Islington, 1865. Creator: UnknownPrize horses at the Horse Show in the Agricultural Hall, Islington, 1865. We give (Nos. 1 and 2) the portraits of Quicksilver and Young Norfolk Phenomenon, the first and third prize roadsters...No 3
Pair of donkeys in harness exhibited by Miss Burdett Coutts...Agricultural Hall, Islington, 1865. Creator: UnknownPair of donkeys in harness exhibited by Miss Burdett Coutts at the Mule and Donkey Show in the Agricultural Hall, Islington
Merino ram, lately exhibited at Dresden, 1865. Creator: PearsonMerino ram, lately exhibited at Dresden, 1865. The modem "golden fleece" is said to be in Saxony, and [this] ram
The National Rifle Association prize meeting at Wimbledon: Mr. Sharman...winner, Queen's PrizeThe National Rifle Association prize meeting at Wimbledon: Mr. Sharman, 4th West York Rifle Volunteers, winner of the Queen's Prize, 1865. Engraving from a photograph by Mr
Prize dogs of the second International Dog Show at the Islington Agricultural Hall, 1864. Every one of these dogs won a first prize in its own class
Royal Butterfly, the property of Lieutenant-Colonel Towneley, 1864. Creator: UnknownRoyal Butterfly, the property of Lieutenant-Colonel Towneley, 1864. Engraving from a photograph by Messrs. Wood and Co. "The Royal, " as he is familiarly termed
Prize pigeons and poultry at Bingley Hall, Birmingham, 1864. Creator: Harrison Weirexcellence, and with no less than 300 pigeon and 1677 poultry entries...Our pigeon group...begins with Mr. Shaw's German Letz, which won in class 124
Prize animals at the Smithfield Club Cattle Show, 1864. Creator: Harrison WeirPrize animals at the Smithfield Club Cattle Show, 1864. Mr. John Overman's Southdown and Leicester wedders [or wethers - castrated male sheep]...Mr
Prize animals at the Smithfield Club Cattle Show, 1864. Creator: Harrison WeirPrize animals at the Smithfield Club Cattle Show, 1864. Mr. J. W. Kirkham's shorthorn steer...[Kirkham] won the Smithfield silver cup for the best ox or steer in the yard!...Mr
Prize pigeons at the show of the Philo-Peristeron Society, recently held in Freemasons Hall, 1864. Creator: UnknownPrize pigeons at the show of the Philo-Peristeron Society, recently held in Freemasons Hall, 1864. Pouters were exhibited by Mr
Prize animals of the Smithfield Club Cattle Show, 1860. Creator: UnknownPrize animals of the Smithfield Club Cattle Show, 1860. Mr. Craddock's Improved Cotswold; Mr. Burbery's Longhorned Cow; Mr. Baker's Shorthorned Ox; Mr. Kent's Southdown; Mr
La Prochaine Distribution de Prix a l'Académie Française, 1851. Creator: Honore DaumierLa Prochaine Distribution de Prix a l'Academie Francaise, 1851. 1er grand prix de vertu et de religion...Louis-Mimi Veron. (The next prize distribution at the French Academy)
Oh! merci, de ce que tu as fait pour ton père... 1856. Creator: Honore DaumierOh! merci, de ce que tu as fait pour ton pere... 1856. - Oh! merci, de ce que tu as fait pour ton pere...aussi ne te contrarira-t-il plus...tu feras tout ce que tu voudras...tu resterais avec tes
Un Prix de Poësie, 1845. Creator: Honore DaumierUn Prix de Poesie, 1845. M. le directeur de l'Academie, avec une emotion analogue a la circonstance, couronne un nourrisson des muses qui, depuis cinquante trois ans
Birmingham Show, 1858. Creator: Harrison WeirBirmingham Show, 1858. Exhibition of domestic poultry. 1. Mr. Maddiford's Fantail, Nun, and Jacobine Pigeons, Silver Cup; 2. Mr. Worrall's Owl Pigeons, First Prize; Mr
Prize Shorthorns at the Royal Agricultural Society's show, Canterbury, 1860. Creator: Harrison WeirPrize Shorthorns at the Royal Agricultural Society's show, Canterbury, 1860. Class 2, Malachite, Mr. Jonathan Peel... a dark roan, nearly eighteen months old; Class 1, Royal Butterfly
The First Prize Shorthorn Cow, Class 10, No. 89, £25: and Gold and Silver Medals... 1857. Creator: H. WThe First Prize Shorthorn Cow, Class 10, No. 89, £25: and Gold and Silver Medals, as the Best Steer or Ox, at the Smithfield Club Cattle Show, 1857
Premier grand prix de mathématiques, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierPremier grand prix de mathematiques, 19th century. Teachers and boys. Mathematics prize, Monsieur Isidore Cabuchet, nominated nine times! (M)
A.J. Carey, Jr.; The Chicago Daily News [1st prize check], 1925. Creator: UnknownA.J. Carey, Jr.; The Chicago Daily News [1st prize check], 1925
Full-blood types: a winner of intellectual prizes, 1916. Creator: UnknownFull-blood types: a winner of intellectual prizes, 1916
A prize garden, Caroline County, Va. 1915. Creator: UnknownA prize garden, Caroline County, Va. 1915
King Death's Distribution of Prizes. Bacchus Takes the First Premium. 1870. Creator: Thomas NastKing Death's Distribution of Prizes. Bacchus Takes the First Premium. 1870
The International Cattle Show at Poissy, 1862. Creator: T. H. WThe International Cattle Show at Poissy, 1862. Engraving from photographs by M. Richebourg, photographer to the French Government
The International Cattle Show at Poissy, 1862. Creator: Friedrich Wilhelm KeylThe International Cattle Show at Poissy, 1862. Engraving from photographs by M. Richebourg, photographer to the French Government. One of Mr. Thomas West's prize of honour Cotswolds; one of M
The International Cattle Show at Poissy, 1862. Creator: Harrison WeirThe International Cattle Show at Poissy, 1862. Engraving from photographs by M. Richebourg, photographer to the French Government. M. Bouton de Leveque's prize of honour Durham ox; Mr
Dans cette réclame que vous allez envoyer à tous les journaux... 1846. Creator: Honore DaumierDans cette reclame que vous allez envoyer a tous les journaux... 1846. Dans cette reclame que vous allez envoyer a tous les journaux
Depuis que Virginie a obtenu le septième accessit.. 1844. Creator: Honore DaumierDepuis que Virginie a obtenu le septieme accessit.. 1844. Depuis que Virginie a obtenu la septieme accessit de poesie a l'Academie francaise il faut que ce soit capitaine de la garde