The Last Watch of Hero, 1887, (c1902). Creator: UnknownThe Last Watch of Hero, 1887, (c1902). After a painting in the Manchester Art Gallery
Miko, or Performing in A Temple Dancing at Nara, about 1890. Creator: Kusakabe KimbeiMiko, or Performing in A Temple Dancing at Nara, about 1890
The Tiburtine Sibyl, First third of 17th cen. Creator: Hoecke, Jan van den (1611-1651)The Tiburtine Sibyl, First third of 17th cen. Private Collection
Sibylla Delphica (Sibylla Cumaena), c1870s, (1900). Creator: UnknownSibylla Delphica (Sibylla Cumaena), c1870s, (1900)
Flamma Vestalis, c1888, (1900). Creator: UnknownFlamma Vestalis, c1888, (1900)
Portrait of Miss Charlotta Fredrika Sparre dressed as a Vestal Virgin, 1870-1879. Copy after Nonotte by a female artist, Amanda Kjellberg, about whom little is known
Portrait of a Lady as a Vestal Virgin, c1780s. Creator: Angelica KauffmanPortrait of a Lady as a Vestal Virgin, c1780s
Vestal Making Sacrifice at Altar, c.1870. Creator: UnknownVestal Making Sacrifice at Altar, c.1870
Costumes de Différents Pays, Bonze et Vestale ChinoisCostumes de Differents Pays, Bonze et Vestale Chinois, c1797
The Vestal Tuccia, between 1531 and 1576. Creator: Giulio BonasoneThe Vestal Tuccia, between 1531 and 1576
Imaginary ancient temple designed in the style of those built in honor of the Goddess Vesta: in the center is the great altar on which the Vestal Virgins preserved the inextinguishable sacred fire
Costumes de Différents Pays, Jeune Pretresse de JuidaCostumes de Differents Pays, Jeune Pretresse de Juida, c1797
Charlotta Fredrika Sparre as Vestal, mid-late 18th century. Creator: Donat NonnotteCharlotta Fredrika Sparre as Vestal, mid-late 18th century
Ornament with sacrificial Vestal Virgin, 1677-1755. Creator: Elias van NijmegenOrnament with sacrificial Vestal Virgin, 1677-1755
Sibylla Cimmeria, 1625. Creator: Jacques StellaSibylla Cimmeria, 1625
Sibylla Hellespontina, 1625. Creator: Jacques StellaSibylla Hellespontina, 1625
Sibylla Cumana, 1625. Creator: Jacques StellaSibylla Cumana, 1625
Sibylla Phrygia, 1625. Creator: Jacques StellaSibylla Phrygia, 1625
Sibylla Delphica, 1625. Creator: Jacques StellaSibylla Delphica, 1625
Scène antique, mid-late 19th century. Creator: Eugène FromentScene antique, mid-late 19th century. Classical scene. Women offer incense in front of an altar
The appearance of the Virgin to Augustus and Sibyl, c. 1544. Found in the collection of the Musei Vaticani in Viale Vaticano, Rome
Sibyl, 1617. Creator: Domenichino (1581-1641)Sibyl, 1617. Found in the collection of the Galleria Borghese, Rome
The Apparition of the Tiburtine Sibyl to Caesar Augustus, 1500s. Found in the collection of the Goteborg Konstmuseum
Portrait of a Young Woman as Sibyl. Creator: Gentileschi, Orazio (1563-1638)Portrait of a Young Woman as Sibyl. Private Collection
Vestal Virgin Tuccia, n.d. Creator: Gaetano GandolfiVestal Virgin Tuccia, n.d
After the Antique: Roman Officiant at a Sacrificial Altar, 1531/32
Les Quatre Parties du Monde (Four Quarters of the Globe) (Furnishing Fabric), France, c.1794
Statuette of a Priestess with Offering Table and Situla, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasties 22-25 (about 945-656 BCE)
Hot Water Pitcher, Burslem, c. 1800. Creator: WedgwoodHot Water Pitcher, Burslem, c. 1800
Jason and Medea, 1529. Creator: Heinrich AldegreverJason and Medea, 1529
La jeune vestale. Creator: Jean Francois JaninetLa jeune vestale. [Young vestal virgin]
Augustus and the Tiburtine Sibyl, ca 1547. Creator: Lombard, Lambert (1505-1566)Augustus and the Tiburtine Sibyl, ca 1547. Found in the collection of Szepmuveszeti Muzeum, Budapest
Plate 9: the Phrygian Sibyl holding the top of a tablet with her left hand and pointing with her right, from the series of Sibyls, 1609. After Raphael
The Vestal Virgin Tuccia, mid-16th century. Creator: Master FGThe Vestal Virgin Tuccia, mid-16th century
Phrygian Sibyl, from the series of Sibyls, ca. 1530. Creator: Lucas van LeydenPhrygian Sibyl, from the series of Sibyls, ca. 1530
Persian Sibyl, from the series of Sibyls, ca. 1530. Creator: Lucas van LeydenPersian Sibyl, from the series of Sibyls, ca. 1530
Delphic Sibyl, from the series of Sibyls, ca. 1530. Creator: Lucas van LeydenDelphic Sibyl, from the series of Sibyls, ca. 1530
Cumean Sibyl, from the series of Sibyls, ca. 1530. Creator: Lucas van LeydenCumean Sibyl, from the series of Sibyls, ca. 1530
Tuccia, 1720. Creator: Johann Jakob Frey the ElderTuccia, 1720
The Delphic Sibyl; from the series of Prophets and Sibyls in the Sistine Chapel, 1570-75. After Michelangelo Buonarroti
The Persian Sibyl; from the series of Prophets and Sibyls in the Sistine Chapel, 1570-75. After Michelangelo Buonarroti
The Eritrean Sibyl; from the series of Prophets and Sibyls in the Sistine Chapel, 1570-75. After Michelangelo Buonarroti
Sibylle Lybique, ca. 1635. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham BosseSibylle Lybique, ca. 1635. Libyan Sibyl. After Claude Vignon
Sibylle Samienne, ca. 1635. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham BosseSibylle Samienne, ca. 1635. Samian Siby. After Claude Vignon
Sibylle Delphique, ca. 1635. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham BosseSibylle Delphique, ca. 1635. Delphic Sibyl After Claude Vignon
Sibylle Europeenne, ca. 1635. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham BosseSibylle Europeenne, ca. 1635. After Claude Vignon
Sibylle Phrygienne, ca. 1635. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham BosseSibylle Phrygienne, ca. 1635. Phrygian Sibyl After Claude Vignon
Sibylle de Cumes, ca. 1635. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham BosseSibylle de Cumes, ca. 1635. Cumaean Sibyl After Claude Vignon
Sibylle Erythreenne, ca. 1635. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham BosseSibylle Erythreenne, ca. 1635. Erythraean Sibyl After Claude Vignon
Sibylle Persique, ca. 1635. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham BosseSibylle Persique, ca. 1635. Persian Sibyl After Claude Vignon
Sibylle Cimmerienne, ca. 1635. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham BosseSibylle Cimmerienne, ca. 1635. After Claude Vignon
The Libyan Sibyl, 16th century. Creator: Master with the Name of JesusThe Libyan Sibyl, 16th century. [Persian Sybil, Libyan Sibyl, Delphic Sybil, Cumaean Sybil, Erytheian Sybil, Samian Sybil]
The Cumaean Sibyl, dated 1516. Creator: Agostino VenezianoThe Cumaean Sibyl, dated 1516
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: A Vestal Virgin (?), 16th century. 16th centurySpeculum Romanae Magnificentiae: A Vestal Virgin (?), 16th century
Lucrece (ou la Vestale), 1860s. Creator: Pierre-Louis PiersonLucrece (ou la Vestale), 1860s
Portrait of a Young Woman as a Vestal Virgin, 1767. Creator: Francois Hubert DrouaisPortrait of a Young Woman as a Vestal Virgin, 1767
Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld. Creator: Brueghel, Jan, the Elder (1568-1625)Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld. Found in the Collection of Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen
The Symmachi Panel, late 4th or early 5th century, (1881). Creator: W WiseThe Symmachi Panel, late 4th or early 5th century, (1881). Etching of a diptych leaf in carved ivory made in Rome, Italy
Calling the Worshippers, c1893. Creator: Sir Lawrence Alma-TademaCalling the Worshippers, c1893. Barefoot woman wearing a leopard skin, standing on marble steps strewn with rose petals. From " Modern Art Monographs"
Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld, ca 1604. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
A Vestal. Woman portrayed as a Vestal?;Portrait of a Woman as a Vestal?;A Vestal, 1750
Detail of Papyrus of Hent-Taul, Egypt, 21st Dynasty, c1069 BC - 945 BC. Papyrus of musician-priestess of Amun-Ra, entitled What is In The Underworld
Weighing of the heart of the deceased against the feather of truth from the Egyptian Book of the DeaWeighing of the heart of the deceased (Anhai) against the feather of truth by Anubis. Ammut waits to devour the heart if not justified. Thoth, on the left, records the verdict
The Apparition of the Tiburtine Sibyl to Caesar Augustus. Private Collection
Figure representing a priestess, mounted in bronze and ivory, work by Marquet
Sibyl. Found in the Collection of Musei di Strada Nuova, Genoa
Sibyl. Found in the Collection of Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna
Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld, 1598. Artist: Brueghel, Jan, the Elder (1568-1625)Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld, 1598. Private Collection
Claudia - Verge Vestale, 1403, (1939). Artist: Master of Berrys Cleres FemmesClaudia - Verge Vestale, 1403, (1939). Claudia was an ancient Roman Vestal Virgin and the daughter of Appius Claudius Pulcher
Marcia - Vierge Perpetuelle, 1403, (1939). Artist: Master of Berrys Cleres FemmesMarcia - Vierge Perpetuelle, 1403, (1939)
The Delphic Sibyl, 1509 (1870). Artist: Trichon MonvoisinThe Delphic Sibyl, 1509 (1870). After the painting by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican, Rome
Cumaean Sibyl prophesied the Birth of Christ, 1743. Found in the collection of the State A. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Cumaean Sibyl prophesied the Birth of Christ, 1738. Found in the collection of the State A. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Sibyl, 1525-1550. Artist: Bacchiacca, Francesco (1494-1557)Sibyl, 1525-1550. Found in the collection of the Art History Museum, Vienne
Aeneas, Sibyl and Charon, ca. 1695. Artist: Crespi, Giuseppe Maria (1665-1747)Aeneas, Sibyl and Charon, ca. 1695. Found in the collection of the Art History Museum, Vienne
Vestal, 1747. Artist: Bernard de MontfauconVestal, 1747. From a sculpture in the Chateau de Versailles. A plate from Supplement au livre de L antiquite expliquee et representee en figures, Paris, 1757. Private Collection
Vestal virgin, Roman, 1st century AD. A priestess dedicated to Vesta, goddess of the hearth in Rome. From the Vatican Museum
Toui, Priestess of Min, New Kingdom, Egyptian, 18th Dynasty. Found in the collection of the Louvre, Paris
Two priestesses, detail of the decoration of a sarcophagus of The Lady of Madja, 18th Dynasty. Found in the collection of the Louvre, Paris
Outer coffin of Henettawy, c1040-991 BC. Henettawy was a mistress of the house and chantress of Amun-Re
Temple of Vesta, Rome. The Temple of Vesta in the Roman Forum stands between the Temple of Castor and Pollux, the Temple of Caesar, the Regia and the House of the Vestal Virgins
Egyptian relief, deceased priestess and Hathor with sycamore treeEgyptian relief, deceased priestess and Hathor. Deceased priestess and her soul-bird receive refreshment from Hathor in sycamore tree
Roman relief, Kleobis and Biton draw their mother by chariot, c1st-3rd century. Small terracotta altar. National Archaeological Museum, Rome
Alexander the Great of Macedon (Iskandar) is brought by a priestess to spare an idol from destructioAlexander the Great of Macedon (Iskandar), Mughal School, 1595-1596. Iskander is brought by a priestess to spare an idol from destruction. Illustration from a Persian manuscript