Page from the Dresden Codex, Maya manuscript. Chromolithograph of a page showing a section of a tonalamatl, a sacred season of 260 days
Storyteller Figure, A. D. 100 / 800. Creator: UnknownStoryteller Figure, A.D. 100/800
Handle Spout Vessel Depicting Oral Sex, 100 B. C. / A. D. 500. Creator: UnknownHandle Spout Vessel Depicting Oral Sex, 100 B.C./A.D. 500
Warrior Sipan-Mochica Pottery, Lambayeque, Peru, 2015. Creator: Luis RosendoPottery vessel belonging to the Mochica Culture, Sipan period, despicting warrior holding maze
Ballplayer Figure, between 400 and 600. Creator: UnknownBallplayer Figure, between 400 and 600
Hacha in the Form of a Skull, between 700 and 900. Creator: UnknownHacha in the Form of a Skull, between 700 and 900
Ballplayer Figure, between 600 and 900. Creator: UnknownBallplayer Figure, between 600 and 900
Grater with Handle in the Form of a Male Head, 300 B.C.-A.D. 300. Creator: UnknownGrater with Handle in the Form of a Male Head, 300 B.C.-A.D. 300
Ruins of Quemada, 1849. Creator: UnknownRuins of Quemada, 1849. The ancient site of La Quemada in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico, From "Pictorial History of Mexico and the Mexican War", by John Frost, LL.D
Ancient Aqueduct, from the Mountain of Tezcosingo, 1849. Creator: UnknownAncient Aqueduct, from the Mountain of Tezcosingo, 1849. Texcotzingo near Texcoco in Mexico is claimed to be one of the first extant botanical gardens in the Americas
Pyramids of San Juan, 1849. Creator: UnknownPyramids of San Juan, 1849. The pyramids at Teotihuacan in Mexico. From "Pictorial History of Mexico and the Mexican War", by John Frost, LL.D.. [Thomas, Cowperthwait and Co
Ancient Aztec Idol; An Ascent of the Cofre de Perote, Mexico, 1875. Creator: UnknownAncient Aztec Idol; An Ascent of the Cofre de Perote, Mexico, 1875. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London] Belle Sauvage Works.London E.C
Panel, Peru, 1250/1470. Creator: UnknownPanel, Peru, 1250/1470. Detail from a larger artwork
Fragment (Possibly From a Tunic), Peru, 600 / 1532 A. D. Creator: UnknownFragment (Possibly From a Tunic), Peru, 600/1532 A.D. Detail from a larger artwork
Portrait of Langston Hughes, 1943. Creator: Gordon ParksPortrait of Langston Hughes
Chichen-Itza. Creator: Joshua JohnstonChichen-Itza
Jar in the Form of a Figure Holding a Drum and Carrying a Child, A.D. 1200/1450. Peru, possibly Chimu-Inca
Squatting Female Figurine, A. D. 100 / 600. Creator: UnknownSquatting Female Figurine, A.D. 100/600. Costa Rica
Circular Nose Ornament Incised with Concentric Bands, A. D. 800 / 1200. Creator: UnknownCircular Nose Ornament Incised with Concentric Bands, A.D. 800/1200. Cocle, Venado Beach, Cocle province, Panama
Nose Ornament in the Form of a Turtle with C-shaped Body, A.D. 800/1200
Nose Ornament in the Form of an Long-Nosed Saurian with C-shaped Body, A. D. 800 / 1200Nose Ornament in the Form of an Long-Nosed Saurian with C-shaped Body, A.D. 800/1200. Cocle, Venado Beach, Cocle province, Panama
Double-Spouted Orangeware Bottle, 650 / 150 B. C. Creator: UnknownDouble-Spouted Orangeware Bottle, 650/150 B.C. Paracas, possibly Cerro Blanco, Ocucaje area, Ica Valley, Peru
Pedestal Bowl Depicting an Anthropomorphic Saurian Figure, A. D. 1100 / 1300Pedestal Bowl Depicting an Anthropomorphic Saurian Figure, A.D. 1100/1300. Cocle, possibly La Pena, Veraguas province, Panama
Jar with Abstract Human Face Painted on Shoulder, 650 / 150 B. C. Creator: UnknownJar with Abstract Human Face Painted on Shoulder, 650/150 B.C. Ica Valley, Peru
Filigree Pendant in the Form of a Frog or Toad, A. D. 500 / 1000. Creator: UnknownFiligree Pendant in the Form of a Frog or Toad, A.D. 500/1000. Cocle, Venado Beach, Cocle province, Panama
Covered Vessel with the Principal Bird and Peccary Heads, A.D. 200/300. Early Classic Maya, Peten region, Guatemala
Polychrome Plate Depicting a Standing Figure with Ornate Speach-Scroll, A. D. 600 / 900Polychrome Plate Depicting a Standing Figure with Ornate Speach-Scroll, A.D. 600/900. Classic Veracruz, Cerro Montoso style, Mexico
Double Pendant in the Form of a Mythical Saurian with Tusks, A. D. 800 / 1200Double Pendant in the Form of a Mythical Saurian with Tusks, A.D. 800/1200. Gold caiman-like creatures, with plaster restoration of boar tusks. Cocle, Cocle province, Panama
Open Bowl in the Form of a Jaguar, A. D. 600 / 900. Creator: UnknownOpen Bowl in the Form of a Jaguar, A.D. 600/900. Ometepe Island, Lake Nicaragua (Cocibolca), Nicaragua
Tripod Polychrome Bowl Depicting a Serpent with Feathers, A.D. 500/750. Classic Veracruz, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico
Necklace with Three Round Pendant Disks, A. D. 1000 / 1400. Creator: UnknownNecklace with Three Round Pendant Disks, A.D. 1000/1400. Near Guayaquil, Ecuador
Tripod vessel with Knotted Motif, A. D. 850 / 950. Creator: UnknownTripod vessel with Knotted Motif, A.D. 850/950. Classic Maya, Ulua River Valley, Honduras, or Peten region, Guatemala
Pendant in the Form of an Abstract Bird with Outstretched Wings and Tail, A.D. 1000/1550. Veraguas, Panama
Nose Ornament with Lateral Extensions in Suggesting Whiskers, Wings, or Fish Barbels, A.D. 1000/1500. Narino, Possibly Miraflores, Pupiales, Colombia
Male Figure, 500 / 300 B. C. Creator: UnknownMale Figure, 500/300 B.C. Chupicuaro, Formative period, Guanajuato, Mexico
Figure of a Woman in Ceremonial Dress, A. D. 700 / 900. Creator: UnknownFigure of a Woman in Ceremonial Dress, A.D. 700/900. Possibly Totonac, Nopiloa, Veracruz, Mexico
Bowl Depicting a Mask atop a Bighorn-Sheep Head, 1300 / 1400. Creator: UnknownBowl Depicting a Mask atop a Bighorn-Sheep Head, 1300/1400. Four Mile Polychrome, White Mountain Redware, Cibola region, Arizona
Tripod Bowl Depicting Head of Bird on its Interior Surface, A. D. 1200 / 1521Tripod Bowl Depicting Head of Bird on its Interior Surface, A.D. 1200/1521. Mixteca-Puebla style, Cholula, Puebla, Mexico
Pendant in the Form of a Frog, A. D. 1000 / 1500. Creator: UnknownPendant in the Form of a Frog, A.D. 1000/1500. Veraguas, Panama
Figurine (Tunjo) of a Figure Holding Plants and Cup, Wearing a Crown, A. D. 1000 / 1500Figurine (Tunjo) of a Figure Holding Plants and Cup, Wearing a Crown, A.D. 1000/1500. Muisca, Colombia
Jar with Textile-Like Pattern and Handle in Form of an Animal, A. D. 1000 / 1476Jar with Textile-Like Pattern and Handle in Form of an Animal, A.D. 1000/1476. Chancay, Peru
Tall Necked Jar in the Form of an Abstract Head with Animal Forms, A. D. 500 / 1000Tall Necked Jar in the Form of an Abstract Head with Animal Forms, A.D. 500/1000. Possibly Nieveria, Peru or Bolivia
Bowl Depicting a Bird with Outstretched Wings, 1300 / 1400. Creator: UnknownBowl Depicting a Bird with Outstretched Wings, 1300/1400. Four Mile Polychrome, White Mountain Red Ware, Cibola region, Arizona
Urn Painted with a Geometric Textile-like Pattern, A. D. 1100 / 1500. Creator: UnknownUrn Painted with a Geometric Textile-like Pattern, A.D. 1100/1500. Carchi, Carchi province, Ecuador
Pendant in the Form of a Seated Musician, A. D. 1000 / 1500. Creator: UnknownPendant in the Form of a Seated Musician, A.D. 1000/1500. Veraguas, Panama
Figurine (Tunjo) of a Standing Figure with Crossed Bands Covering Torso, A. D. 1000 / 1500Figurine (Tunjo) of a Standing Figure with Crossed Bands Covering Torso, A.D. 1000/1500. Muisca, Colombia
Chunkey Stone, A. D. 1200 / 1400. Creator: UnknownChunkey Stone, A.D. 1200/1400. Kaolin stone from a game which originated c. 600 AD. Mississippian, reportedly Kaskaskia River, Randolph County, Illinois
Figure of a Seated Leader, A. D. 300 / 600. Creator: UnknownFigure of a Seated Leader, A.D. 300/600. Totonac, Remojadas, Veracruz, Mexico
Fragment of a Ceremonial Ballgame Yoke, A. D. 700 / 800. Creator: UnknownFragment of a Ceremonial Ballgame Yoke, A.D. 700/800. During ballgames in Mesoamerica, a padded yoke was worn by players to protect the torso
Small Bowl with an Abstract Insect or Animal Painted in Interior, A. D. 950 / 1150Small Bowl with an Abstract Insect or Animal Painted in Interior, A.D. 950/1150. Mogollon, Arizona or New Mexico
Saddle-Face Bannerstone, c. 2600 B. C. Creator: UnknownSaddle-Face Bannerstone, c. 2600 B.C. Archaic, Posey County, Indiana
Gourd-Shaped Blackware Jar with Modeled Monkey Handle, A. D. 1000 / 1450. Creator: UnknownGourd-Shaped Blackware Jar with Modeled Monkey Handle, A.D. 1000/1450. Peru, possibly Lambayeque or Inca-Chimu
Jar, A. D. 950 / 1150. Creator: UnknownJar, A.D. 950/1150. Hohokam, Arizona
Polychrome Bowl with Abstract Geometric Motifs, 1000 / 1400. Creator: UnknownPolychrome Bowl with Abstract Geometric Motifs, 1000/1400. Four Mile Polychrome, Cibola region, Arizona
Ceremonial Ballgame Yoke, A. D. 700 / 800. Creator: UnknownCeremonial Ballgame Yoke, A.D. 700/800. During ballgames in Mesoamerica, a padded yoke was worn by players to protect the torso
Bottle with Underwater Serpents, A. D. 1300 / 1500. Creator: UnknownBottle with Underwater Serpents, A.D. 1300/1500. Mississippian, Nodena red and white, Possibly Arkansas, Mississippi County, Lacy site
Double-Edged Bannerstone, 5800 / 4000 B. C. Creator: UnknownDouble-Edged Bannerstone, 5800/4000 B.C. Archaic, Madison County, Tennessee
Birdstone, 1500 / 1000 B. C. Creator: UnknownBirdstone, 1500/1000 B.C. Archaic, Illinois or Indiana
Seated Figurine, c. 500 B. C. Creator: UnknownSeated Figurine, c. 500 B.C. Tlatilco, Preclassic period, Tlapacoya, Mexico
Bowl in the Shape of Underwater Serpent with Upturned Neck and Coiled Tail, A. DBowl in the Shape of Underwater Serpent with Upturned Neck and Coiled Tail, A.D. 1000/1400. Mississippian, Arkansas
Bowl, A. D. 950 / 1150. Creator: UnknownBowl, A.D. 950/1150. Mimbres branch of the Mogollon, Classic Mimbres Black-on-white, New Mexico
Notched Ovate Bannerstone, c. 4800 B. C. Creator: UnknownNotched Ovate Bannerstone, c. 4800 B.C. Archaic, Blokes Creek, Union Country, Ohio
Seated Figurine, 900 / 500 B. C. Creator: UnknownSeated Figurine, 900/500 B.C. Middle pre-Classic, Olmec-style, Mexico
Vessel Depicting a Mythological Scene, A. D. 600 / 800. Creator: UnknownVessel Depicting a Mythological Scene, A.D. 600/800. Maya, Codex Style, probably La Corona, Guatemala
Water-Lily Vessel, A. D. 750 / 800. Creator: Ah MaxamWater-Lily Vessel, A.D. 750/800. Maya, Naranjo, Peten, Guatemala
Vessel of the Dancing Lords, A. D. 750 / 800. Creator: Ah MaxamVessel of the Dancing Lords, A.D. 750/800. Cup-shaped ceramic vessel, Maya ruler dressed as the maize god with red glyphs and dancing figures, orange on cream ground
Miniature Rattle in the Form of a Figure Wearing Headdress and Mask, c. A. D. 200Miniature Rattle in the Form of a Figure Wearing Headdress and Mask, c. A.D. 200. Possibly Guacimo, Costa Rica
Basket, c. 1900. Creator: UnknownBasket, c. 1900. Panamint, California
Masked Figurine with Boar Headdress, Possibly a Ocarina (Whistle), c. A. D. 1300Masked Figurine with Boar Headdress, Possibly a Ocarina (Whistle), c. A.D. 1300. Tairona, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
Whistle with an Iguana or Saurian Sculpted on its Surface, c. A. D. 1300. Creator: UnknownWhistle with an Iguana or Saurian Sculpted on its Surface, c. A.D. 1300. Tairona, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
Blackware Vessel with Flaring Rim in the Form of a Seated Figure, A.D. 1000/1500. Manteno, Ecuador
Labret in the Form of a Saurian Head with Bifurcated Volute Emerging from Mouth, A. DLabret in the Form of a Saurian Head with Bifurcated Volute Emerging from Mouth, A.D. 1000/1500. Tairona, Colombia
Dancing Figure Wearing Animal Headdress and Ornate Costume, A. D. 600 / 900Dancing Figure Wearing Animal Headdress and Ornate Costume, A.D. 600/900. Late Classic Veracruz, Mexico
Pair of Earrings, A. D. 1000 / 1500. Creator: UnknownPair of Earrings, A.D. 1000/1500. Tairona, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
Single-Handled Pedestal Jar with Geometric Motifs and Appliques on Shoulders, A. DSingle-Handled Pedestal Jar with Geometric Motifs and Appliques on Shoulders, A.D. 1000/1470. Lambayeque, Peru
Gourd-Shaped Blackware Jar with Standing Puma on Shoulder, 200 B. C. / A. D. 200Gourd-Shaped Blackware Jar with Standing Puma on Shoulder, 200 B.C./A.D. 200. Salinar, Peru
Handle Spout Vessel in the Form of a Seated Man Carrying a Jar, A. D. 700 / 1000Handle Spout Vessel in the Form of a Seated Man Carrying a Jar, A.D. 700/1000. Lambayeque, Peru
Ritual Cache, 1300 / 1400. Creator: UnknownRitual Cache, 1300/1400. Carved ceremonial objects of a man, woman, snake, curved sticks, and cougar, used for communion with the spirits of the earth and sky. Salado branch of the Mogollon, Arizona
Carved Pendant Depicting a Costumed Figure with a Abstract Bird Headdress, A.D. 1000/1500. Guapiles, Costa Rica
Pendant in the Form of Four Double-Headed Figures with Long Beaks, Possibly Ducks, A. DPendant in the Form of Four Double-Headed Figures with Long Beaks, Possibly Ducks, A.D. 500/1000. Cocle, Venado Beach, Cocle province, Panama
Bowl, 1360 / 1450. Creator: UnknownBowl, 1360/1450. Roosevelt Red Ware, Cliff Polychrome, Tonto variety, Cibola region, Arizona
Standing, "Smiling"Figure with Hands Raised, A. D. 600 / 900. Creator: UnknownStanding, " Smiling" Figure with Hands Raised, A.D. 600/900. Remojadas, Veracruz, Mexico
Ballplayer Figurine, A. D. 800 / 1400. Creator: UnknownBallplayer Figurine, A.D. 800/1400. Huaxtec, Panuco River Valley, Veracruz, Mexico
Female Figurine, A. D. 800 / 1400. Creator: UnknownFemale Figurine, A.D. 800/1400. Huaxtec, Panuco River Valley, Veracruz, Mexico