Plutarch, (c. AD46- c120), 1830. Creator: UnknownPlutarch, (c.AD46- c120), 1830. Plutarch (c.AD46- c120) Greek biographer and essayist known primarily for his work Parallel Lives
The Women Of Amphissa, 1887. Creator: Sir Lawrence Alma-TademaThe Women Of Amphissa, 1887. Followers of Bacchus, the god of wine, awaken in the marketplace of Amphissa, Greece, where they have wandered from their home in Phocis during a night of ritual dancing
La Mère des Gracques, 1842. Creator: Honore DaumierLa Mere des Gracques, 1842. The Mother of the Gracchi
La Mort d'Agis, 1789. Creator: Nicolas Andre MonsiauLa Mort d'Agis, 1789. The Death of Agis. Scene inspired by Plutarch. The body of Agis, King of Sparta, who has just been strangled on the orders of Leonidas, lies on the ground
Marius, 1780-1817. Creator: Johann Heinrich LipsMarius, 1780-1817
Timocleia Before Alexander, ca. 1540-45. Creator: Leon DaventTimocleia Before Alexander, ca. 1540-45
Marius at Minturnae, ca. 1796-1800. Creator: Francois-Xavier FabreMarius at Minturnae, ca. 1796-1800
Phocion, (c402-c318 BC), 1830. Creator: UnknownPhocion, (c402-c318 BC), 1830. Phocion (c402-c318 BC) Athenian statesman and strategos, known to be honest and subject of one of Plutarchs Parallel Lives
Plutarch, 1701. Creator: AnonymousPlutarch, 1701. Private Collection
Theseus and the Centaur, Plutarch: Vitae Parallelae, 1491, (1917)Theseus and the Centaur, Plutarch: Vitae Parallelae, 1491. An illustration of Theseus and the Centaur from Plutarchs (c46-120) Vitae Parallelae
Plutarch (c46-120) Greek historian, biographer, and essayist, 1924Plutarch (c46-120) Greek historian, biographer, and essayist. Known primarily for Parallel Lives and Moralia. Taken from the Leaders of Men cigarette cards produced by Ogdens 1924
Rape of the Sabine women. Marble statue from Florence