William Pitt, the Younger, Addressing the Commons, 1793, (1947). Creator: Anton HickelWilliam Pitt, the Younger, Addressing the Commons, 1793, (1947). Session of parliament in the Palace of Westminster, London. Prime Minister William Pitt is on his feet
The Nuptial Bower with the Evil-One, peeping at the Charms of Eden, 1797. Private Collection
The Bottomless-Pitt, March 16, 1792. Creator: James GillrayThe Bottomless-Pitt, March 16, 1792
W. Pitt, Earl of Chatham, (1708-1778), 1830. Creator: UnknownW. Pitt, Earl of Chatham, (1708-1778), 1830. William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham (1708-1778) British Whig who served as Prime Minister mid 18th century
The Death of the Earl of Chatham, 1779. Creator: John Singleton CopleyThe Death of the Earl of Chatham, 1779
Frontispiece to the 2nd Edition of Lord St[anhop]es Observations on Mr. Pitts Plan of Finance, May 29, 1786
British Tars Towing the Danish Fleet into Harbour; the Broad-Bottom Leviathan trying Billys Old Boat, and the Little Corsican tottering on the Clouds of Ambition, October 1, 1807
The Patriotick Barber of New York, or the Captain in the Suds, February 14, 1775
Sic Transit Gloria Mundi, ca. 1762. ca. 1762. Creator: Paul SandwichSic Transit Gloria Mundi, ca. 1762
Portrait of a Man, Seated in Front of a Writing Desk, 1795-1800. Creator: Henry EdridgePortrait of a Man, Seated in Front of a Writing Desk, 1795-1800
A New Speaker and The Wedding Night, February 7, 1789. February 7, 1789A New Speaker and The Wedding Night, February 7, 1789
The Modern Egbert, or The King of Kings, January 8, 1789. January 8, 1789The Modern Egbert, or The King of Kings, January 8, 1789
Suitable Restrictions, January 28, 1789. January 28, 1789. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonSuitable Restrictions, January 28, 1789
The Q. A. Loaded With The Spoils of India and Britain, 1788. 1788The Q.A. Loaded With The Spoils of India and Britain, 1788
Sir Jeffery Dunstan Presenting an Address from the Corporation of Garratt, December 30, 1788
The Fall of Achilles, January 7, 1785. January 7, 1785. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Fall of Achilles, January 7, 1785
Public Characters, April 1, 1801. April 1, 1801. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonPublic Characters, April 1, 1801
A Touch on the Times, December 29, 1788. December 29, 1788. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonA Touch on the Times, December 29, 1788
Master Billys Procession to Grocers Hall, March 8, 1784. March 8, 1784Master Billys Procession to Grocers Hall, March 8, 1784
The Infant Hercules, February 3, 1784. February 3, 1784. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Infant Hercules, February 3, 1784
Billy Lackbeard and Charley Blackbeard playing at Football, February 7, 1784
The Hanoverian Horse and British Lion, March 31, 1784. March 31, 1784The Hanoverian Horse and British Lion, March 31, 1784
Single Combat in Moor-Fields or Magnamimous Paul O challenging All O, January 30, 1801
The Union, January 1, 1801. January 1, 1801. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonThe Union, January 1, 1801
State Butchers, January 28, 1789. January 28, 1789. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonState Butchers, January 28, 1789
1951 Killeen - MG, D. Pitt in pits at Silverstone during British GP meeting1951 Killeen - MG, D.Pitt in pits at Silverstone during British GP meeting
Lord Thurlow, (1731-1806), 1830. Creator: UnknownLord Thurlow, (1731-1806), 1830. Edward Thurlow (1731-1806) British lawyer and Tory politician educated at Kings School, Canterbury, Caius College, Cambridge and Inner Temple
W. Pitt, (1759-1806), 1830. Creator: UnknownW. Pitt, (1759-1806), 1830. William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806) British Tory, educated at Pembroke College, Cambridge and Lincolns Inn
C. Fox, (1749-1806), 1830. Creator: UnknownC. Fox, (1749-1806), 1830
Charles James Fox, c1780, (c1884). Creator: UnknownCharles James Fox, c1780, (c1884). Charles James Fox (1749-1806), British Whig educated at Eton College
William Pitt, c1780, (c1884). Creator: UnknownWilliam Pitt, c1780, (c1884). William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806) British Tory statesman and administrator, educated at Pembroke College, Cambridge
Lord Chatham, c1740, (c1884). Creator: UnknownLord Chatham, c1740, (c1884). William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham, (1708-1778) British Whig, educated at Eton College and Trinity College, Oxford
William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, c1770, (1890). Creator: UnknownWilliam Pitt, Earl of Chatham, c1770, (1890). William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham, (1708- 1778) British statesman and Whig group who served twice as Prime Minister of Great Britain
The Right Honorable William Pitt, (1759-1806), 1816. Creator: UnknownThe Right Honorable William Pitt, (1759-1806), 1816
Penury incurr d by endless riot, vanity, the lust of pleasure and variety!, c1820 CreatorPenury incurr d by endless riot, vanity, the lust of pleasure and variety! Ministerial grace deals him out money from the public chest, c1820
Pitt, Earl of Chatham; 1766, (1824). Creator: J ChapmanPitt, Earl of Chatham; 1766, (1824)
The 20th Middlesex (Artists) - Volunteers, 1890. Creator: Godfrey Douglas GilesThe 20th Middlesex (Artists) - Volunteers, 1890. From " Her Majestys Army, Vol. II", by Walter Richards. [J. S. Virtue & Co. Limited, London, 1890]
The Right Honourable William Pitt, 1829. Creator: ThomsonThe Right Honourable William Pitt, 1829
Demosthenes, Cicero and William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, 1750-1815
Bowling-Green House, (c1878). Creator: UnknownBowling-Green House, (c1878). The house at Putney Heath occupied by the heaven-born minister, William Pitt, and in which he died, was called at that time Bowling-Green House
The Right Honourable the Earl of Chatham seized with a Fit in the House of Peers, c1787The Right Honourable the Earl of Chatham seized with a Fit in the House of Peers previous to his death, c1787
The Times, plate I, c1762 (1895)
Income Tax, 1798. John Bull scratches his head at William Pitts (1759-1806) introduction of Income Tax. Pitt is shown as an angel playing a harp. Hand-coloured cartoon in the style of Gillray
William Pitt, (1933). Creator: UnknownWilliam Pitt, (1933). Portrait of William Pitt the Younger, British politician and Prime Minister (1759-1806)
William Pitt, (1881). Creator: UnknownWilliam Pitt, (1881). British statesman William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806) became Prime Minister at the age of 24, making him the youngest to hold the office in British history
William Pitt, c1800s, (1941). William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806), English politician and Prime Minister. From British Statesmen, by Enest Barker. [Collins, London, 1941]
Pitt Drilling Militia at Walmer Castle in 1803, (1896). Artist: JW EvansPitt Drilling Militia at Walmer Castle in 1803, (1896)
Political candour - ie Coalition resolutions of June 14th 1805... 1805. Charles James Fox makes a speech in the House of Commons. William Pitt the Younger sits alone on the Treasury bench
Westminster School, or Dr Busby settling accounts with Master Billy and his Playmates... 1785
The Hanoverian horse and British lion, 1784. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonThe Hanoverian horse and British lion, 1784. Scene in the House of Commons. On the left Charles James Fox is riding the British lion, facing William Pitt the Younger on the horse of Hanover
The State Auction, 1784. Artist: Thomas RowlandsonThe State Auction, 1784. William Pitt the Younger, as an auctioneer, disposing of British liberties in the House of Commons
Upright Billy, alias Orator Humbug, 1788. William Pitt is standing on a platform. On the left is a deputation from the City Committee which is led by Bishop Pretyman
The grand review on Sydenham Common... 1792
Election-troops, bringing in their accounts, to the pay-table, 1788. ArtistElection-troops, bringing in their accounts, to the pay-table, 1788
A forcible entrance into Leadenhall-Street; by Master Billy Declaratory upon a Dun d-ass, 1788
Ceceders in Limbo - ie - vagabonds made usefull... 1798. ArtistCeceders in Limbo - ie - vagabonds made usefull... 1798
Meeting of unfortunate citoyens, 1798. Artist: James GillrayMeeting of unfortunate citoyens, 1798. Charles James Fox and Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk, meeting on the pavement outside Brookss Club
Bank-notes - paper money - French alarmists... 1797. ArtistBank-notes - paper money - French alarmists... 1797. Showing the interior of the Bank of England
Scene inside the House of Commons, Westminster, London, 1795. Artist: James GillrayScene inside the House of Commons, Westminster, London, 1795. Patriotic regeneration, - viz - Parliament reform d, a la francoise, - that is - honest men (ie Opposition) in the seat of justice
The hopes of the party, prior to July 14th, 1791. ArtistThe hopes of the party, prior to July 14th, 1791
Master Billys procession to Grocers Hall, 1784
Earl of Chatham, 1809. Chatham, who sits in an armchair, is attended by a hideous doctor who takes his pulse. On his other side is Sir William Curtis in sailors and John Bull
The grand Duke of Middleburg or late Ld. C-t-m & Commdore Cur-ts paying their respects on their return from the glorious expedition, 1809. Lord Chatham weeps as he hands his sword to George III
A Mansion House treat - or smoking attitudes, London, 1800. On the right Lord Nelson, smoking a long pipe, phallic in design. He and Lady Hamilton are making metaphorical remarks on the subject
Political candour - i. e. Coalition resolutions of June 14th 1805Political candour - i.e. Coalition resolutions of June 14th 1805.... Fox makes a speech in the House of Commons. Pitt sits alone on the Treasury Bench
A smoking club, House of Commons, London, 1793. Depicting the House of Commons burlesqued as a smoking club whose quarrelsome members - Fox, Dundas, Pitt, etc. are puffing smoke at each other
Pray remember us poor children, 1795. Artist: Isaac CruikshankPray remember us poor children, 1795. Duke of York, Duke of Clarence and Prince of Wales at the door of the House of Commons. Henry Addington, Charles Fox and William Pitt speak
The Minister endeavouring to eke out Dr Pr-ty---ns Bisho-prick, 1787. ArtistThe Minister endeavouring to eke out Dr Pr-ty---ns Bisho-prick, 1787
The bottomless-Pitt, Pitt making a speech, London, 1792The bottomless-Pitt; showing William Pitt, exaggeratedly attenuated below the waist, making a speech before the table of the House of Commons, London, 1792
Two Youths contemplating Statues of Demosthenes, Cicero and Pitt, c1780-1848
Fleet Prison, London, 1691Figures inspecting debtors boils and carbuncles at Fleet Prison, London, 1691. From Moses Pitts The cry of the oppressed
Tony Pitt, The Under Ground, Eastbourne, East Sussex, 2014. Artist: Brian O ConnorTony Pitt, The Under Ground, Eastbourne, East Sussex, 2014
Disciples catching the mantle - the Spirit of Darkness overshadowing the Priests of Baal, pub. 1808 (hand coloured etching)
The Plumb-Pudding in Danger, or State Epicures Taking un Petit Souper, 1805. Private Collection
William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806), 1805. Private Collection
William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806), 1790s. Private Collection
William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806), 1799. Private Collection
Portrait of Anna Pitt as Hebe, 1792. Found in the collection of State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806), 1804. Artist: AnonymousWilliam Pitt the Younger (1759-1806), 1804. From a private collection
William Pitt the Younger, English politician and Prime MinisterWilliam Pitt the Younger (1759-1806), English politician and Prime Minister, 19th century (1894)
William Pitt the Younger, British statesman. Pitt (1759-1806) became Prime Minister at the age of 24, making him the youngest to hold the office in British history
William, Earl of Chatham, 1790. William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham (1708-1778), British statesman of the Whig group who led the government of Great Britain twice in the middle of the 18th century
Death of Chatham, 1859. Artist: Francis NicholsonDeath of Chatham, 1859. Death of William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham and British Whig, on 7 April 1778, during a debate in the House of Lords on the American War of Independence
The Times, 1762. Artist: William HogarthThe Times, 1762. Satire on King George III and the Seven Years War. The burning city is an allegory for the state of Europe. William Pitt is depicted on stilts, fanning the flames of war