Portratt of a boy, 1852-1854. Creator: Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903)Portratt of a boy, 1852-1854. Found in the Collection of the Ordrupgaard Museum, Charlottenlund
Astarte Syriaca, 1877, (c1912). Artist: Dante Gabriel RossettiAstarte Syriaca, 1877, (c1912). Painting in the Manchester Art Gallery. Depiction of the goddess Venus - the model was Jane Morris with whom Rossetti had a relationship
The Boulevard Montmartre on a Winter Morning, 1897. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Boulevard Montmartre on a Winter Morning, 1897
Rue de l Epicerie, Rouen (Effect of Sunlight), 1898. Creator: Camille PissarroRue de l Epicerie, Rouen (Effect of Sunlight), 1898
A Creek in St. Thomas (Virgin Islands), 1856. Creator: Camille PissarroA Creek in St. Thomas (Virgin Islands), 1856
The Louvre under Snow, 1902. Artist: Camille PissarroThe Louvre under Snow, 1902. Looking west along the River Seine, the Pont-des-Arts and the Louvre are seen in the distance
The Orchard, 1879, (1939). Creator: Camille PissarroThe Orchard, 1879, (1939). Jardin potager a l Hermitage. Pontoise. Kitchen garden at the Hermitage, Pontoise, northern France. Painting in the Musee d Orsay, Paris
Sea View, Fishponds, 1915, (c1932). Artist: Lucien PissarroSea View, Fishponds, 1915, (c1932). From Modern Art by Charles Marriott & Tis & Tis. [Colour Ltd. London, 1909]
Jalais Hill, Pontoise, 1867. Creator: Camille PissarroJalais Hill, Pontoise, 1867
The rainbow, Pontoise, 1877. Creator: Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903)The rainbow, Pontoise, 1877. Found in the Collection of the Kroller-Muller Museum, Otterlo
Le Pont-Marie vu depuis le quai d'Anjou, 1875. Creator: Pissarro; Camille (1830-1903)Le Pont-Marie vu depuis le quai d'Anjou, 1875. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
Femme étendant du linge, Éragny, c1887. Creator: Pissarro; Camille (1830-1903)Femme etendant du linge, Eragny, c1887. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
Spring morning with clouds, Éragny, 1900. Creator: Pissarro; Camille (1830-1903)Spring morning with clouds, Eragny, 1900. Found in the Collection of the Fuji Art Museum, Tokyo
Self-portrait, 1898. Creator: Pissarro; Camille (1830-1903)Self-portrait, 1898. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
Les Boulevards, exterieurs, effet de neige, 1879. Creator: Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903)Les Boulevards, exterieurs, effet de neige, 1879. Found in the Collection of Musee Marmottan Monet, Paris
The Red Roofs, 1877, (1939). Creator: Camille PissarroThe Red Roofs, 1877, (1939). Les toits rouges, coin de village, effet d hiver. Red roofs, corner of a village, winter. Bare trees in a French village. Painting in the Musee d Orsay, Paris
Prairies à Gisors, 1885. Creator: Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903)Prairies a Gisors, 1885. Private Collection
Le Louvre, 1902. Creator: Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903)Le Louvre, 1902. Found in the collection of the Musee des Beaux-Arts, Reims
Femme étendant du linge, 1887. Creator: Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903)Femme etendant du linge, 1887. Found in the collection of the Musee d'Orsay, Paris
Landscape, Bazincourt, 1881. Creator: Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903)Landscape, Bazincourt, 1881. Found in the collection of the Goteborg Konstmuseum
Le Jardin de Maubuisson, Pontoise, la Mere Bellette, 1882. Private Collection
La route de Rouen, les hauteurs de l'Hautil, Pontoise, 1872. Private Collection
Rising sun at Eragny, 1894. Creator: Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903)Rising sun at Eragny, 1894. Found in the Collection of the Musee d art moderne Andre Malraux Le Havre
Garden and henhouse at Octave Mirbeau s, Les Damps, 1892. Found in the Collection of the Collection Hasso Plattner
Washerwomen at the waters edge, Pontoise, 1878. Creator: Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903)Washerwomen at the waters edge, Pontoise, 1878. Private Collection
Plum Trees in Blossom, Eragny. The Painters Home, 1894. Found in the collection of Ordrupgaard Museum, Charlottenlund
The Gardener - Old Peasant with Cabbage, 1883-1895. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Gardener - Old Peasant with Cabbage, 1883-1895
Young Peasant Girls Resting in the Fields near Pontoise, 1882. Creator: Camille PissarroYoung Peasant Girls Resting in the Fields near Pontoise, 1882
Peasant Girl with a Straw Hat, 1881. Creator: Camille PissarroPeasant Girl with a Straw Hat, 1881
Peasant Woman, 1880. Creator: Camille PissarroPeasant Woman, 1880
Orchard in Bloom, Louveciennes, 1872. Creator: Camille PissarroOrchard in Bloom, Louveciennes, 1872
Landscape, Ile-de-France, 1873. Creator: Camille PissarroLandscape, Ile-de-France, 1873
The Fence, 1872. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Fence, 1872
Landscape at Les Patis, Pontoise, 1868. Creator: Camille PissarroLandscape at Les Patis, Pontoise, 1868
Eglise et ferme d Eragny (A Church and Farm at Eragny), 1890
Place du Carrousel, Paris, 1900. Creator: Camille PissarroPlace du Carrousel, Paris, 1900
The Louvre, Afternoon, Rainy Weather, 1900. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Louvre, Afternoon, Rainy Weather, 1900
Boulevard des Italiens, Morning, Sunlight, 1897. Creator: Camille PissarroBoulevard des Italiens, Morning, Sunlight, 1897
The Artists Garden at Eragny, 1898. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Artists Garden at Eragny, 1898
Hampton Court Green, 1891. Creator: Camille PissarroHampton Court Green, 1891
The Bather, 1895. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Bather, 1895
Charing Cross Bridge, London, 1890. Creator: Camille PissarroCharing Cross Bridge, London, 1890
Two Women Chatting by the Sea, St. Thomas, 1856. Creator: Camille PissarroTwo Women Chatting by the Sea, St. Thomas, 1856
Le Pont Boieldieu, Rouen, Soleil Couchant [The Pont Boieldieu at Sunset], 1896
Cowherd, ca. 1899. Creator: Camille PissarroCowherd, ca. 1899
Woman at the Gate, 1889. Creator: Camille PissarroWoman at the Gate, 1889
The Market at Gisors: Rue Cappeville, 1894-95. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Market at Gisors: Rue Cappeville, 1894-95
Cowherd, at Waters Edge, 1890. Creator: Camille PissarroCowherd, at Waters Edge, 1890
Bathers in the Shade of Wooded Banks, 1894. Creator: Camille PissarroBathers in the Shade of Wooded Banks, 1894
Bather, Evening, 1897. Creator: Camille PissarroBather, Evening, 1897
Four Bathers, 1895. Creator: Camille PissarroFour Bathers, 1895
Woman Arranging Her Hair, 1894. Creator: Camille PissarroWoman Arranging Her Hair, 1894
Bather Standing Among Grasses at the Shore, ca. 1894. Creator: Camille PissarroBather Standing Among Grasses at the Shore, ca. 1894
Goose Girl, 1888. Creator: Camille PissarroGoose Girl, 1888
The Cabbage Field, ca. 1880. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Cabbage Field, ca. 1880
The Street of the Grand Clock, Rouen, 1885. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Street of the Grand Clock, Rouen, 1885
The Cottage, 1879. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Cottage, 1879
Impressions of Rain, Rouen, 1883. Creator: Camille PissarroImpressions of Rain, Rouen, 1883
The Woods at L Hermitage, Pontoise, 1879. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Woods at L Hermitage, Pontoise, 1879
Chemin sous bois aPontoise, 1879. Creator: Camille PissarroChemin sous bois a Pontoise, 1879
Woman at a Well, 1891. Creator: Camille PissarroWoman at a Well, 1891
Landscape, second half 19th century. Creator: Camille PissarroLandscape, second half 19th century
Two Women in a Garden, 1888. Creator: Camille PissarroTwo Women in a Garden, 1888
Haystacks, Morning, Eragny, 1899. Creator: Camille PissarroHaystacks, Morning, Eragny, 1899
A Cowherd at Valhermeil, Auvers-sur-Oise, 1874. Creator: Camille PissarroA Cowherd at Valhermeil, Auvers-sur-Oise, 1874
Poplars, Eragny, 1895. Creator: Camille PissarroPoplars, Eragny, 1895
The Harvest, Pontoise (La Recolte, Pontoise), 1881. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Harvest, Pontoise (La Recolte, Pontoise), 1881
Barges at Pontoise, 1876. Creator: Camille PissarroBarges at Pontoise, 1876
Washerwoman, Study, 1880. Creator: Camille PissarroWasherwoman, Study, 1880
Steamboats in the Port of Rouen, 1896. Creator: Camille PissarroSteamboats in the Port of Rouen, 1896
Cote des Grouettes, near Pontoise, probably 1878. Creator: Camille PissarroCote des Grouettes, near Pontoise, probably 1878
Two Young Peasant Women, 1891-92. Creator: Camille PissarroTwo Young Peasant Women, 1891-92
A Washerwoman at Eragny, 1893. Creator: Camille PissarroA Washerwoman at Eragny, 1893
Bather in the Woods, 1895. Creator: Camille PissarroBather in the Woods, 1895
The Public Garden at Pontoise, 1874. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Public Garden at Pontoise, 1874
The Garden of the Tuileries on a Winter Afternoon, 1899. Creator: Camille PissarroThe Garden of the Tuileries on a Winter Afternoon, 1899
Morning, An Overcast Day, Rouen, 1896. Creator: Camille PissarroMorning, An Overcast Day, Rouen, 1896
Still Life with Apples and Pitcher, 1872. Creator: Camille PissarroStill Life with Apples and Pitcher, 1872
Gardener standing by a haystack, overcast sky, Eragny, 1899. Creator: Pissarro, CamilleGardener standing by a haystack, overcast sky, Eragny, 1899. Found in the Collection of Isabelle and Scott Black Collection
Bords de l Epte a Eragny, soleil couchant, 1897. Creator: Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903)Bords de l Epte a Eragny, soleil couchant, 1897. Private Collection
Dechargement de bois, quai de la Bourse, coucher de soleil, 1898. Creator: PissarroDechargement de bois, quai de la Bourse, coucher de soleil, 1898. Private Collection
Nature morte, tasse et theiere, 1899. Creator: Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903)Nature morte, tasse et theiere, 1899. Found in the Collection of Museum Langmatt
Pea Harvest, Eragny, 1893. Creator: Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903)Pea Harvest, Eragny, 1893. Found in the Collection of Museum Langmatt
Self-Portrait, c. 1853. Creator: Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903)Self-Portrait, c. 1853. Private Collection