A soldier carrying his pike at the slope, from the Lansquenets series, plate 11, ... published 1608A soldier carrying his pike at the slope, from the Lansquenets series, plate 11, in Waffenhandlung von den Roren Musquetten undt Spiessen / Wapenhandelinghe van Roers Musquetten ende Spiessen
Pikeman Armor for an Officer, Greenwich, 1625 / 30. Creator: UnknownPikeman Armor for an Officer, Greenwich, 1625/30
Drill with Tilted Pikes, 1634 / 1635. Creator: Jacques CallotDrill with Tilted Pikes, 1634/1635
Drill with Raised Pikes, 1634 / 1635. Creator: Jacques CallotDrill with Raised Pikes, 1634/1635
Pikemans armour, British, probably Greenwich or London, ca. 1620-30. The quality of this armor and its decoration suggest that it was worn by an officer
Plate 5: A Pikeman standing at right next to a cannon, other military figures... caPlate 5: A Pikeman standing at right next to a cannon, other military figures in the background, from Various Military Caprices (Varii capricci militari), ca. 1641
Plate 13: Two pikemen walking towards the right, each with their pikes in their right hands, from Various Figures (Agreable diversite de figures), 1642
Five Foot Soldiers and a Mounted Turk, ca. 1495. Creator: Albrecht DurerFive Foot Soldiers and a Mounted Turk, ca. 1495
A Pikeman, 1632. Creator: Abraham BosseA Pikeman, 1632
Plate 5: A Pikeman standing at right next to a canon, other military figures in the background, from Various Military Caprices (Varii capricci militari), ca. 1641
Landsknechts from the 16th century, 19th century. Artist: Ludwig BurgerLandsknechts from the 16th century, 19th century. Landsknechts were European, most often German, mercenary pikemen and supporting foot soldiers from the late 15th to the late 16th centuries
View of the procession of Marie de Medici along Cheapside, City of London, 1638 (1809). The procession was part of the French Queens visit to King Charles I and Henrietta Maria
Lady Jane Grey meeting the body of her husband on the way to the scaffold, 1554 (1840). Artist: George CruikshankLady Jane Grey meeting the body of her husband on the way to the scaffold, 1554 (1840). A grandniece of Henry VIII, Lady Jane Grey was proclaimed queen on Edward VIs death in 1553 in an attempt to
Entry of the King of Epinette, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original manuscript illustration held by the Library of Rouen
Guard, costume design for Shakespeares play, Henry VIII, 19th century. A 19th-century costume design for William Shakespeares (1564-1616) play, Henry VIII
Model Pikemen, Tomb of Mesehti, 12th Dynasty. Natives of the nome of Asiu, Egyptian Museum, Cairo
Troops of the Royal Guard, 12th-16th century (1887). Artist: A LemercierTroops of the Royal Guard, 12th-16th century (1887). A 12th or 13th century arbaletrier (crossbowman), 14th and 15th century archers and a 16th century pikeman
English Civil Wars: Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) at the Battle of Marston Moor, 2 July 1644. The Parliamentarians under Thomas Fairfax defeated the Royalists at this battle in Yorkshire