Professor August Krogh, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceProfessor August Krogh, between c1915 and c1920. Shows August Krogh (1874-1949), a Danish professor of zoophysiology at the University of Copenhagen
Dr. Emil Abderhalden, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceDr. Emil Abderhalden, between c1910 and c1915
Statue of John Hunter, by H. Weekes, R.A. in the Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1864. Creator: UnknownStatue of John Hunter, by H. Weekes, R.A. in the Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1864. John, by common consent of his successors
Professor Franciscus Donders (1818-1889), Physiologist and Opthalmologist, 1888
Portrait of François Vincent Raspail (1794-1878), chemist and politician, between 1794 and 1878. Creator: UnknownPortrait of Francois Vincent Raspail (1794-1878), chemist and politician, between 1794 and 1878
Portrait of François Magendie, c. 1822. Creator: Julien Leopold BoillyPortrait of Francois Magendie, c. 1822
Claude Bernard, [French physiologist], c. 1876. Creator: ValeryClaude Bernard, [French physiologist], c. 1876. Woodburytype, from the periodical " Galerie Contemporaine Litteraire, Artistique" (1877), volume 4
J. Abernethy, (1846). Creator: John CochranJ. Abernethy, (1846). Portrait of British surgeon and physiologist John Abernethy (1764-1831), who was a pupil of the prominent surgeon John Hunter. [Fisher, Son & Co, London, 1846]
John Abernethy F. R. S. 1819. Creator: J ThomsonJohn Abernethy F.R.S. 1819. Portrait of John Abernethy, English surgeon and physiologist. Abernethy (1764-1831) was a pupil of the prominent surgeon John Hunter
Professor EP Cathcart, CBE. FRS. (Glasgow University), 1926. Artist: Norah Neilson GrayProfessor EP Cathcart, CBE. FRS. (Glasgow University), 1926. Edward Provan Cathcart (1877-1954), Scottish physician and physiologist. From The Studio Volume 91
Sir Benjamin Brodie, English doctor, c1860 (1878). Benjamin Collins Brodie (1783-1862) was a physiologist and surgeon who pioneered research into bone and joint disease
Professor Rene Leriche, French surgeon and physiologist, 1939. A photograph from Album de Photographies, Dans L Intimite de Personnages Illustres, 1855-1915, Editions MD, 22 Rue de L Arcade, Paris 8
Etienne-Jules Marey, French physiologist and pioneer of cinematography, 1901. Marey (1830-1904) was a French physiologist who pioneered the use of photography to record and analyse movement
Claude Bernard, French physiologist, 1876. Bernard (1813-1878) investigated the liver, discovering glycogen, and determined that most of the process of digestion occurs in the small intestine
William Hyde Wollaston, Physiologist, chemist and physicist, 19th century. Artist: William Hyde WollastonWilliam Hyde Wollaston, Physiologist, chemist and physicist, 19th century
Benjamin Ward Richardson, British physician and writer on medical history, 1883. Artist: Lock & WhitfieldBenjamin Ward Richardson, British physician and writer on medical history, 1883. Richardson was an eminent physician, anaesthetist and physiologist
William Benjamin Carpenter, CB, MD, LLD, FRS, FLS, FGS, English physiologist and naturalist, 1883. From Men of Mark: a gallery of contemporary portraits of men distinguished in the Senate
John Abernethy, English surgeon and physiologist. Artist: J CochranJohn Abernethy, English surgeon and physiologist. Abernethy (1764-1831) was a pupil of the prominent surgeon John Hunter
Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, c1900Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, German physicist and physiologist, c1900. The inventor of the opthalmoscope (1850)
Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, German physicist and physiologist, 1907. The inventor of the opthalmoscope (1850)
Claude Bernard, 19th century French physiologist, 1913. Obverse of a silver plaquette commemorating the centenary of his birth
Medal commemorating Claude Bernard, French physiologist, 19th century. Bernard (1813-1878) investigated the liver, discovering glycogen
Claude Bernard, French physiologist, 19th century. From the obverse of a commemorative medal. Bernard (1813-1878) investigated the liver, discovering glycogen
John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, British physiologist, 1894. Artist: SpyJohn Scott Burdon-Sanderson, British physiologist, 1894. Burdon-Sanderson (1828-1905) was Regius professor of medicine at Oxford
Luigi Galvani, 18th century Italian physiologist, 1880Luigi Galvani, 18th century Italian physiologist, [1880]. Galvani (1737-1798) discovered animal electricity (voltaic or galvanic electricity)
Reverse of medal commemorating 50 years of cinematography by the Lumiere brothers, 1945. August (1862-1954) and Louis Lumiere (1864-1948), French chemists and pioneers of cinematography, 1945
Obverse of medal commemorating 50 years of cinematography by the Lumiere brothers, 1945. August (1862-1954) and Louis Lumiere (1864-1948), French chemists and pioneers of cinematography
Louis Jean Lumiere (1864-1948), pioneer of cinematography, c1935Louis Jean Lumiere (1864-1948), French chemist and pioneer of cinematography, c1935. Collaborated with his elder brother, Auguste. From obverse of commemorative plaquette
Etienne Jules Marey (1830-1903), French physiologist, 19th century. Pioneer of cinematography. From reverse of commemorative plaquette showing Marey at his desk
Etienne Jules Marey (1830-1903), with cine camera, 1903Etienne Jules Marey (1830-1903), French physiologist, with cine camera, 1903. Top: Chambre chrono-photographique, the first cine-camera, is used to study movement of creatures in aquarium
Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894), German physicist and physiologist, 1894Hermann Helmholtz (1821-1894). German physicist and physiologist, inventor of the Opthalmascope. Seen here giving a lecture on 7 July 1894 shortly before his death
Charles Herbert Best, Canadian physiologist, 1960. Bell (1899-1978) with an assistant (left) in the laboratory. Bell assisted Frederick Banting to isolate insulin (1921)
George von Bekesy (1899-1972), Hungarian-born American physiologist. He won the Nobel prize for physiology or medicine in 1961 for his pioneering research into the function of the inner ear
John Abernethy (1764-1831), English surgeon and physiologist, 1842. Abernethy was a pupil of the prominent surgeon John Hunter
Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), German bacteriologistPaul Ehrlich (1854-1915) German bacteriologist. Specialist in the fields of Haematology, Chemotherapy and Immunology. Shared Nobel prize for medicine or physiology with Mechnikov in 1908
Frederick Grant Banting (1891-1941), Canadian physiologist, 1923. Banting and his assistant, CH Best, discovered insulin in 1921