The Parable of the Sower and the Weeds, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Diagram showing Geocentric system of universe, 1539. Artist: Petrus ApianusDiagram showing Geocentric system of universe, 1539
Achilles dragging the body of Hector around the walls of Troy, 1648-50
The rest on the Flight into Egypt, 1740-71. Creator: Andrea ScacciatiThe rest on the Flight into Egypt, 1740-71
Head of a woman, ca. 1758. Creator: Lambert-Sigisbert AdamHead of a woman, ca. 1758
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, ca. 1640-42. Creator: Pietro TestaThe Sacrifice of Iphigenia, ca. 1640-42
Scrapbook containing Italian Etchings of the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries, 16th-17th century. [The Suicide of Dido]
Venus giving arms to Aeneas, ca. 1638-40. Creator: Pietro TestaVenus giving arms to Aeneas, ca. 1638-40
Saint Jerome before a crucifix accompanied by a lion and three putti, ca. 1631-37
Mary Magdalene in the desert, a cross borne by angels at the right, ca. 1630
The martyrdom of Saint Erasmus who is prostrate having in innards removed, two putti above holding the crown and palm of martyrdom, ca. 1630
The return of the prodigal son, the father embracing his son, from a series, ... ca. 1645The return of the prodigal son, the father embracing his son, from a series of four prints, ca. 1645
The prodigal son seated on a couch being served wine, revelers in the background, a monkey wearing a collar and chain in the lower left, from a series of four prints, ca. 1645
Venus and Adonis, surrounded by many putti, reclining after the hunt, with a dead boar in the lower right, 1631-37
The Garden of Venus who reclines in the centre before a herm of Pan and surrounded by cupids, ca. 1631-37
Io at the left as a cow, Jupiter on a cloud in the centre and Juno at the right with putti holding an eagle captive in the lower right, 1650-90
Matthew, from The Four Evangelists, 1610-20. Creator: Petrus FeddesMatthew, from The Four Evangelists, 1610-20
Mark, from The Four Evangelists, 1610-20. Creator: Petrus FeddesMark, from The Four Evangelists, 1610-20
Francisco Valdes, Spanish Commander, from the series Quatuor Personae... 1649
Floris II from the series Counts and Countesses of Holland, Zeeland, and West-Frisia, 1650
Platos symposium: Socrates and his companions seated around a table discussing ideal love interruputed by Alcibiades at left, 1648
The dream of St Joseph, who is sleeping at the right, the Virgin and Child by a cross surrounded by angels and many putti and with God the Father above, ca. 1635-37
The Holy Family fed by Angels, ca. 1642-44. Creator: Pietro TestaThe Holy Family fed by Angels, ca. 1642-44
The deluge, figures being pulled from the water, ca. 1640-42. Creator: Pietro TestaThe deluge, figures being pulled from the water, ca. 1640-42
St. Carlo Borromeo surrounded by angels, 1650-70. Creator: UnknownSt. Carlo Borromeo surrounded by angels, 1650-70
The sacrifice of Isaac by his father Abraham, ca. 1640-42. Creator: Pietro TestaThe sacrifice of Isaac by his father Abraham, ca. 1640-42
The prodigal son among the swine, from a series of four prints, ca. 1645
The departure of the prodigal son, shown about to mount a horse, from a series of four prints, ca. 1645
The Holy Family attended by Angels, ca. 1642-44. Creator: Pietro TestaThe Holy Family attended by Angels, ca. 1642-44
The garden of Venus, proof impression of upper left corner, ca. 1631-37
The garden of charity, woman representing Charity at right surrounded by children, ca. 1631-37
Self-Portrait, ca. 1645. Creator: Pietro TestaSelf-Portrait, ca. 1645
The Holy Family with the infant Saint John holding an apple, ca. 1630
The suicide of the philosopher Cato, who lies on his bed pulling out his innards watched by horrified disciples. 1648
The Garden of Charity, ca. 1631-37. Creator: Pietro TestaThe Garden of Charity, ca.1631-37
Sinorix carried from the temple of Artemis trying to escape the effects of the poisoning, ca. 1640
An allegory in honor of the arrival of Cardinal Franciotti as Bishop of Lucca, 1680-1700
The Suicide of Dido, 1650-1700. Creator: UnknownThe Suicide of Dido, 1650-1700
An allegory of painting, who as a child in the centre left draws on a tablet, surrounded by figures, many of whom are drawing, 1650-1700
The Adoration of the Magi, set before and architectural colonnade, ca. 1640
Luke, from The Four Evangelists, 1610-20. Creator: Petrus FeddesLuke, from The Four Evangelists, 1610-20
John, from The Four Evangelists, 1610-20. Creator: Petrus FeddesJohn, from The Four Evangelists, 1610-20
William IV from the series Counts and Countesses of Holland, Zeeland, and West-Frisia, 1650
Christ Warning the Disciples of False Prophets, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Christ Talking about his Return to the Father, from Das Plenarium, 1517
The Second Draught of Fishes by Saint Peter, from Das Plenarium, 1517
The Parable of the Sower, from Das Plenarium, 1517. CreatorThe Parable of the Sower, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Christ Healing the Leper, from Das Plenarium, 1517. CreatorChrist Healing the Leper, from Das Plenarium, 1517
The Entry into Jerusalem, from Das Plenarium, 1517. CreatorThe Entry into Jerusalem, from Das Plenarium, 1517
The Virgin as Mater Dolorosa and Simeon, from Das Plenarium, 1517
The Wedding at Cana, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schaufelein the ElderThe Wedding at Cana, from Das Plenarium, 1517
The Parable of the Rich Man and the Housekeeper, 2, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Parable of the Pharisees and the Tax-Collector, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Christ as Good Shepherd, from Das Plenarium, 1517. CreatorChrist as Good Shepherd, from Das Plenarium, 1517
The Rich Man in Hell and the Poor Lazarus in Abrahams Lap, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Christ Teaching the Disciples, 1, from Das Plenarium, 1517
The Incredulity of Thomas, from Das Plenarium, 1517. CreatorThe Incredulity of Thomas, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Christ Healing the Possessed, from Das Plenarium, 1517. CreatorChrist Healing the Possessed, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Christ and the Woman of Canaan, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Christ Healing the Blind, from Das Plenarium, 1517. CreatorChrist Healing the Blind, from Das Plenarium, 1517
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Christ Calming the Storm on Lake Tiberias, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Christ Healing the Deaf-Mute, from Das Plenarium, 1517. CreatorChrist Healing the Deaf-Mute, from Das Plenarium, 1517
St. John in Prison, from Das Plenarium, 1517. Creator: Hans Schaufelein the ElderSt. John in Prison, from Das Plenarium, 1517
St. John the Baptist Preaching, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Christ Deploring Jerusalem, from Das Plenarium, 1517. CreatorChrist Deploring Jerusalem, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Christ and the Woman Issuing Blood, from Das Plenarium, 1517. [Jesus healing the bleeding woman]
Historiae Venetae. Libri XII, 1551. Creator: Giulio BonasoneHistoriae Venetae. Libri XII, 1551. [Portrait of Cardinal Pietro Bembo]
The sacrifice of Iphigenia, 1650-1700. Creator: Attributed to Arnold van WesterhoutThe sacrifice of Iphigenia, 1650-1700
Sinorix being carried from the temple after being poisoned, 1650-1700
Christ and the Pharisees, from Das Plenarium, 1517. CreatorChrist and the Pharisees, from Das Plenarium, 1517
Christ Talking to the Disciples, 5, from Das Plenarium, 1517
A woman standing on a pedestal, wearing a fur-trimmed coat and ruff, ca. 1640-70. caA woman standing on a pedestal, wearing a fur-trimmed coat and ruff, ca. 1640-70
The Family of William Cavendish, Marquess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1656. 1656The Family of William Cavendish, Marquess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1656
Portrait of a Carthusian, 1446. Creator: Petrus ChristusPortrait of a Carthusian, 1446
Head of Christ, ca. 1445. Creator: Petrus ChristusHead of Christ, ca. 1445
The Lamentation, ca. 1450. Creator: Petrus ChristusThe Lamentation, ca. 1450
The Annunciation, ca. 1450. Creator: Petrus ChristusThe Annunciation, ca. 1450
A Goldsmith in his Shop, 1449. Creator: Petrus ChristusA Goldsmith in his Shop, 1449
Portrait of a Man with a Falcon, c1447, (1943). Creator: Petrus ChristusPortrait of a Man with a Falcon, c1447, (1943). Drawing in the Stadel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany
Double Portrait of Pierre and Jacques Dupuy, ca. 1648-49. Creator: Robert NanteuilDouble Portrait of Pierre and Jacques Dupuy, ca. 1648-49
Pierre and Jacques Dupuy, ca. 1648-49. Creator: Robert NanteuilPierre and Jacques Dupuy, ca. 1648-49
Pierre Dupuy, ca. 1648. Creator: Robert NanteuilPierre Dupuy, ca. 1648
Pierre Dupuy, ca. 1651. Creator: Robert NanteuilPierre Dupuy, ca. 1651