An escaped chimpanzee, 1930. Creator: UnknownAn escaped chimpanzee, 1930. Un Singes Etait Evade. (A monkey escaped). A fireman climbs a ladder to try and catch an ape on a roof as a woman watches from a window
A tragic masked ball, 1930. Creator: UnknownA tragic masked ball, 1930. Un Tragique Bal Masque. Guest in a burning bear costume. Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 30 March 1930]
Naval disarmament, 1930. Creator: UnknownNaval disarmament, 1930. Le Desarmement Naval. King George V (1865-1936) welcomes delegates of the United States, Japan, France and Italy to the London Naval Conference
He was very thin, 1930. Creator: UnknownHe was very thin, 1930. Il Etait Tres Maigre. Skinny man escaping through the bars of the prison at Loos near Lille, France. Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
Signing of the accord between the Vatican and Italy, 1929. Creator: UnknownSigning of the accord between the Vatican and Italy, 1929. L Accord Est Signe Entre Le Vatican Et L Italie. The Lateran Treaty, an agreement made between the Kingdom of Italy and the Holy See
Surpris Par Un Express, 1929. Creator: UnknownSurprised by an express train, 1929. Surpris Par Un Express. A steam locomotive bears down on people taken unawares. Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 17 November 1929]
Englishwoman martyred by the Chinese, 1930. Creator: UnknownEnglishwoman martyred by the Chinese, 1930. Une Anglaise Martyrisee Par Des Chinois. A terrified woman is restrained as her fingers are cut off with a knife on a wooden block
Scenes in the Himalayas, 1931. Creator: UnknownScenes in the Himalayas, 1931. Paysages De L Himalaya. (Himalayan landscapes). Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 4 January 1931]
A drama in the tiger cage, 1931. Creator: UnknownA drama in the tiger cage, 1931. Un Drame Dans La Cage Aux Tigres. A circus act goes wrong as tigers attack the tiger-tamer. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
Take me: I will bring you happiness, 1930. Creator: UnknownTake me: I will bring you happiness, 1930. " Prenez-Moi: Je Vous Porterai Bonheur!". In Bordeaux, the proprietors of a villa find an abandoned baby on the doorstep
Constantinople, or the final greed of the Huns, 1915. Creator: UnknownConstantinople, or the final greed of the Huns, 1915. Constantinople, Ou La Derniere Convoitise Du Boche. Oui!...mais il y a des baionnettes sur le chemin!
The heroism of the Cossacks, 1915. Creator: UnknownThe heroism of the Cossacks, 1915. L Heroisme Des Cosaques: Ils poursuivent la cavalerie allemande sur un pont en feu. Russian cossacks chase the Germany cavalry over a burning bridge in a scene
No, Alsace did not lie!, 1929. Creator: UnknownNo, Alsace did not lie!, 1929. Non, l Alsace n a Pas Menti!. Fellow politicians congratulate President of the French Republic Raymond Poincare after his moving speech on the Alsace question
A vehicle falls into the River Isere after an accident, 1930. Creator: UnknownA vehicle falls into the River Isere after an accident, 1930. A La Suite d une Collision, un Autocar Roule Dans l Isere. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 31 August 1930]
The assassination of President Paul Doumer, 1932. Creator: UnknownThe assassination of President Paul Doumer, 1932. Reconstitution de l abominable attentat perpetre le 6 Mai 1932 contre M. le President Paul Doumer
A ballooning accident, 1932. Creator: UnknownA ballooning accident, 1932. Un Accident en Ballon. A Monsieur Debaisieux and two companions were injured when their hot air balloon crashed into the roof of police headquarters in Lille, France
Paul Doumer, President of the French Republic, assassinated on 6 May 1932. Creator: UnknownPaul Doumer, President of the French Republic, assassinated on 6 May 1932. Monsieur Paul Doumer, President de la Republique Francaise, assassine le 6 Mai 1932
An audacious burglary, 1932. Creator: UnknownAn audacious burglary, 1932. Un Audacieux Cambriolage. Masked robbers make a daring raid on a Paris bank in broad daylight, breaking into the safe
Twenty elephants in the flames, 1932. Creator: UnknownTwenty elephants in the flames, 1932. Vingt Elephants dans les Flammes. A fire at a menagerie in Antwerp, Belgium. Front cover of " L Illustre du Petit Journal". [France, 1932]
An attack in Tokyo, 1932. Creator: UnknownAn attack in Tokyo, 1932. Un Attentat a Tokio. The Sakuradamon Incident on 9 January 1932 was an assassination attempt by a Korean independence activist, Lee Bong-chang (1900-1932)
Shocking robbery by bandits in New York, 1932. Creator: UnknownShocking robbery by bandits in New York, 1932. Une Stupefiante Agression des Bandits de New-York. Rich society couple Mr and Mrs Olemberg are tied up and robbed in New York, USA
Tragedy at the bottom of a well, 1932. Creator: UnknownTragedy at the bottom of a well, 1932. Une Tragedie au Fond d un Puits. A well-digger was trapped in a landslide while drilling
A dramatic abduction, 1932. Creator: UnknownA dramatic abduction, 1932. Un Enlevement Dramatique. Police stop a kidnapping attempt on Georges Agabekov (1896-1938), chief of the OGPU Near Eastern Section, in a street of Constanta, Romania
The horrible death of two electrians, 1929. Creator: UnknownThe horrible death of two electrians, 1929. L Horrible Mort de Deux Electriciens. Lift engineers are crushed to death in an industrial accident. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
Costes and Bellonte beat the flying distance record, 1929. Creator: UnknownCostes and Bellonte beat the flying distance record, 1929. Costes et Bellonte Battent Record de Distance en Avion. French aviators Dieudonne Costes (1892-1973) and Maurice Bellonte (1896-1983)
Firedamp explosion, 1932. Creator: UnknownFiredamp explosion, 1932. Coup de Grisou. On 9 December 1932, 7 miners were killed in an explosion at Cortonwood Colliery in South Yorkshire. An 8th man died later
An appalling cataclysm, 1932. Creator: UnknownAn appalling cataclysm, 1932. Un Epouvantable Cataclysme. Buildings are torn apart and people are killed and injured during the destruction of Saint-Denis de la Reunion
The disaster of the Promethee, 1932. Creator: UnknownThe disaster of the " Promethee", 1932. La Catastrophe du " Promethee". The French Navy submarine Promethee (Prometheus) sank suddenly off the coast of Normandy on 7 July 1932
Will he make gold?, 1932. Creator: UnknownWill he make gold?, 1932. Fabriquera-t-il de l or?. Engineer Zbigniew Dunikowski claimed to be in possession of a secret formula which allowed him to obtain gold from ordinary sand and rocks
The heroic ascent of Professor Piccard, 1932. Creator: UnknownThe heroic ascent of Professor Piccard, 1932. L Heroique Ascension du Professeur Piccard. Swiss physicist Auguste Piccard (1884-1962) built a balloon with an airtight cabin
Flooding in southern France, 1932. Creator: UnknownFlooding in southern France, 1932. Les Inondations du Midi. People fleeing as debris carried by floodwaters looms towards them. Front cover of " L Illustre du Petit Journal"
Tragic exodus, 1932. Creator: UnknownTragic exodus, 1932. Exode Tragique. Chinese civilians fleeing Shanghai under Japanese bombing attacks. Front cover of " L Illustre du Petit Journal". [France, 14 February 1932]
Catching geese with a fishing rod, 1929. Creator: UnknownCatching geese with a fishing rod, 1929. Faute De Mieux, Ils Pechent Des Oies. (For lack of anything better, they fish for geese). Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
French troops leaving the second Rhine zone, 1929. Creator: UnknownFrench troops leaving the second Rhine zone, 1929. Les Troupes Francaises Evacuent La Seconde Zone Rhenane. The French Army of the Rhine leaves the region of the Rhine river in Germany which they had
Andre Tardieu replies to questions, 1929. Creator: UnknownAndre Tardieu replies to questions, 1929. Monsieur Andre Tardieu (1876-1945) the French prime minister, answers questions after the reading of the ministerial declaration
In Haiti, the Americans let gunpowder do the talking, 1929. Creator: UnknownIn Haiti, the Americans let gunpowder do the talking, 1929. A Haiti, les Americains Font Parler la Poudre. (In Haiti, the Americans let gunpowder do the talking)
A ship catches fire in the Red Sea, 1930. Creator: UnknownA ship catches fire in the Red Sea, 1930. Un Paquebot Prend Feu Dans La Mer Rouge. Rescuers pull survivors from the water as a ship burns
A magnificent act of heroism, 1929. Creator: UnknownA magnificent act of heroism, 1929. Un Magnifique Acte d Heroisme. A man with a rope swims towards a ship foundering in rough seas. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
In the land of the Soviets, 1930. Creator: UnknownIn the land of the Soviets, 1930. Au Pays Des Soviets. By order of the government, religious buildings are systematically destroyed
Mysterious affair in Beziers, 1930. Creator: UnknownMysterious affair in Beziers, 1930. La Mysterieuse Affaire De Beziers. Dr Laget, accused of attempting to poison his sister, is brought face-to-face with her
Start of the African hunting season, 1931. Creator: UnknownStart of the African hunting season, 1931. En Afrique, Aussi, La Chasse Est Ouverte. Elephants, ostriches, and big game hunters with a dead lion. Below is a covered wagon
Investigation into the Trait d Union II, 1931. Creator: UnknownInvestigation into the " Trait d Union II", 1931. L Enquete Sur Le Trait-D Union II. In September 1931, French aviators Joseph Le Brix
The misfortune of being too fat, 1931. Creator: UnknownThe misfortune of being too fat, 1931. La Malchance D Etre Trop Gros. Escaping convicts attempt to pull their portly comrade through the sawn bars of a prison cell window
Police raid on an illicit distillery, 1930. Creator: UnknownPolice raid on an illicit distillery, 1930. La Police Fait Irruption Dans Une Distillerie Clandestine. Officers arrest men at an illegal alcohol distilling operation in Lille, France
Two policemen save a family, 1930. Creator: UnknownTwo policemen save a family, 1930. Deux Gendarmes Sauvent Une Famille. French policemen rescue a family and their horse from floods. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
Barrel-rolling championship, 1930. Creator: UnknownBarrel-rolling championship, 1930. Le Championnat Des Rouleurs De Tonneaux. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 3 August 1930]
Italy is in mourning, 1930. Creator: UnknownItaly is in mourning, 1930. L Italie Est En Deuil. Soldiers and fascist Blackshirts help in the rescue and recovery effort in the aftermath of a serious earthquake
A marriage in swimwear, 1929. Creator: UnknownA marriage in swimwear, 1929. Un Mariage En Costume De Bain. Bride, groom and guests wearing bathing costumes at a French marriage ceremony in the town hall
A home destroyed, 1930. Creator: UnknownA home destroyed, 1930. Le Foyer Detruit. Flooding in southern France: a distraught elderly couple salvage a few possessions from the wreckage of their home
How, in Morocco, one chastens a scavenger, 1929. Creator: UnknownHow, in Morocco, one chastens a scavenger, 1929. Comment, Au Maroc, On Chatie Un " Charognard". An unfortunate (and probably hungry)
In Alsace, a peasant woman is caught in a threshing machine, 1929. Creator: UnknownIn Alsace, a peasant woman is caught in a threshing machine, 1929. En Alsace, Une Paysanne Est Happee Par Une Machine A Battre
Five hundred years ago, 1929. Creator: UnknownFive hundred years ago, 1929. Il Y A Cinq Cents Ans. The amazing story of Joan of Arc began in Vaucouleurs. The teenage Joan of Arc (1412-1431) travelled to Vaucouleurs in northern France in 1428
An uprising on the island of Formosa, 1930. Creator: UnknownAn uprising on the island of Formosa, 1930. Un Soulevement dans l Ile de Formose. Revolting natives attack a Japanese school and kill twenty young girls
Monsieur Gaston Doumergue... has voted!, 1929. Creator: UnknownMonsieur Gaston Doumergue...has voted!, 1929. M. Doumergue Gaston...A Vote!. French statesman Doumergue Gaston (1863-1937) was President of the French Republic from 1924 to 1931
Less accurate than William Tell, 1929. Creator: UnknownLess accurate than William Tell, 1929. Moins Adroit Que Guillamume Tell. Theatre show: a sharp-shooter accidentally kills a knife-thrower. Cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
Eleven unfortunates asphyxiated in a night shelter, 1929. Creator: UnknownEleven unfortunates asphyxiated in a night shelter, 1929. Onze Malheureux Asphyxies Dans un Asile de Nuit. Firemen attend victims poisoned by gas at the Salle Saint-Jean-de-Dieu in the rue de
Convicts mutinying, 1930. Creator: UnknownConvicts mutinying, 1930. Une Mutinerie De Forcats. Prisoners on board the ship " La Martiniere" attempt to strangle a guard
Lifted into the air by his wedding ring, 1929. Creator: UnknownLifted into the air by his wedding ring, 1929. Enleve Dans Les Airs Par Son Alliance. A man dangles from a crane after his ring was caught on a hook. Cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
Another attack in Marseille!, 1929. Creator: UnknownAnother attack in Marseille!, 1929. Encore Un Attentat A Marseille!. Three masked bandits rob a bank cashier. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 29 December 1929]
A regiment of English dragoons puts out a fire with sabre blows, 1914. Creator: UnknownA regiment of English dragoons puts out a fire with sabre blows, 1914. Un Regiment De Dragons Anglais Eteint Un Incendie A Coups De Sabre
What the president admired during his trip to Brittany, 1914. Creator: UnknownWhat the (French) president admired during his trip to Brittany, 1914. Ce Que Le President De La Republique A Admire Dans Son Voyage En Bretagne
Norma Talmadge, 1930. Creator: UnknownNorma Talmadge, 1930. Concours Des Vedettes De Cinema (film star contest): Norma Talmadge. American actress Norma Talmadge (1893-1957) was one of the greatest film stars of the silent era
A Frenchwomans achievement, 1929. Creator: UnknownA Frenchwomans achievement, 1929. La Performance d Une Francaise. 22-year-old Aimee Pfanner crossed the Channel, from Calais to Dover
The Armenian Massacres, 1915. Creator: UnknownThe Armenian Massacres, 1915. Les Massacres D Armenie. Depiction of killings during the Armenian Genocide (also known as the Armenian Holocaust)
A condemned man escapes from the gallows, 1931. Creator: UnknownA condemned man escapes from the gallows, 1931. Un Condamne A Mort Parvient As Enfuir Au Pied De La Potence. A man with a noose round his neck flees from the scaffold, chased by police
A symbolic gesture, 1930. Creator: UnknownA symbolic gesture, 1930. Un Geste Symbolique. Thanks to TSF (Telecoms without Borders), a military bugle blown in front of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris answers the greeting of another bugle across
Amazing giant beetroot, 1929. Creator: UnknownAmazing giant beetroot, 1929. Les Surprises D Une Betterave Geante. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 27 October 1929]
Stranded train passengers are attacked by wolves, 1929. Creator: UnknownStranded train passengers are attacked by wolves, 1929. Les voyageurs d un train immobilise par la neige sont attaques par des loups
A volcano erupts in Martinique, 1929. Creator: UnknownA volcano erupts in Martinique, 1929. Un Volcan Se Reveille A La Martinique. People grab belongings and flee as smoke and lava spew out of a volcano
Tragic rebellion of prisoners in Cairo, 1914. Creator: UnknownTragic rebellion of prisoners in Cairo, 1914. Tragique Revolte De Prisonniers Au Caire. Egyptian soldiers fire on prisoners. Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Supplement Illustre"
German atrocities in Belgium: execution by machine gun, 1915. Creator: UnknownGerman atrocities in Belgium: execution by machine gun, 1915. Atrocites Allemandes En Belgique: Executions a la mitrailleuse. Civilians are shot by German soldiers during the First World War
View from on board a plane, 1931. Creator: UnknownView from on board a plane, 1931. Du Bord D Un Avion. Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 15 February 1931]
French troops are welcomed enthusiastically by the Serbs, 1915. Creator: UnknownFrench troops are welcomed enthusiastically by the Serbs, 1915. Les Serbes Accueillent Les Troupes Francaises Avec Enthousiasme
Marvels and curiosities of the plant world, 1931. Creator: UnknownMarvels and curiosities of the plant world, 1931. Merveilles Et Curiosites Du Monde Vegetal. Victoria regia (giant water lily)
A heroic act, 1914. Creator: UnknownA heroic act, 1914. La Tournee Heroique. A postman saves a traveller lost in the snows of the Alps. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Supplement Illustre". [France, 18 January 1914]
A wounded man attempts to stand up to receive his medal, 1915. Creator: UnknownA wounded man attempts to stand up to receive his medal, 1915. " La medaille militaire, mon general, c est debout qu il convient de la recevoir"
Mutiny in an American prison, 1931. Creator: UnknownMutiny in an American prison, 1931. Une Mutinerie Dans Une Prison Americaine. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 29 March 1931]
An original record, 1930. Creator: UnknownAn original record, 1930. Un Record Original. Setting a gastronomic record, a German swallows 75 hard-boiled eggs in 10 minutes and 30 seconds. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
Drama in a menagerie, 1930. Creator: UnknownDrama in a menagerie, 1930. Un Drame Dans Une Menagerie. A man uses a metal trident in an attempt to stop a lion attacking his companion. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
Derailment of a Russian military train, falling into the river Dornat, the train carried infantry soldiers troops and the accident resulted in 58 dead soldiers, engraved in Le Petit Journal May 30
Bulls attacking a passengers train, in Cercedilla tunnel exit, in the Sierra de Guadarrama, Madrid, engraving of Petit Journal May 31, 1908