Mummified head of a Scythian chief, 5th century BCMummified head of a Scythian chief from barrow 2, Pazyryk, Altai. The skull has been damaged by a battle axe blow, 5th century BC
Detail of Chinese silk found in a Scythian tombDetail of Chinese silk found in the tomb of a Scythian chief at Pazyryk, Altai, Russia. This is the earliest known Chinese silk surviving in good condition
Detail of a horseman and seated man from felt Scythian wall-hanging from tomb five at Pazyryk, Altai, in Russia. now in the Hermitage Museums collection in St Petersburg
Scythian saddle-cover with applied felt decoration, 5th century BCScythian saddle-cover with applied felt decoration showing a gryphon attack from Barrow I, Pazyryk, Altai, 5th century BC
Detail of Scythian pile carpet, 5th century BCDetail of Scythian pile carpet from Scythian tomb at Pazyryk, Altai, Russia, 5th century BC
Detail of an Iranian cloth shabrack, found in a Scythian tomb, 5th century BCDetail of an Iranian cloth shabrack, showing women at an altar, found in the burial-mound of a Scythian chief at Pazyryk, Russia, 5th century BC
Detail of a Chinese embroidered silk tussore with a phoenix from a Scythian tombDetail of a Chinese embroidered silk tussore with a phoenix, the earliest known example of chinese silk surviving in good condition
Scythian wooden harness-ornament, 5th century BCScythian wooden harness-ornament from the frozen tomb of a chief. Found in barrow three at Pazyryk, Altai, in Russia. From the Heritage Museum in St Petersburg, 5th century BC
Scythian riding outfit found in a tomb, 5th century BCScythian riding outfit. The central face represents a local facial type at the time. Found in barrow one, Pazyryk. Now in the Hermitage Museums collection in St Petersburg, 5th century BC
Detail of Scythian pendant shaped like two deer, 5th century BCDetail of Scythian pendant shaped like two deer, from a riding outfit. Found in barrow one, Pazyryk, Altai, in Russia. Currently in the Hermitage Museum, Russia, 5th century BC