Trial of Lord Lovat, Westminster Hall, London, 1747. Interior view of Westminster Hall, with both houses of Parliament assembled for the trial of the Jacobite, Simon, Lord Lovat
Charles I and Speaker Lenthall, c1850, (1947). Creator: UnknownCharles I and Speaker Lenthall, c1850, (1947). On 4 January 1642, King Charles I (1600-1649, standing, in hat) entered the House of Commons to arrest five Members of Parliament for high treason
Inside the clock face of Big Ben, Palace of Westminster, London, c1905. Photo published in Parliament Past and Present by Arnold Wright and Philip Smith, (London, c1905)
Tsar Nicholas II at the opening ceremony of the first Duma, St Petersburg, Russia, 1906
The House of Commons During A Debate, 1858, (1947). Creator: UnknownThe House of Commons During A Debate, 1858, (1947). Interior of the Palace of Westminster in London, with (all-male) members of parliament on opposing benches. Lithograph after a painting
Portrait of Arthur Atherley as an Etonian, c1791. Creator: Thomas LawrencePortrait of Arthur Atherley as an Etonian, c1791
Mottoes used on banners in English Civil WarDevices and mottoes used by Parliament officers on standards and banners in the English Civil War, 1641-47
The Tea-Room, House of Commons, Westminster, London, 19th century. From Cassells Illustrated History of England, volume X, published by Cassell, Petter, Galpin and Co
Take away that Bauble: Cromwell dissolving the long Parliament, 1850. Artist: John LeechTake away that Bauble: Cromwell dissolving the long Parliament, 1850. A satirical illustration on the expulsion of Members of Parliamnet by Cromwell, 1653
The Old Parliament House, Dublin, 19th century
The Houses of Lords and Commons, Westminster, London, 1815. Artist: ByrneThe Houses of Lords and Commons, Westminster, London, 1815
The Reform Bill, 1832 (c1850s). The Rt Hon Earl Grey introduced the Reform Act in Parliament in 1832. It was intended to make wide-ranging changes to the British electoral system
Election of Representative Peers for Scotland, at Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh, 1880
The crowd outside the National Assembly, Versailles, during the debate on the Dissolution, 1872. 'The French Political Crisis
Counsellor of the Aix-en-Provence Parliament, 1733. Creator: Michel-Francois Dandre-BardonCounsellor of the Aix-en-Provence Parliament, 1733.
Portrait of Gabriel Bernard de Rieux, 1739-1741. Creator: Maurice-Quentin de La TourPortrait of Gabriel Bernard de Rieux, 1739-1741
William Pitt, the Younger, Addressing the Commons, 1793, (1947). Creator: Anton HickelWilliam Pitt, the Younger, Addressing the Commons, 1793, (1947). Session of parliament in the Palace of Westminster, London. Prime Minister William Pitt is on his feet
The Right Honourable Edward Geoffrey Stanley, Earl of Derby, K. G. c1860, (c1884The Right Honourable Edward Geoffrey Stanley, Earl of Derby, K.G. c1860, (c1884)
Scene in front of the Grand Theatre, Bordeaux, 1871. Creator: UnknownScene in front of the Grand Theatre, Bordeaux, 1871
Cheering popular members of the National Assembly in the streets at Bordeaux, 1871. Franco-Prussian War
The National Assembly at Bordeaux discussing the terms of peace, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe National Assembly at Bordeaux discussing the terms of peace, 1871. Franco-Prussian War. Illustration showing the National Assembly sitting...held in the saloon of the Grand Theatre'
The Palais de Justice at Versailles during the elections, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Palais de Justice at Versailles during the elections, 1871. Franco-Prussian War
Waiting-room of the National Assembly at Versailles, 1871. Creator: William James PalmerWaiting-room of the National Assembly at Versailles, 1871. The experienced observer of public business...will find no difficulty in understanding the motives of each group
Reichstag in session, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceReichstag in session, between c1915 and c1920
Parliament Building, 1916. Creator: Bain News ServiceParliament Building, 1916. Shows the main building of the Canadian parliamentary complex on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada which burned on February 3, 1916
Debating Chamber of the House of Deputies of Austria, Vienna, c1865. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
The Bottomless-Pitt, March 16, 1792. Creator: James GillrayThe Bottomless-Pitt, March 16, 1792
The Speakers Procession, 1884, (1947). Creator: Francis Wilfrid LawsonThe Speakers Procession, 1884, (1947). Members of Parliament inside the Palace of Westminster in London. The Speaker is Henry Bouverie William Brand
The creation of a new German republic, Reichstag, Berlin, 9 November 1918, (c1920). Berlin under the new Regime...scene outside the Reichstag during Herr Scheidemanns proclamation of a republic
Liberty Square with Parliament House, Budapest, Hungary, c1930s. Creator: UnknownLiberty Square with Parliament House, Budapest, Hungary, c1930s
Seldon, (1584-1654), 1830. Creator: UnknownSeldon, (1584-1654), 1830
Anne, (1665-1714), 1830. Creator: UnknownAnne, (1665-1714), 1830
Princess Alexandra... at the opening of King Edward VIIs First Parliament, 1901Princess Alexandra as Queen of England: Her Majesty passing through the Royal Gallery at the opening of King Edward VIIs First Parliament, February 14, 1901
King Edward VII. And Queen Alexandra at the Opening of His Majestys First Parliament, 1901King Edward VII. And Queen Alexandra at the Opening of His Majestys First Parliament, February 14, 1901
Right Hon. George Hamilton Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen, c1810, (c1884). Creator: UnknownRight Hon. George Hamilton Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen, c1810, (c1884)
Sir Robert Peel Bart. c1820, (c1884). Creator: UnknownSir Robert Peel Bart. c1820, (c1884). Sir Robert Peel, 2nd Baronet (1788-1850) British industrialist and Conservative, educated at Christ Church, Oxford
George Canning, c1810, (c1884). Creator: UnknownGeorge Canning, c1810, (c1884). George Canning (1770-1827) British Tory educated at Eton College and Christ Church, Oxford
Thomas Holles Pelham, Duke of Newcastle, K. G. c1740, (c1884). Creator: UnknownThomas Holles Pelham, Duke of Newcastle, K.G. c1884. Thomas Pelham-Holles (1693-1768), British Whig, educated at Westminster School and Clare College, Cambridge
Henry Grattan, c1810, (c1880). Creator: James RamsayHenry Grattan, c1820, (c1880)
Disraelis First Speech in the House of Commons, London, 7 December 1837, (1901). British Conservative statesman Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) was elected Tory MP for Maidstone in 1837
King George V and Queen Mary at their first opening of Parliament, 6 February 1911, (1951)Their Majesties King George V and Queen Mary at their first opening of Parliament, 6 February 1911, (1951). George V (1865-1936) and Mary of Teck (1867-1953) of the United Kingdom
Parliament Building, Athens, 1912. Creator: Bain News ServiceParliament Building, Athens, 1912. Shows the Old Parliament House which served the Greek Parliament from 1875 to 1935, located at 11 Stadiou Street, Athens, Greece
Portrait of Judge Martin Howard, 1767. Creator: John Singleton CopleyPortrait of Judge Martin Howard, 1767
Hon. F.E. Guest, between 1912 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceHon. F.E. Guest, between 1912 and c1915. Shows British politician Frederick Edward Guest (1875-1937)
(Terauchi?) addressing Lower House, Japan, 1917. Creator: Bain News Service(Terauchi?) addressing Lower House, Japan, 1917
Council of Empire, Germany, 1919 or 1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceCouncil of Empire, Germany, 1919 or 1920. Shows one of the legislative bodies of the Weimar Republic (Germany) which was established in 1919. It was also called the Reichsrat
Pupils of primary schools in Krasnoyarsk celebrate the opening of the State Duma on the Yenisei River, 1906
Sitting of the Skouptschina, or Parliament of Servia, 1876. Creator: UnknownSitting of the Skouptschina, or Parliament of Servia, 1876. Engraving after a sketch by...M. Charles Yriarte, the well-known French traveller and historian
Sketches of the Royal Procession at the Opening of Parliament, 1876. Creator: UnknownSketches of the Royal Procession at the Opening of Parliament, 1876. The Carriages; God save the Queen [Victoria]; The Queen at the Peers entrance'
Au Palais de Tauride; Le palais de Tauride, siege de la Douma et centre de la revolution russe; l'edifice comprend une aile gauche, symetrique a l'aile droite que montre cette photographie
La Revolution Russe; Des soldats en armes se sont introduits dans le cabinet de lecture de la Douma, 1917. The Russian Revolution: armed soldiers enter the reading room in the Duma
View of the House of Parliament on College Green Square in Dublin , 1753
Parliament and Changing of the Guard, Athens, Greece, 2003. Creator: Ethel DaviesSentries from the elite light infantry 24 hour honour guard who change every hour, in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Solider, Syntagma Square, Athens, Greece, 2003
Parliament and Changing of the Guard, Athens, Greece, 2012. Creator: Ethel DaviesSentries from the elite light infantry 24 hour honour guard who change every hour, in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Solider, Syntagma Square, Athens, Greece, 2012
Parliament and Changing of the Guard, Athens, Greece, 2018. Creator: Ethel DaviesSentries from the elite light infantry 24 hour honour guard who change every hour, in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Solider, Syntagma Square, Athens, Greece, 2018
Project de Parlement d'été soumis à l'Europe par le CHARIVARIProject de Parlement d'ete soumis a l'Europe par le CHARIVARI... 1868. Summer Parliament project submitted to Europe by the CHARIVARI. From Actualites
The Parliament Buildings, Quebec, the official residence of the Prince of Wales during his stay in Quebec, [Canada], 1860
La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Premiere séance solennelle de l'AssembleeLa Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Premiere seance solennelle de l'Assemblee nationale allemande, le 6 fevrier 1919
La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Les femmes dans l'Assemblee: trios representantes du parti socialiste majoritaire et une elue du parti national
La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Les femmes dans l'Assemblee: trios representantes du parti socialiste majoritaire et une elue du parti national. Frau Clara Schuch, de Berlin, 1919
La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Les femmes dans l'Assemblee: trois representantes du parti socialiste majoritaire et une elue du parti national
The Raadzaal, Pretoria, c1900. Creator: A.E. HuittThe Raadzaal, Pretoria, c1900. The Ou Raadsaal (Old Council Hall) is a historic building in Pretoria, South Africa
Les fetes de la victoire en Belgique; Le president de la Republique francaise a la tribune de la Chambre des representants belges, au Palais de la Nation, a Bruxelles, le 22 juillet 1919
La Paix Victorieuse; La reception de M Wilson a la Chambre Francais: Le president Wilson a la tribune du Palais-Bourbon, le 3 fevrier 1919, 1919
L'Apotheose du Droit; M. Clemenceau a la tribune de la Chambre, le 11 novembre 1918, a quatre heures de l'apres-midi, 1918
La Chute des Habsbourg; Proclamation de la Republique de l'Autriche allemande, devant le Palais du Parlement, a Vienne, le 12 novembre 1918, 1918
Soirée chez M. Dupin, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierSoiree chez M. Dupin, 19th century. Physiogomy of the Assembly - Evening at Mr. Dupin's
Le jour ou il y a une nouvelle, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLe jour ou il y a une nouvelle, 19th century. Physiogomy of the Assembly - the new day
Parliament bldgs. from Major [i.e. Major's] Hill Park, Ottawa, between 1890 and 1901
Parliament buildings, Ottawa, between 1890 and 1901. Creator: UnknownParliament buildings, Ottawa, between 1890 and 1901
Parliament buildings, Toronto, c1901. Creator: UnknownParliament buildings, Toronto, c1901
Une petite séance a la buvette, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUne petite seance a la buvette, 19th century. Physiogomy of the Assembly - A small session at the refreshment bar
Le jour ou... Théobald a appris son dégommage, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLe jour ou... Theobald a appris son degommage, 19th century. Physiogomy of the Assembly - the day that...Theobald learned his injury
Conciliabule chez le grand homme, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierConciliabule chez le grand homme, 19th century. Physiogomy of the Assembly - Conversation with the great man
L'Alsace et la Lorraine retrouvees; les deputes d'Alsace et de Lorraine siegeant pour la premiere fois a la Chambre francaise, le 8 decembre 1919