Ludee, One of the Wives of Abba Thulle, May 1, 1788. Creator: Henry KingsburyLudee, One of the Wives of Abba Thulle, May 1, 1788
Prince Lee Boo, Second Son of Abba Thulle, May 1, 1788. Creator: Henry KingsburyPrince Lee Boo, Second Son of Abba Thulle, May 1, 1788
Concert of the Orchestra at the Palau de la Musica Catalana, with the soloist baritone Joan Pons
The OCB (Orquesta Ciutat de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya) on stage at the Palau de la Musica Catalana
Detail of the exterior of the Palau de la Musica Catalana (1905-1908), with the Sculpture group The Catalan popular canco, by Miquel Blay
Detail of the facade of the Guell Palace, it was built between 1886 and 1891, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Wood coffered ceiling in one of the upstairs ceilings of the Güell Palace, builtWood coffered ceiling in one of the upstairs ceilings of the Guell Palace, built between 1886 and 1891, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Dome of the great hall of the Guell Palace parabolic shaped, built between 1886 and 1891, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Basements of the Güell Palace, built between 1886 and 1891, designed by AntoniBasements of the Guell Palace, built between 1886 and 1891, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Chimneys on the roof of the Güell Palace 1886-1890, designed by Antoni Gaudi i CornetChimneys on the roof of the Guell Palace 1886-1890, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet, renovated by an architect of the Council of Barcelona in 1992
Chimneys on the east sector of the Güell Palace, 1886-1890, designed by AntoniChimneys on the east sector of the Guell Palace, 1886-1890, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet, renovated by an architect of the Council of Barcelona in 1992
Perspective of the chimneys in the west area of the Güell Palace 1886-1890Perspective of the chimneys in the west area of the Guell Palace 1886-1890, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Detail of the facade of the attached platform of the Güell Palace 1886-1890Detail of the facade of the attached platform of the Guell Palace 1886-1890, work by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Perspective of the roof terrace of the Güell Palace building 1886-1890, designedPerspective of the roof terrace of the Guell Palace building 1886-1890, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Coffered ceiling of the visits room on the first floor of the Güell Palace 1886-1890Coffered ceiling of the visits room on the first floor of the Guell Palace 1886-1890, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Coffered ceiling of the lost steps room on the first floor of the Güell PalaceCoffered ceiling of the lost steps room on the first floor of the Guell Palace, 1886-1890, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Perspective view of the main dining room of the Güell Palace with the original furniturePerspective view of the main dining room of the Guell Palace with the original furniture, 1886-1890, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Perspective view of the lantern in the main hall of the Güell Palace, 1886-1890Perspective view of the lantern in the main hall of the Guell Palace, 1886-1890, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Entrance to the main hall of the Güell Palace, from the corridor that linksEntrance to the main hall of the Guell Palace, from the corridor that links it to the dining room, in foreground the organ and the access staircase to the tribune at the bottom
Main Dining Room of the Güell Palace with the original furniture, 1886-1890Main Dining Room of the Guell Palace with the original furniture, 1886-1890, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Detail of the main hall of the Güell PalaceDetail of the main hall of the Guell Palace, 1886-1890, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Main staircase and carriage entrance of the Güell Palace in Barcelona, ??1886-1889Main staircase and carriage entrance of the Guell Palace in Barcelona, ??1886-1889 by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Entrance to the main hall and chapel on the right side of the Güell Palace, 1886-1890Entrance to the main hall and chapel on the right side of the Guell Palace, 1886-1890, designed by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Driveway, porch and stairs and perspective of access to the Güell Palace concierge sDriveway, porch and stairs and perspective of access to the Guell Palace concierge s. Work by Antoni Gaudi i Cornet
Victor Maria Concas and Palau (Barcelona, 1845-Banos de Montemayor, Caceres, 1916), general of the Spanish Navy and Minister of Marine