Execution in Villalar in 1521 of the three Comuneros leaders: Juan de Padilla, Juan Bravo and Francisco Maldonado accused of treason to King Charles V
Philip IV, his court and the Meninas detail, oil by Eugenio Lucas, 1858
Battle of Villalar (April 23, 1521), the Comunero Juan Bravo is taken prisoner by the royalist soldiers
The Comuneros fighting in Toledo after the battle of Villalar (1521)
The great Capea (bullfighting with young bulls) oil on canvas
Bullfight in a village, oil on table
Execution in Villalar in 1521 of the three commoner leaders: Juan de Padilla, Juan Bravo and Francisco Maldonado, accused of treason to King Charles V
Salon of Maria de Padilla, Alcazar, Seville, Spain, late 19th century. Artist: John L StoddardSalon of Maria de Padilla, Alcazar, Seville, Spain, late 19th century. The Alcazar was built over Moorish ruins during the 14th century for King Pedro of Castile