Still Life with Fruits and a Goldfinch, 1855. Creator: Otto Didrik OttesenStill Life with Fruits and a Goldfinch, 1855
Still Life with Melons and Grapes, 1851. Creator: Otto Didrik OttesenStill Life with Melons and Grapes, 1851
Roses and Myrtles, 1876. Creator: Otto Didrik OttesenRoses and Myrtles, 1876
Flowers in a Vase, 1869. Creator: Otto Didrik OttesenFlowers in a Vase, 1869
Still Life with Roses and Strawberries, 1843. Creator: Otto Didrik OttesenStill Life with Roses and Strawberries, 1843
A Moss Rose Tree Sourrounded by Summer Flowers, 1864. Creator: Otto Didrik OttesenA Moss Rose Tree Sourrounded by Summer Flowers, 1864
Spring in Charlottenlund Forest, 1862. Creator: Otto Didrik OttesenSpring in Charlottenlund Forest, 1862
Still Life with Fruit and Flowers, 1852. Creator: Otto Didrik OttesenStill Life with Fruit and Flowers, 1852