Gunners of the Battleship Oregon, Manila Bay, Philippine Islands. 1899. Creator: RY YoungGunners of the Battleship Oregon, Manila Bay, Philippine Islands. 1899
Mrs. Coe, Mrs. Duniway, Gov. West, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceMrs. Coe, Mrs. Duniway, Gov. West, between c1910 and c1915. Shows Abigail Scott Duniway signing Oregon's Equal Suffrage Proclamation on Nov. 30, 1912, while Governor Oswald West and Viola M
Mount Hood, from the Columbia, 1872. Creator: Robert HinshelwoodMount Hood, from the Columbia, 1872. View of the Columbia River and Mount Hood, a potentially active stratovolcano in Oregon, north western USA
Margaret Howe [Oregon], 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceMargaret Howe [Oregon], 1913. Shows actress Margaret Vale Howe, a participant in the suffrage parade in Washington, D.C. March 1913
Oregon girls in N. Y. c1912. Creator: Bain News ServiceOregon girls in N. Y. c1912. Probably shows suffragists from Oregon who were visiting New York City before meeting in Washington, D.C. with President Wilson
Oregon girls in N.Y. 1912. Creator: Bain News ServiceOregon girls in N.Y. 1912. Shows suffragists from Oregon who were visiting New York City before meeting in Washington, D.C. with President Wilson
Parade On Pennsylvania Ave - Oregon Unit, between 1910 and 1921
Holiday trappings, c1910. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisHoliday trappings, c1910. Cayuse woman on horseback, wearing beaded buckskin dress; horse has long fringe and beaded trappings, Oregon
Klamath woman, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left, c1923
A Klamath head-dress, c1923. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisA Klamath head-dress, c1923. Klamath man, bust portrait, facing front, wearing head dress
A Klamath in costume, c1923. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisA Klamath in costume, c1923. Klamath Indian, full-length portrait, standing, facing front
Woman at Cow Hollow, Oregon, 1939. Creator: Dorothea LangeWoman at Cow Hollow, Oregon, 1939. [Image possibly related to Sam Cates from Oklahoma]
Christmas Valley. Creator: Joshua JohnstonChristmas Valley
Two Nezperce Warriors and a Boy, 1855 / 1869. Creator: George CatlinTwo Nezperce Warriors and a Boy, 1855/1869. Hee-ohks-te-kin and H co-a-h co-a-h coates-min (warriors in black foot dress) with a boy Hee-doghts-e-ats (14 years old)
Three Young Chinook Men, 1855 / 1869. Creator: George CatlinThree Young Chinook Men, 1855/1869. a band of the Flatheads, at the mouth of the Columbia River. O-sil-le
Map of North America, showing the... positions of Texas and Oregon with the United StatesMap of North America, showing the relative positions of Texas and Oregon with the United States, 1845
View on the Columbia, Cascades, 1867. Creator: Carleton Emmons WatkinsView on the Columbia, Cascades, 1867
Cape Horn near Celilo, 1867. Creator: Carleton Emmons WatkinsCape Horn near Celilo, 1867
Pompomasos (Leaping Frogs), Three Brothers, 1861. Creator: Carleton Emmons WatkinsPompomasos (Leaping Frogs), Three Brothers, 1861
Castle Rock, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876. Creator: Carleton Emmons WatkinsCastle Rock, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876
Tooth Bridge, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876. Creator: Carleton Emmons WatkinsTooth Bridge, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876
Islands in the Upper Cascades, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876
Cape Horn, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876. Creator: Carleton Emmons WatkinsCape Horn, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876
Multnomah Falls, Oregon, 1867, printed later. Creator: Carleton Emmons WatkinsMultnomah Falls, Oregon, 1867, printed later
Multnomah Falls Cascade, Columbia River, 1867. Creator: Carleton Emmons WatkinsMultnomah Falls Cascade, Columbia River, 1867
Passage of the Dalles, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876. Creator: Carleton Emmons WatkinsPassage of the Dalles, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876
Cascades, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876. Creator: Carleton Emmons WatkinsCascades, Oregon, 1867, printed ca. 1876
Near Last Camp on Ross Fork, Snake River, Lander Wagon Road, Oregon, 1859
Multanomah Falls, 1872. Creator: W. J. LintonMultanomah Falls, 1872. View of the Multnomah Falls on the Columbia River Gorge, Oregon, north western USA
Mount Hood, 1872. Creator: John FilmerMount Hood, 1872. View of Mount Hood, a potentially active stratovolcano in Oregon, north western USA
Falls of the Willamette, 1872. Creator: Alfred HarralFalls of the Willamette, 1872. Waterfall in Oregon, USA: The falls of this stream [the Willamette River] are justly celebrated for their beauty
The Three Sisters, 1872. Creator: W. J. LintonThe Three Sisters, 1872. Volcanic peaks in Oregon, USA: Striking the forks of the Mackenzie River near Eugene City, the snow-clad summits of the Three Sisters loom up into the pleasant air
Southern Side of Willamette Falls, 1872. Creator: Albert BobbettSouthern Side of Willamette Falls, 1872. Waterfall in Oregon, USA: when below the falls, the tremendous proportions of the scenery forcibly impress the mind
Pilot Knob, 1872. Creator: Henry Duff LintonPilot Knob, 1872
Umpqua Canon, 1872. Creator: Robert Swain GiffordUmpqua Canon, 1872. Canyon of the Umpqua River, Oregon, USA: the road enters the Umpqua Mountains, and is soon involved in the terrors and the gloom of the Umpqua Canon
Mount Hood, Oregon, from an Airplane - Fairchild Aerial Surveys Inc. c1930s. From " Tour of the World". [Keystone View Company, Meadville, Pa. New York, Chicago, London]
Mount Hood, Oregon, c1897. Creator: UnknownMount Hood, Oregon, c1897. Mount Hood in the Cascade Range is considered the Oregon volcano most likely to erupt. From " A Tour Through the New World America", by Prof. Geo. R. Cromwell
Pillars of Hercules, Columbia River, c1897. Creator: UnknownPillars of Hercules, Columbia River, c1897. The Union Pacific rail line went between two basalt columns on the Oregon side of the Columbia River
Portland, Oregon, c1897. Creator: UnknownPortland, Oregon, c1897. Water access provided convenient transportation of goods, the timber industry was a major force in the citys early economy
Wife of Modoc Henry [A]-Klamath, c1923. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisWife of Modoc Henry [A]-Klamath, c1923. Klamath woman, bust portrait, facing front
Pillars of Hercules, Columbia River, USA, c1900. Creator: UnknownPillars of Hercules, Columbia River, USA, c1900. Dramatic rock formation also called the Needles, in the Columbia River Gorge in the Pacific Northwest
Portland, Oregon, USA, c1900. Creator: UnknownPortland, Oregon, USA, c1900. Portland, the largest city in Oregon, began to be populated in the 1830s near the end of the Oregon Trail. From Scenic Marvels of the New World edited by Prof. Geo.R
Multinomah Falls, 19th century. From The Colonial Portfolio, by. [The Werner Company, London]
Map of Oregon, c1910. Artist: Emery Walker LtdMap of Oregon, c1910. Duotone Print
Rooster Rock, curious rock formation along the Columbia River, Oregon, 1902. From The Underwood Travel Library, [Underwood & Underwood, London, New York, 1902]
The Oregon battleship, (1898), 1920sShe took part in the Battle of Santiago de Cuba, where she and the cruiser Brooklyn were the only ships fast enough to chase down the Spanish cruiser Cristobal Colon, forcing its surrender
Lewis and Clark Exposition, Government Building, Guilds Lake, Portland, Oregon, USA, 1905
Log flume, Oregon, USA. Artist: Underwood & UnderwoodLog flume, Oregon, USA. Stereoscopic card detail
Hop picking, Eugene, Oregon, USA. Artist: Underwood & UnderwoodHop picking, Eugene, Oregon, USA. Stereoscopic card detail
Strawberry picking, Cedar Creek Farm, Hood River Valley, Oregon, USA. Stereoscopic card detail
A stagecoach journey, USA, 19th century (1937). Artist: Britton & ReyA stagecoach journey, USA, 19th century (1937). The stagecoach was operated by the California and Oregon Stage Company
Mount Hood, Oregon, USA, 1893. Artist: John L StoddardMount Hood, Oregon, USA, 1893. Illustration from Portfolio of Photographs of Famous Cities, Scenes and Paintings, (The Werner Company, Chicago, c1893)
Looking north along Third Street, Portland, Oregon, USA, c1900s
View in Oregon, 1900. The Columbia river and Mount Hood. Illustration from The life and times of Queen Victoria, by Robert Wilson, (1900)