The rush gatherer-Kutenai [A], c1910. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisThe rush gatherer-Kutenai [A], c1910
Before the storm, c1906. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisBefore the storm, c1906. Four Apaches on horseback under storm clouds
Eskimo, 1916. Creator: Lomen BrothersEskimo, 1916
Eskimo woman, c1907, printed (1916?). Creator: Lomen BrothersEskimo woman, c1907, printed (1916?)
Eskimo woman posing, 1915(?). Creator: Lomen BrothersEskimo woman posing, 1915(?)
A Seminole mother and children, c.between 1910 and 1920. Creator: UnknownA Seminole mother and children, c.between 1910 and 1920
Costumes de Différents Pays, Iroquois Allant a la DecouverteCostumes de Differents Pays, Iroquois Allant a la Decouverte, c1797
Costumes de Différents Pays, Guerrier IroquoisCostumes de Differents Pays, Guerrier Iroquois, c1797
Northwest Coast, c.1927. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisNorthwest Coast, c.1927. Female portrait
Northwest Coast, c.1927. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisNorthwest Coast, c.1927. Man standing next to shelter of Northwest Coast Indians. From The North American Indian by Edward S. Curtis
Costumes de Différents Pays, Sauvagesse IroquoiseCostumes de Differents Pays, Sauvagesse Iroquoise, c1797
Northwest Coast, c.1927. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisNorthwest Coast, c.1927. Indians in boat
Northwest Coast, c.1927. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisNorthwest Coast, c.1927. Indians launching a boat
Jukok, Nunivak, 1928. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisJukok, Nunivak, 1928
Waterproof Parkas, Nunivak, 1928. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisWaterproof Parkas, Nunivak, 1928
Aiyak, Cape Prince of Wales, 1928. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisAiyak, Cape Prince of Wales, 1928
Dahchihtok, Nunivak, 1928. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisDahchihtok, Nunivak, 1928
Nunivak Youth, 1928. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisNunivak Youth, 1928
Hooper Bay Man, 1928. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisHooper Bay Man, 1928
Kenowun, Nunivak, 1928. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisKenowun, Nunivak, 1928
Ukowuhhuh, Hooper Bay, 1928. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisUkowuhhuh, Hooper Bay, 1928
Siluk, Diomede, 1928. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisSiluk, Diomede, 1928
Koaninok, Cape Prince of Wales, 1928. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisKoaninok, Cape Prince of Wales, 1928
White Weasel-Ponca, 1927. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisWhite Weasel-Ponca, 1927
Wapistan ('Marten')-Cree, 1926. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisWapistan ('Marten')-Cree, 1926
Nasurethur-Chipewyan, 1926. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisNasurethur-Chipewyan, 1926
Itsipstsinikyi ('Kills-Inside')-Piegan, 1926. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisItsipstsinikyi ('Kills-Inside')-Piegan, 1926
A Clayoguot Woman, 1915. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisA Clayoguot Woman, 1915
Oksiwik, Cape Prince of Wales, 1928. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisOksiwik, Cape Prince of Wales, 1928
St. Paul, Minn. the Mississippi from the Indian mounds, between 1880 and 1899
St. Paul, Minn. from the Indian mounds, between 1880 and 1899. Creator: UnknownSt. Paul, Minn. from the Indian mounds, between 1880 and 1899
Allegory of the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between the States General of the United Netherla Creator: AnonAllegory of the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between the States General of the United Netherlands and the United States of America, The Hague, 7 October 1782, 1782-1785
Indian basket market, Mackinac, An, c1905. Creator: UnknownIndian basket market, Mackinac, An, c1905
Alchise, Apache Indian, half-length portrait, left profile, c1906
Czele Marie (School girl), c1907. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisCzele Marie (School girl), c1907. Head-and-shoulders portrait of Pima girl
Indians poling up the Skeena River, between c1900 and c1930. Creator: UnknownIndians poling up the Skeena River, between c1900 and c1930
Indians in native dress, between c1900 and 1923. Creator: UnknownIndians in native dress, between c1900 and 1923
Judge James Wickersham in council with Indian chiefs, between 1900 and 1907
Yellow Horse-Yanktonai, half-length portrait, standing, facing slightly right, with long braids, two eagle feathers in hair, wrapped in buffalo skin, c1908
Quniaika-Mohave, c1903. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisQuniaika-Mohave, c1903. A Mohave man, head-and-shoulders portrait, draped in blanket, facing front
Qa hila-Koprino, c1914. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisQa hila-Koprino, c1914. Qa hila, a Koprino man, bust portrait, facing front, with bone in nose
Yellow Bull-Nez Percé, c1905. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisYellow Bull-Nez Perce, c1905. Yellow Bull, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front
Coast Pomo with feather head-dress, c1924. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisCoast Pomo with feather head-dress, c1924. Head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left
Three Horses, c1905. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisThree Horses, c1905. Three Horses, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, wearing headdress
Charlie Wood-Kobuk, c1929. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisCharlie Wood-Kobuk, c1929. Charlie, Wood, half-length portrait, facing front
Three Eagles, a Nez Percé IndianThree Eagles, a Nez Perce Indian, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left, c1910
Papago cleaning wheat (Winnowing wheat), c1907. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisPapago cleaning wheat (Winnowing wheat), c1907
PioPio-Maksmaks, Profile-Wallawalla, c1905. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisPioPio-Maksmaks, Profile-Wallawalla, c1905
PioPio-Maksmaks-Wallawalla, c1905. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisPioPio-Maksmaks-Wallawalla, c1905
Upshaw-Apsaroke, c1905. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisUpshaw-Apsaroke, c1905. Upshaw, an Apsaroke man in full headdress, half-length portrait, facing front
Gathering abalones-Nakoaktok, c1910. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisGathering abalones-Nakoaktok, c1910. Kwakiutl woman gathering abalones, Washington
On the shores of the Pacific-Tolowa, c1923. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisOn the shores of the Pacific-Tolowa, c1923. Dorothy Lopez Williams standing on hillside looking out over the Pacific Ocean
Oz Sue, c1903. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisOz Sue, c1903. Head-and-shoulders portrait of a Native American man, facing front
Tah-Lay, Apache? Indian, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, wearing blanket and headband, c1903
Oyegi-a ye ("Frost Moving"), Santa Clara Governor, c1905. Oyegi-a ye, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, wearing cap with feathers and a single horn
Daughter of Tamahus-Cayuse, c1910. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisDaughter of Tamahus-Cayuse, c1910. Cayuse woman, head-and-shoulderws portrait, facing front
Ow High, c1905. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisOw High, c1905. Ow High, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front
O Che Che, Mohave Indian woman, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, c1903
Nova-Walpi, c1906. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisNova-Walpi, c1906. Nova, a Walpi man, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front
Two Charger Woman, c1907. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisTwo Charger Woman, c1907. Full-length portrait of Brule Woman
Arikara chief, c1908. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisArikara chief, c1908. Photograph shows Sitting Bear, an Arikara chief, in full regalia, with a medallion around his neck
Ndee Sangochonh, Apache Indian, half-length portrait, facing front, c1906
White Shield-Arikara, c1908. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisWhite Shield-Arikara, c1908. White Shield, half-length portrait, facing left
Tah It Way, c1905. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisTah It Way, c1905. Tah It Way, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, peace pipe on right
Tull Chee Hah, c1905. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisTull Chee Hah, c1905. Half-length portrait of man facing front
Sings in the Mountains, c1905. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisSings in the Mountains, c1905. Sings in the Mountains, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front
Woman's primitive dress-Tolowa, c1923. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisWoman's primitive dress-Tolowa, c1923. Ada Lopez Richards, full-length portrait, standing near the shore wearing hat, necklaces, and dress
Mowakiu-Tsawatenok, c1914. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisMowakiu-Tsawatenok, c1914. Mowakiu, a Tsawatenok Indian, bust portrait, facing front
Sigesh-Apache, c1904. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisSigesh-Apache, c1904. Head-and-shoulders portrait of an Apache Indian, right profile
Sitting Bear-Arikara, c1908. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisSitting Bear-Arikara, c1908. Sitting Bear, Arikara man, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front
Sù^-Donii ("Osier-Willow Blossom")-Pyramid Lake PaviotsoSu^-Donii ("Osier-Willow Blossom")-Pyramid Lake Paviotso, c1924. Head-and-shoulders portrait of Native American
Wife of Mnainak-Yakima, c1910. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisWife of Mnainak-Yakima, c1910. Yakima woman, half-length portrait, facing front
We-Ton, c1900. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisWe-Ton, c1900. We-Ton, half-length portrait, facing front
Tonovige-Havasupai, c1907. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisTonovige-Havasupai, c1907. Tonovige, Havasupai woman, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly right
Running Rabbit, c1900. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisRunning Rabbit, c1900. Running Rabbit, Native man, half-length portrait, standing, facing front, holding staff
Que Que Tas, c1905. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisQue Que Tas, c1905. Head-and-shoulders portrait of Native man
Kutenai female type, c1910. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisKutenai female type, c1910. Kootenai woman, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front
The Potter-Santa Clara, c1905. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisThe Potter-Santa Clara, c1905. Santa Clara woman, full-length portrait, seated with pottery
Little Hawk, c1907. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisLittle Hawk, c1907. Head-and-shoulders portrait of Brule man
A Cupeño woman, c1924. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisA Cupeno woman, c1924. Cupeno woman, bust portrait, facing front
Little Daylight, c1905. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisLittle Daylight, c1905. Little Daylight, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front
A Desert Cahuilla woman, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right, c1924
Lotsubelo-Quilcene, c1913. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisLotsubelo-Quilcene, c1913. Quilcene woman, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front
A Chukchansi matron, c1924. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisA Chukchansi matron, c1924. Chukchansi woman, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front