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Nile Valley Collection

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Looking down on the island of Philae and its temples, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood

Looking down on the island of Philae and its temples, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Looking down on the island of Philae and its temples, Egypt, 1905. Over on the right is the square kiosk which the natives call Pharaohs Bed; it has no roof and never was finished

Background imageNile Valley Collection: View of the White Nile; The Nile Valley above Khartum, 1875. Creator: Unknown

View of the White Nile; The Nile Valley above Khartum, 1875. Creator: Unknown
View of the White Nile; The Nile Valley above Khartum, 1875. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London]

Background imageNile Valley Collection: L'elevation des eaux du Nil pour l'irrigation; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914

L'elevation des eaux du Nil pour l'irrigation; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Jules Gervais-Courtellemont
L'elevation des eaux du Nil pour l'irrigation; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: La recolte des dattes en Egypte; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

La recolte des dattes en Egypte; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
La recolte des dattes en Egypte; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Le Caire. Environs Du Caire; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

Le Caire. Environs Du Caire; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
Le Caire. Environs Du Caire; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Les pyramides de Gizeh; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

Les pyramides de Gizeh; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
Les pyramides de Gizeh; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Karnak. Le temple de Ramses IV. Porte triomphale; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Felix Bonfils

Karnak. Le temple de Ramses IV. Porte triomphale; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Felix Bonfils
Karnak. Le temple de Ramses IV. Porte triomphale; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Ruines de Karnak; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Jules Gervais-Courtellemont

Ruines de Karnak; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Jules Gervais-Courtellemont
Ruines de Karnak; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Le nilometer de L'ile Roda; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

Le nilometer de L'ile Roda; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
Le nilometer de L'ile Roda; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Abords de l'avenue de Gezireh pendant la crue du Nil; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

Abords de l'avenue de Gezireh pendant la crue du Nil; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
Abords de l'avenue de Gezireh pendant la crue du Nil; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Les berges du Nil a Ouadi-Halfa; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Jules Gervais-Courtellemont

Les berges du Nil a Ouadi-Halfa; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Jules Gervais-Courtellemont
Les berges du Nil a Ouadi-Halfa; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: L'ile de Philae; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Jules Gervais-Courtellemont

L'ile de Philae; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Jules Gervais-Courtellemont
L'ile de Philae; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Louqsor. Pylone et obelisque du Grand Temple; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

Louqsor. Pylone et obelisque du Grand Temple; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
Louqsor. Pylone et obelisque du Grand Temple; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Karnak: Ruines du troisieme pylone du grand temple; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

Karnak: Ruines du troisieme pylone du grand temple; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
Karnak: Ruines du troisieme pylone du grand temple; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Barrage d'Assouan; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

Barrage d'Assouan; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
Barrage d'Assouan; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Les granites de Philae; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

Les granites de Philae; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
Les granites de Philae; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: La seconde cataracte a Ouadi-Halfa; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

La seconde cataracte a Ouadi-Halfa; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
La seconde cataracte a Ouadi-Halfa; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: La premiere cataracte; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

La premiere cataracte; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
La premiere cataracte; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Four Palms on Verdant Field Near Nile, January 4, 1876. Creator: Lockwood de Forest

Four Palms on Verdant Field Near Nile, January 4, 1876. Creator: Lockwood de Forest
Four Palms on Verdant Field Near Nile, January 4, 1876

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Full Moon Over Luxor Ruins, Off the Nile, February 9, 1876. Creator: Lockwood de Forest

Full Moon Over Luxor Ruins, Off the Nile, February 9, 1876. Creator: Lockwood de Forest
Full Moon Over Luxor Ruins, Off the Nile, February 9, 1876

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Cheops from the fertile Valley of the Nile, Egypt, 1896

Cheops from the fertile Valley of the Nile, Egypt, 1896. From The Underwood Travel Library - Egypt. [Underwood & Underwood, London, New York, 1896]

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Aswan and the island of Elephantine as seen from the western cliffs, Egypt, 1905

Aswan and the island of Elephantine as seen from the western cliffs, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Assuan and the island of Elephantine as seen from the western cliffs, Egypt, 1905. Stereoscopic card. Detail. From a series called Egypt Through the Stereoscope, text by James H Breasted

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Looking down the Nile from the western cilffs of Thebes, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood

Looking down the Nile from the western cilffs of Thebes, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Looking down the Nile from the western cilffs of Thebes, Egypt, 1905. Here sailed forth the fleets of the Theban princes against those of Assuit

Background imageNile Valley Collection: The winnowing of the grain after threshing, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood

The winnowing of the grain after threshing, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
The winnowing of the grain after threshing, Egypt, 1905. Here is the next step in the process of harvesting in Egypt, The mixture of broken straw

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Threshing in Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood

Threshing in Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Threshing in Egypt, 1905. The farm where we find this Egyptian peasant threshing his grain is in the fertile Nile valley of lower Egypt. Stereoscopic card. Detail

Background imageNile Valley Collection: The beautiful Temple of Hathor at Denderah, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood

The beautiful Temple of Hathor at Denderah, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
The beautiful Temple of Hathor at Denderah, Egypt, 1905. Here before us is one of the best preserved temples in Egypt. The part which we see was built under the Roman Emperor Tiberius

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Assiut, the largest city of Upper Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood

Assiut, the largest city of Upper Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Assiut, the largest city of Upper Egypt, 1905. Stereoscopic card. Detail. From a series called Egypt Through the Stereoscope, text by James H Breasted

Background imageNile Valley Collection: View from the summit of the Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood

View from the summit of the Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
View from the summit of the Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt, 1905. Looking east across the Nile valley. Stereoscopic card. Detail

Background imageNile Valley Collection: The second cataract of the Nile as seen from the southwest, Egypt, 1905

The second cataract of the Nile as seen from the southwest, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
The second cataract of the Nile as seen from the southwest, Egypt, 1905. Stereoscopic card. Detail. From a series called Egypt Through the Stereoscope, text by James H Breasted

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Looking down on the river past the front of Abu Simbel temple, Egypt, 1905

Looking down on the river past the front of Abu Simbel temple, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Looking down on the river past the front of Abu Simbel temple, Egypt, 1905. [The temple] was wrought by Ramses II, the author of the most colossal works in Egypt

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Kasr (Qasr) Ibrim and a view down the Nile in Nubia, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood

Kasr (Qasr) Ibrim and a view down the Nile in Nubia, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Kasr (Qasr) Ibrim and a view down the Nile in Nubia, Egypt, 1905. Stereoscopic card. Detail. From a series called Egypt Through the Stereoscope, text by James H Breasted

Background imageNile Valley Collection: The Aswan dam as seen from the Philae temple, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood

The Aswan dam as seen from the Philae temple, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
The Aswan dam as seen from the Philae temple, Egypt, 1905. Stereoscopic card. Detail. From a series called Egypt Through the Stereoscope, text by James H Breasted

Background imageNile Valley Collection: The island of Philae, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood

The island of Philae, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
The island of Philae, Egypt, 1905. Stereoscopic card. Detail. From a series called Egypt Through the Stereoscope, text by James H Breasted

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Remarkable inscription of a Seven Year Famine on an island in the Nile, Egypt, 1905

Remarkable inscription of a Seven Year Famine on an island in the Nile, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Remarkable inscription of a Seven Year Famine on an island in the Nile, Egypt, 1905. The rocks on these islands are covered with inscriptions

Background imageNile Valley Collection: The Nilometer (measurer of inundations) at the first cataract, Egypt, 1905

The Nilometer (measurer of inundations) at the first cataract, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
The Nilometer (measurer of inundations) at the first cataract, Egypt, 1905. On the southeast side of Elephantine Island is this interesting device for measuring the inundations

Background imageNile Valley Collection: Watching a sand whirlwind from the top of Hawara pyramid, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood

Watching a sand whirlwind from the top of Hawara pyramid, Egypt, 1905. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Watching a sand whirlwind from the top of Hawara pyramid, Egypt, 1905. What a picture of desolation! And yet we are standing in the midst of one of the most fertile tracts in the world

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