Le couronnement de son édifice, 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierLe couronnement de son edifice, 1870. The crowning of his building
Vous n'avez pas besoin de me rappeler ses titres... 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierVous n'avez pas besoin de me rappeler ses titres... 1871. You don't need to remind me of his titles
Ce que certains journaux appeleraient... 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierCe que certains journaux appeleraient... 1870. what some newspapers would call a free election
Le Prince de Hohenzollern... 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierLe Prince de Hohenzollern... 1870. Le Prince de Hohenzollern finding that decidedly the staircase is too steep
Le supplice de tantale... eau comprise, 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierLe supplice de tantale... eau comprise, 1870. The torment of tantalum water included
A qui le tour?, 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierA qui le tour?, 1870. Who's next? - Museum of Sovereigns
Leur Mané, Thecel, Pharès, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierLeur Mane, Thecel, Phares, 1871
L'éclipse sera-t-elle totale?, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierL'eclipse sera-t-elle totale?, 1871. Will the eclipse be total?
Ce qui ramènera... nos députés à Paris, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierCe qui ramenera... nos deputes a Paris, 1871. What will bring our MPs back to Paris
Trop étroit pour deux, 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierTrop etroit pour deux, 1870. Too narrow for two
Le Président de Rhodes, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierLe President de Rhodes, 1871. The President of Rhodes
Ce pauvre Louis XIV n'en croyant pas ses yeux, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierCe pauvre Louis XIV n'en croyant pas ses yeux, 1871. This poor Louis XIV not believing his eyes
Le char de l'état en 1871, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierLe char de l'etat en 1871. The State Chariot in 1871
L'empire c'est la paix, 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierL'empire c'est la paix, 1870. Empire is peace
Théâtre de Bordeaux - on joue la tragédie, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierTheatre de Bordeaux - on joue la tragedie, 1871. Theatre of Bordeaux tragedy is played
Je ne pourrai jamais laver tout ça, 1872. Creator: Honore DaumierJe ne pourrai jamais laver tout ca, 1872. I'll never be able to wash it all away
Les arènes législatives, 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierLes arenes legislatives, 1870. Legislative arenas
A Paris nous ne pouvions... aller a Versailles... 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierA Paris nous ne pouvions... aller a Versailles... 1871. In Paris we cannot go to Versailles
Nous ne nous serions jamais douté tout de même... 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierNous ne nous serions jamais doute tout de meme... 1870. We would never have suspected all the same
Monsieur sera très bien ici... 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierMonsieur sera tres bien ici... 1870. Monsieur will be very well here
Voyons, monsieur Réac... 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierVoyons, monsieur Reac... 1871. Let's see, Mr. Reac
Regardez, mais n'y touchez pas!, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierRegardez, mais n'y touchez pas!, 1871. Watch, but don't touch it!
Décidément on ne peut pas... 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierDecidement on ne peut pas... 1870. Decidedly we can not
Chère dame, avant de nous donner... 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierChere dame, avant de nous donner... 1871. Dear Lady, before I give us
Histoire d'un règne, 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierHistoire d'un regne, 1870. History of a reign
Notre dernier gateau des rois, 1872. Creator: Honore DaumierNotre dernier gateau des rois, 1872. Our Last King's Cake
Après la pompe a sang, la pompe à or, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierApres la pompe a sang, la pompe a or, 1871. After the blood pump the gold pump
Déjà relevée!, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierDeja relevee!, 1871. Already noted!
Les marches du nouveau trone d'Allemagne, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierLes marches du nouveau trone d'Allemagne, 1871. The steps of the new Trone of Germany
Avis aux amateurs, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierAvis aux amateurs, 1871. Notice to fans
La république de Milo... 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierLa republique de Milo... 1871. The Republic of Milo
Prenez garde, madame la Majorité!, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierPrenez garde, madame la Majorite!, 1871. Beware Madam Majority!
Va te faire achever pour moi, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierVa te faire achever pour moi, 1871. Go make you finish for me
La paix a tout prix, 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierLa paix a tout prix, 1870. Peace at all costs
Successeur de Charlemagne, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierSuccesseur de Charlemagne, 1871. Successor of Charlemagne
Je vous assure que vous serez très bien assise, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierJe vous assure que vous serez tres bien assise, 1871. I assure you that you will be very well seated
Moi je suis ravitaillé!... 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierMoi je suis ravitaille!... 1871. I am refueled!
Un cauchemar de M. Bismarck, 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierUn cauchemar de M. Bismarck, 1870. A nightmare of Mr. Bismarck
L'appel de leurs réserves, 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierL'appel de leurs reserves, 1870. The appeal of their reservations
C'est dangereux, la pêche à l'épervier, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierC'est dangereux, la peche a l'epervier, 1871. It is dangerous to fish with sparrowhawk
Bien vexés de ne pas trouver... la couronne... 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierBien vexes de ne pas trouver... la couronne... 1871. Upset not to find the crown
Le défenseur de Calas consolé... 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierLe defenseur de Calas console... 1871. Calas defender consoled for not being able to defend Bailly, Andre Chenier and Camille Desmoulins
Versailles!... Trois semaines d'arrêt!, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierVersailles!... Trois semaines d'arret!, 1871. Versailles Three weeks off
La hache qui le coupera n'est pas encore trempée, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierLa hache qui le coupera n'est pas encore trempee, 1871. The axe that will cut it is not yet soaked
Les écuries d'Augias, 1872. Creator: Honore DaumierLes ecuries d'Augias, 1872. The stables of Augias
Comment Bismarck comprend l'unité allemande, 1870. Creator: Honore DaumierComment Bismarck comprend l'unite allemande, 1870. How Bismarck understands German unity
Tirez, ça fait équilibre, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierTirez, ca fait equilibre, 1871. Pull it balances
Human life, after frescoes by Eduard Bendemann in the throne room of the Dresden Royal Pal... 1851. Creator: AnonHuman life, after frescoes by Eduard Bendemann in the throne room of the Dresden Royal Palace, page 188 of Magasin Pittoresque, 1851
The Great American Tin Swindle, published October 19, 1892. Creator: William Allen RogersThe Great American Tin Swindle, published October 19, 1892
The Latest Republican Bugaboo, from Puck, published November 2, 1892. Creator: William Allen RogersThe Latest Republican Bugaboo, from Puck, published November 2, 1892
Stripped for the Fight, from Puck, 1892. Creator: William Allen RogersStripped for the Fight, from Puck, 1892
Their Coat of Arms, published April 11, 1889. Creator: Thomas NastTheir Coat of Arms, published April 11, 1889
Drop Em, 1872. Creator: Thomas NastDrop Em, 1872
Can the Law Reach Him?, n.d. Creator: Thomas NastCan the Law Reach Him?, n.d
The Cat's-Paw, Any Thing to Get Chestnuts, published July 18, 1892. Creator: James Albert WalesThe Cat's-Paw, Any Thing to Get Chestnuts, published July 18, 1892
We Know Nothing about the Stolen Vouchers, 1871. Creator: Thomas NastWe Know Nothing about the Stolen Vouchers, 1871
The Great Unknown, from Puck, 1896. Creator: Louis DalrympleThe Great Unknown, from Puck, 1896
They Can't Keep Him Hid, from Puck, n.d. Creator: Louis DalrympleThey Can't Keep Him Hid, from Puck, n.d
Who Is in the Soup Now, from Puck, published May, 1889. Creator: Louis DalrympleWho Is in the Soup Now, from Puck, published May, 1889
The Great American Statesman, Puck, published September 5, 1883. Creator: Louis DalrympleThe Great American Statesman, Puck, published September 5, 1883
And There He Will Stick!, from Puck, published April 6, 1887. Creator: Louis DalrympleAnd There He Will Stick!, from Puck, published April 6, 1887
Unconditional Surrender, from Puck, published April 17, 1889. Creator: Louis DalrympleUnconditional Surrender, from Puck, published April 17, 1889
Mr. Gladstone's Birthday, from the Pall Mall Budget, 1893. Creator: UnknownMr. Gladstone's Birthday, from the Pall Mall Budget, 1893
He Has Arrived in Washington, from Puck, 1889. Creator: UnknownHe Has Arrived in Washington, from Puck, 1889
Victory Portraits of Benjamin Harrison and Levi P. Morton, from Judge, 1888. Creator: UnknownVictory Portraits of Benjamin Harrison and Levi P. Morton, from Judge, 1888
Legalized Plunderers, from Puck, 1880. Creator: UnknownLegalized Plunderers, from Puck, 1880
The War in East Tennessee, published November 21, 1863. Creator: UnknownThe War in East Tennessee, published November 21, 1863
The Dead, Steered by the Dumb, Swept Upward with the Flood, 1896. Creator: UnknownThe Dead, Steered by the Dumb, Swept Upward with the Flood, 1896
The Triumph of Boodle, from Boodle, n.d. Creator: Joseph KepplerThe Triumph of Boodle, from Boodle, n.d
A Business Alliance, 1887. Creator: Joseph KepplerA Business Alliance, 1887
A Bad Case of Consumption, from Puck, 1890. Creator: Joseph KepplerA Bad Case of Consumption, from Puck, 1890
The Administration Guillotine, from Puck, n.d. Creator: Joseph KepplerThe Administration Guillotine, from Puck, n.d
The Republican Pharisees, from Puck, n.d. Creator: Joseph KepplerThe Republican Pharisees, from Puck, n.d
Looking Backward, from Puck, n.d. Creator: Joseph KepplerLooking Backward, from Puck, n.d
The Old Leaders and the New, n.d. Creator: Joseph KepplerThe Old Leaders and the New, n.d
All for Him, published October 26, 1892. Creator: Joseph KepplerAll for Him, published October 26, 1892
Easter in the Old World Barnyard, from Puck, 1895. Creator: Joseph KepplerEaster in the Old World Barnyard, from Puck, 1895
The Phoenix, from Puck, 1890. Creator: Joseph KepplerThe Phoenix, from Puck, 1890
Kik-kik-cock-a-doodle doo! Mr. Kelly, how are YOU?, from Puck, published November 12, 1884. Creator: Joseph KepplerKik-kik-cock-a-doodle doo! Mr. Kelly, how are YOU?, from Puck, published November 12, 1884
The Republican Dalilah Stealthily deprives the Democratic Sampson... published November 10, 1880The Republican Dalilah Stealthily deprives the Democratic Sampson of his Strength, from Puck, published November 10, 1880
Her True Knight, from Puck, 1887. Creator: Joseph KepplerHer True Knight, from Puck, 1887
Any Thing to Keep Afloat a Little Longer, from Puck, n.d. Creator: Joseph KepplerAny Thing to Keep Afloat a Little Longer, from Puck, n.d