The Annunciation, c1438-1445, (c1900-1920). Artist: Fra AngelicoThe Annunciation, c1438-1445, (c1900-1920)
Galway Gossips, c1887, (c1930). Creator: Sir Ernest Albert WaterlowGalway Gossips, c1887, (c1930). Rural scene in the west of Ireland: a woman on a horse stops to chat to a man leaning on a low wall
Manuscript Leaf with the Annunciation from a Book of Hours, ca. 1485-90
The Cestello Annunciation, 1489, (1937). Creator: Sandro BotticelliThe Cestello Annunciation, 1489, (1937). The angel Gabriel, holding a stem of lilies, brings the Virgin Mary the news that God has chosen her to bear the Christ child
Lloyds Coffee House, London, 1798, (1947). Creator: William HollandLloyds Coffee House, London, 1798, (1947). Interior of the Lloyds Coffee House in Lombard Street in the City of London
Printing the Daily Telegraph newspaper, London, c1900 (1903). From Living London, Vol. II, by George R. Sims. [Cassell and Company, Limited, London, Paris, New York & Melbourne, 1903]
Honi. Soi. Qui. Mal. Y. Pense: The Caricature Shop of G. Humphrey, 27 St. Jamess Street, London, August 12, 1821
The Messenger, known as 'The Unwelcome News'. Creator: Gerard Terborch IIThe Messenger, known as 'The Unwelcome News'.
"When he died, at his club put down the paper which announced his decease with a yawn"When he died, some men at his club put down the paper which announced his decease with a yawn...", 1880. Illustration to a short story. 'Mr
The Ministerial Crisis: a sketch at the Great Western Railway Station, Paddington, [London], April 23, 1880
Electioneering at Liverpool: scene at the Townhall after the nomination, 1880. 'The contest between Lord Ramsay, son of the Earl of Dalhousie, and Mr
The Messenger. Creator: Jan VerkoljeThe Messenger.
Spanish-American War, 1898; White flag after the battle of El Caney, 1898. War between Spain and the USA in 1898, due to the US intervention in the Cuban War of Independence
Desperate, late 19th century? Creator: Alfred StevensDesperate, late 19th century? A young woman dressed for a party, or possibly for her wedding, holds a letter bearing bad news
Message Was Received Of The Outbreak At Meerut, c1929. Creators: Howard Davie, Harry PayneMessage Was Received Of The Outbreak At Meerut, c1929. The year 1857 startled the world with the outbreak of the Indian Mutiny, and [Lord Roberts], the Hero of Kandahar
Lord Kitchener, Commander-In-Chief In India, c1929. Creators: Howard Davie, Harry PayneLord Kitchener, Commander-In-Chief In India, c1929. British rule: Horatio Herbert Kitchener was Commander-In-Chief of India from 1902 to 1909. From "Heroic Deeds of Great Men", by C
The announcement of H.M. Queen Victoria of Her accession to the Throne, June 20th 1837, 1925
The Armada in Sight, c1900. Creator: Howard DavieThe Armada in Sight, c1900. Francis Drake was reportedly playing bowls when first informed about the approach of the Spanish Armada. From "Heroes of History", by Alfred H
With a Blast of His Horn He Summoned His Company, 1932. Creator: Howard DavieWith a Blast of His Horn He Summoned His Company, 1932
The Annunciation to the Shepherds, shortly after 1053. Creator: UnknownThe Annunciation to the Shepherds, shortly after 1053
The Annunciation to the Shepherds; Book of Hours, about 1480-1490
The Annunciation to the Shepherds; Book of Hours, about 1415-1420
The Annunciation to the Shepherds; Book of Hours, about 1410. Creator: UnknownThe Annunciation to the Shepherds; Book of Hours, about 1410. Follower of the Egerton Master
The Annunciation; Book of Hours, 1478. Creator: Master of Guillaume LambertThe Annunciation; Book of Hours, 1478
The Annunciation to the Shepherds; Book of Hours, 1478
The Annunciation(?) or The Virgin Seated in Prayer; Book of Hours, 1478
The Annunciation; Book of Hours, about 1466-1470. Creator: Master of Jacques of LuxembourgThe Annunciation; Book of Hours, about 1466-1470
The Annunciation to the Shepherds; Book of Hours, about 1466-1470
Initial D: The Annunciation to the Shepherds; Book of Hours, about 1450-1455
The Annunciation; Book of Hours, about 1420-1430. Creator: Master of the Harvard HannibalThe Annunciation; Book of Hours, about 1420-1430
Initial D: The Annunciation; Book of Hours, about 1450-1455
The Annunciation; Book of Hours, about 1500. Creator: Workshop of Gerard HorenboutThe Annunciation; Book of Hours, about 1500
The Annunciation; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Creator: Workshop of the Bedford MasterThe Annunciation; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450
March Calendar Page: The Annunciation; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450
The Annunciation to the Shepherds; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450
The Civil War in Paris: the rue de la Paix and Place Vendome guarded by the insurgentsThe Civil War in Paris: the rue de la Paix and Place VendĂ´me guarded by the insurgents, 1871
Queen Victoria Awakened to Hear the News of her Accession, June 20, 1837, (1901)
An escaped chimpanzee, 1930. Creator: UnknownAn escaped chimpanzee, 1930. Un Singes Etait Evade. (A monkey escaped). A fireman climbs a ladder to try and catch an ape on a roof as a woman watches from a window
Englishwoman martyred by the Chinese, 1930. Creator: UnknownEnglishwoman martyred by the Chinese, 1930. Une Anglaise Martyrisee Par Des Chinois. A terrified woman is restrained as her fingers are cut off with a knife on a wooden block
A tragic masked ball, 1930. Creator: UnknownA tragic masked ball, 1930. Un Tragique Bal Masque. Guest in a burning bear costume. Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 30 March 1930]
Naval disarmament, 1930. Creator: UnknownNaval disarmament, 1930. Le Desarmement Naval
The Annunciation, about 1410. Creator: UnknownThe Annunciation, about 1410
News Vendors, 1866-1867. Creator: Felice BeatoNews Vendors, 1866-1867. Two men holding newspapers
News from the War. about 1860. Creator: Joseph John ElliottNews from the War. about 1860
The Civil War in Paris: barricades in the Place Clichy, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Civil War in Paris: barricades in the Place Clichy, 1871
Night scene in Bordeaux, 1871. Creator: UnknownNight scene in Bordeaux, 1871
The Civil War in Paris: newsboys on the ramparts, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Civil War in Paris: newsboys on the ramparts, 1871
National Guards at breakfast in the streets of Bordeaux, 1871. Creator: C. RNational Guards at breakfast in the streets of Bordeaux, 1871
Scene at night in front of the Grand Theatre at Bordeaux, 1871. Creator: UnknownScene at night in front of the Grand Theatre at Bordeaux, 1871. Franco-Prussian War
Politicians discussing affairs on the Boulevard Montmartre, Paris, 1871. Creator: UnknownPoliticians discussing affairs on the Boulevard Montmartre, Paris, 1871
Cupid and Psyche - The reading of Apollo's Oracle to Psyche and her Father, 1880
"The Village Gossip, " by H. S. Marks, A.R.A. from the exhibition in the Dudley Gallery, 1871. Engraving of a painting
Illness of the Prince of Wales: the bulletin at Marlborough House, 1871. Creator: UnknownIllness of the Prince of Wales: the bulletin at Marlborough House [in London], 1871
Illness of the Prince of Wales - Sandringham Church, Sunday, Dec. 10: anxious inquiries, 1871
Illness of the Prince of Wales: posting the bulletin at the Mansion House, [London], 1871....copies of the bulletins, as they arrived at Whitehall by telegraph
Newsboys with latest accounts of the Prince of Wales, 1871. Creator: UnknownNewsboys with latest accounts of the Prince of Wales, 1871
A messenger from Sandringham to Lynn Regis, 1871. Creator: UnknownA messenger from Sandringham to Lynn Regis, 1871
The Guards Institute, Vauxhall-Bridge-Road: the Reading-Room, 1869. Creator: UnknownThe Guards Institute, Vauxhall-Bridge-Road [in south London]: the Reading-Room, 1869
The Annunciation, ca. 1485-92. Creator: Sandro BotticelliThe Annunciation, ca. 1485-92
First telegraph despatch from Lyon, 4 March 1815, (1921). Creator: UnknownFirst telegraph despatch from Lyon, 4 March 1815, (1921). Premiere depeche telegraphique de Lyon
Eli perceived that the Lord had called the child, 19th century. Creator: H RobinsonEli perceived that the Lord had called the child, 19th century. Biblical scene, from 1 Samuel 3: 8: And the LORD called Samuel again the third time
Army post office, First World War, c1915, (c1920). Creator: UnknownArmy post office, First World War, c1915, (c1920). News from Home: the Arrival of the Mails for the Troops at the Front
A bomb explodes on the day of the wedding of the king and queen of SpainA bomb explodes on the day of the wedding of King Alfonso XIII and Victoria Eugenie of Spain, Madrid, 31 May 1906, (1910)
He was very thin, 1930. Creator: UnknownHe was very thin, 1930. Il Etait Tres Maigre. Skinny man escaping through the bars of the prison at Loos near Lille, France. Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
Signing of the accord between the Vatican and Italy, 1929. Creator: UnknownSigning of the accord between the Vatican and Italy, 1929. L Accord Est Signe Entre Le Vatican Et L Italie
Surpris Par Un Express, 1929. Creator: UnknownSurprised by an express train, 1929. Surpris Par Un Express. A steam locomotive bears down on people taken unawares. Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 17 November 1929]
Scenes in the Himalayas, 1931. Creator: UnknownScenes in the Himalayas, 1931. Paysages De L Himalaya. (Himalayan landscapes). Back cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre". [France, 4 January 1931]
A drama in the tiger cage, 1931. Creator: UnknownA drama in the tiger cage, 1931. Un Drame Dans La Cage Aux Tigres. A circus act goes wrong as tigers attack the tiger-tamer. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
Take me: I will bring you happiness, 1930. Creator: UnknownTake me: I will bring you happiness, 1930. " Prenez-Moi: Je Vous Porterai Bonheur!". In Bordeaux, the proprietors of a villa find an abandoned baby on the doorstep
German atrocities in Belgium: execution by machine gun, 1915. Creator: UnknownGerman atrocities in Belgium: execution by machine gun, 1915. Atrocites Allemandes En Belgique: Executions a la mitrailleuse. Civilians are shot by German soldiers during the First World War
Constantinople, or the final greed of the Huns, 1915. Creator: UnknownConstantinople, or the final greed of the Huns, 1915. Constantinople, Ou La Derniere Convoitise Du Boche. Oui!...mais il y a des baionnettes sur le chemin!
The heroism of the Cossacks, 1915. Creator: UnknownThe heroism of the Cossacks, 1915. L Heroisme Des Cosaques: Ils poursuivent la cavalerie allemande sur un pont en feu
The Camp at Aldershott: soldiers reading-room, 1868. Creator: C. RThe Camp at Aldershott: soldiers reading-room, 1868. The soldiers'...reading-room, in the permanent barracks, [is] worthy of remark
The Annunciation to Saint Anne, 1505. Creator: Bernhard StrigelThe Annunciation to Saint Anne, 1505. The story of the Annunciation to Saint Anne appears in The Golden Legend and in the apocryphal gospels
N.Y. - Lawrence strike meeting, (1912?). Creator: Bain News ServiceN.Y. - Lawrence strike meeting, (1912?). Shows group of men gathered outdoors, probably in New York City, to hear about the textile mill strike in Lawrence, MA
Lawrence strike meeting, New York, (1912?). Creator: Bain News ServiceLawrence strike meeting, New York, (1912?). Shows group of men gathered outdoors, probably in New York City, to hear about the textile strike in Lawrence, MA
Joseph's coat brought to Jacob, c.1633. Creator: Rembrandt Harmensz van RijnJoseph's coat brought to Jacob, c.1633. The tragic consequences, when Joseph's brothers turned against him, are described in Genesis 37:12-35
The Social Science Congress at New York: Lord Brougham, the president, delivering his address in the Festival Concert-room, 1864
Reception-room of the Social Science Congress in the Guildhall, New York, 1864. From "Illustrated London News", 1864
The Jackal tender and boats going to meet the American mail steamer at Roche's Point, near Queenstown [in Ireland], 1864
The Post Office of Auckland, New Zealand: arrival of the "Home" Mails, 1864. "The mail-steamer from Sydney comes here once a month, bringing letters and papers from England
Ingeborg Receiving News of Hjalmar's Death from Orvar Odd, 1859
Kodembo no Shoshichi, an Osaka Thief, Tormented by Ghosts, 1875. From The Postal News, no. 614
The Policeman Aizawa Ihei Rescues a Young Girl from Drowning, 1875. From The Postal News, no. 532