Adolf Hitler at 47, 1936. Creator: UnknownAdolf Hitler at 47, 1936. Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) became leader of the National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) party in 1921
Prince August & son, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServicePrince August & son, between c1910 and c1915
September 10 - Bloody Sunday Of Bromberg - If The Light Clashes With Darkness There Is No Making Of Agreements, 1942. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
The Banner Must Stand, Even If The Man Falls, 1943. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
Who Does Not Bear The Need At Home Should Be Ashamed In Front Of The Heroes Of The Battle, 1942. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
Populations abandonnées, faites confiance au soldat allemand!Populations abandonnees, faites confiance au soldat allemand!, 1940. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
Germans at Princeton -- Weitzer - Lt. Reichenau - Dr. Bemer [i.e. Berner] - Carl Diem, between c1910 and c1915
Prince and Princess August Wilhelm von Preussen with dogs, 1912
Poster about the Nuremberg racial laws, 1935. Creator: Unknown artistPoster about the Nuremberg racial laws, 1935. Private Collection
You too belong to the leader, 1937. Creator: Unknown artistYou too belong to the leader, 1937. Private Collection
Mother and Child in a garden, 1850-1924. Creator: Hans ThomaMother and Child in a garden, 1850-1924
Pofessor Mamlock, New York, [1930s]. Creator: UnknownPofessor Mamlock, New York, [1930s]. The Federal Theatre Project, created by the U.S
Professor Mamlock, New York, [1930s]. Creator: UnknownProfessor Mamlock, New York, [1930s]. The Federal Theatre Project, created by the U.S
Professor Mamlock, New York, 1937. Creator: UnknownProfessor Mamlock, New York, 1937. The Federal Theatre Project, created by the U.S
Tighten your grip!, c. 1942. Creator: Newbould, Frank (1887-1951)Tighten your grip!, c. 1942. Private Collection
September 1940, (1944). Creator: John ArmstrongSeptember 1940, (1944). Aftermath of an aerial battle during the Second World War: wrecked German and British fighter planes on a beach. Painting in the Manchester Art Gallery
1936 Auto Union C type, Rosemeyer at German Grand Prix. Creator: Unknown1936 Auto Union C type, Rosemeyer at German Grand Prix
1937 Mercedes Benz 260D Cabriolet towing caravan. Creator: Unknown1937 Mercedes Benz 260D Cabriolet towing caravan
Prince Gustav Adolf of Sweden and Princess Sybille of Coburg drew together at theirThe marriage of Prince Gustav Adolf of Sweden and Princess Sybille of Coburg, 1932, (1933)
Nazi hogs stopped at the gates of the Kremlin by the Red Army, 1941-1943. Creator: MoorNazi hogs stopped at the gates of the Kremlin by the Red Army, 1941-1943. Private Collection
Caricature of Adolf Hitler, 1924. Artist: Thomas Theodor HeineCaricature of Adolf Hitler, 1924. Hitler spent 1924 in prison for his role in the Munich Beer Hall Putsch
Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles, 1933. Artist: Erich BorchertDeutschland, Deutschland uber alles, 1933.Found in the collection of the State A Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
The Occupation: Herr Neurath at the Prague Castle, 1939, (1947). Creator: UnknownThe Occupation: Herr Neurath at the Prague Castle, 1939, (1947)
Adolf Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany, 1936. Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) became leader of the National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) party in 1921
Germany, c1935. Creator: UnknownGermany, c1935. From " An Album of National Flags and Arms". [John Player & Sons, c1935]
Austrian Annexation. Commemorative Medal, 1938. Private Collection
May Day parade, East Fourteenth Street, near Union Square, New York, USA, early 1930s. Marchers holding up placards with satirical portraits of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler
Ernst Rohm, leader of the Nazi Sturmabteilung (SA), Germany, c early1930s. ArtistErnst Ro hm, leader of the Nazi Sturmabteilung (SA), Germany, c early1930s. Ernst Julius Ro hm (1887-1934) joined the Nazi Party in 1920 and became a close friend and ally of Adolf Hitler
Charlie Chaplin portraying Adenoid Hynkel in the film The Great Dictator, 1940. The film was Chaplins (1889-1977) first talking picture
Adolf Hitler standing next to General Erich Ludendorff, Germany, 11 November 1921
Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany, 30 January 1933. Hitler (1889-1945), leader of the Nazi Party, looking down on the crowds as they cheered him after the election results were known
German soldiers, Germany, 1936. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936)
German family at Christmas, Germany, 1936. A picture showing many children and their mother eating round a table
Social welfare protects mother and child, Germany, 1936. Women making up bundles of clothes to assist the Mother and Child institution, set up to maintain healthy family conditions
A Happy Mother, a National Socialist Ideal, Germany, 1936. A picture of a mother carrying a smiling baby, with another child hugging her
Farm bread being sent to the poor people in the city, Germany, 1936. Three young girls pick out loaves of bread from a cart decorated with Nazi flags
The poor enjoying a one-dish meal to the strains of music, Germany, 1936. A band in uniform play to poor people sitting along benches waiting for a free meal
A labourer reads a book in a library, Germany, 1936. A workers quiet hour of recreation in a public library. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936)
An orchestra plays to some factory workers as they take a break from work, Germany, 1936. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936)
A sculptor working on a large portrait bust of Adolf Hitler, Germany, 1936. Artistic creative work expressive of the new national spirit
The National Socialist Training College at Vogelsang in the Eifel, Germany, 1936. Birds-eye view of the training college for aspiring Nazi leaders
Summer camp of the Hitler Youth, Germany, 1936. Founded in 1922, the Hitler Youth was a paramilitary organisation for boys aged 14 and over
Funeral procession for Horst Wessel in the Juedenstasse, Berlin, 1930 (1938). ArtistFuneral procession for Horst Wessel in the Juedenstasse, Berlin, 1930, (1938). Wessel (1907-1930) joined the Nazi party and the Sturmabteilung (SA) in 1926
Also as soldiers of work: SA men in the front line, 1938Also as Soldiers of Work: SA Men in the Front Line, 1938. Founded in c1919, the Sturmabteilung (SA) was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party
Heated Discussions by Advertising Column, 1931 (1938). Heated discussions by advertising columns became the first contact with Adolf Hitlers movement for Marxian blinded workers
The Assassination of Comrade Georg Hirschmann in Munich, 26th May 1927 (1938). Hirschmann was a member of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the paramilitary arm of the Nazi party
SA--Out!, 1938. Founded in c1919, the Sturmabteilung (SA) was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party. Its members were known as the Brownshirts because of the colour of their uniforms
World War I veterans register for the SA, Germany, 1938. Founded in c1919, the Sturmabteilung (SA) was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party
A Fresh Drink from a Tender Hand Tastes Twice as Good, c1933 (1938). A woman offers a drink to members of the SA marching in a parade
The supreme SA leader Adolf Hitler with his comrades, 1938. Founded in c1919, the Sturmabteilung (SA) was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party
SA stormtroopers on parade, Germany, c1929-1931. Founded in c1919, the Sturmabteilung (SA) was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party
The historical torchlight procession of the SA in Berlin, 30th January, 1933. ArtistThe historical torchlight procession of the SA in Berlin on 30th January, 1933. 30th January 1933 was the day Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany
Three girls watching the traditional parade of SA stormtroopers, Nuremberg, Germany, c1923-1938. Adolf Hitler stands in the car reviewing the parade
Hitler inspecting a group of SA Members during World War II, Germany, 1939-1945. ArtistHitler inspecting a group of SA Members during World War II, Germany, 1939-1945. Founded in c1919, the Sturmabteilung (SA) was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party
Parade by members of the SA, Weimar, Germany, 1926. Founded in c1919, the Sturmabteilung (SA) was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party
Adolf Hitler and members of the SA at the Weimar rallies, Germany, 3rd-4th July, 1926
SA troops climbing into trucks, Germany, c1926. Founded in c1919, the Sturmabteilung (SA) was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party
The home of German sport and adjacent swimming hall, Berlin, Germany, 1936. ArtistThe home of German sport and adjacent swimming hall, Berlin, Germany, 1936. View of the outside of the swimming hall at the Reichssportfeld sports complex built for the 1936 Olympic Games
The Olympic Stadium from the Bell Tower, Berlin, Germany, c1936-c1936The Olympic Stadium from the Bell Tower, Berlin, Germany, c1934-c1936. The stadium in the Reichssportfeld sports complex under construction
Rear of the Grand Stand for National Socialist Party Congresses, Nuremberg, Germany, 1936
Labourers salute Hitler from packed trucks on a Nazi-built road, 1936Labourers salute Hitler from packed trucks on a Nazi-built road, Germany, 1936. Hitler (1889-1945) ordered an ambitious programme of building the autobahn network soon after he came to power in 1933
One of many roads built by the Nazis, Germany, 1936. A typical section of autobahn passing through a forest
A drawing office scene, where new plans for fresh works are drawn up, Germany, 1936. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936)
Germanys two mighty airships, the Graf Zeppelin and the Hindenburg, 1936. The two airships were used for regular transatlantic flights in the 1930s. They were the largest flying machines ever built
Tool factory, Germany, 1936. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936)
Laboratory research work, Germany, 1936. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936)
Workers contented at having found work, Germany, 1936. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936)
A farmer at work, ploughing a field, Germany, 1936. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936)
Ceaseless activity in iron works, Germany, 1936Ceaseless activity in an ironworks, Germany, 1936. A worker stands back from a blast furnace as he makes iron, part of a move by Hitler to make Nazi Germany self-sufficient in iron
The Labour Service at work, Germany, 1936. Men working at a stream in a muddy field. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936)
New road under construction, Germany, 1936. Labourers shovel dirt into carts pulled by horses. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936)
The Labour Service ready for work, Germany, 1936. Uniformed members of the Labour Service line up with their shovels in front of crowds of people
The Führer taking the salute, Germany, 1936The Fü hrer taking the salute, Germany, 1936. Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) salutes soldiers who salute back during a military procession
Stormtroopers lined up on parade during a Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, Germany, 1936. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936)
Adolf Hitler addressing a meeting of factory workers, Germany, 1936Adolf Hitler addressing a meeting of factory workers, 1936. Thousands gather to hear Hitler (1889-1945) speak outside the Siemens factory
Factory workers with their tools celebrate the traditional Socialist holiday, Germany, 1936. May 1st, the German Workers National Holiday
Hitler is greeted by the masses as he is driven through the crowd, Germany, c1936Hitler is greeted by the masses as he is driven through the crowd, Germany, 1936. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936)
Adolf Hitler chatting to road workers, 1936. Hitler addresses workers in their own factories, and chats with farm hands during harvest time
Four German girls smiling with garlands in their hair, c1936. From Germany: The Olympic Year, published by Volk und Reich Verlag. (Berlin, 1936)
Convoy of tanks taking part in Adolf Hitlers birthday celebrations, 29th April 1936. Hitler and other senior Nazis reviewing the parade
Hitler and Goering leading a rally through Munich on Martyrs Day, 9th November, 1935. From Deutsche Gedenkhalle: Das Neue Deutschland compiled by General Von Eisenhart Rothe, 1939
Adolf Hitler leading a procession of World War I veterans on Martyrs DayAdolf Hitler leading a procession of German World War I veterans on Martyrs Day, 9th November 1935. From Deutsche Gedenkhalle: Das Neue Deutschland compiled by General Von Eisenhart Rothe, 1939
Adolf Hitler and leaders of the armed forces at the Heroes Memorial ceremony, 17th March 1935. From Deutsche Gedenkhalle: Das Neue Deutschland compiled by General Von Eisenhart Rothe, 1939
Stormtroopers of the New Germany, c1939. From Deutsche Gedenkhalle: Das Neue Deutschland compiled by General Von Eisenhart Rothe, 1939