Madonna and child with infant John the Baptist, 1542. Artist: Beccafumi, DomenicoMadonna and child with infant John the Baptist, 1542. Found in the collection of the Art Gallery of New South Wales
The Painter Johann Friedrich Overbeck, 1866-1867. Creator: Karl HoffmannThe Painter Johann Friedrich Overbeck, 1866-1867.
Christ Escapes the Pharisees, 1866. Creator: Johann Friedrich OverbeckChrist Escapes the Pharisees, 1866.
Self Portrait, 1889. Creator: Godfried GuffensSelf Portrait, 1889.
Head and shoulders portrait of a praying woman. Copy of a painting by Perugino, n.d., c1800-1860.
The Angel at the Tomb of Christ, 1846. Creator: Johan Ludvig Gebhard LundThe Angel at the Tomb of Christ, 1846.
The Painter Peter von Cornelius, 1861. Creator: Oskar BegasThe Painter Peter von Cornelius, 1861.
Ecce Homo, 1857. Creator: Otto MengelbergEcce Homo, 1857
Joseph interpreting the dreams of the baker and the butler, 1615-1616. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Borghese, Rome
Coping-stone, 1823. Creator: Ferdinand OlivierCoping-stone, 1823
Dedication, 1823. Creator: Ferdinand OlivierDedication, 1823
Friday: Meadow before Aigen Near Salzburg, 1823. Creator: Ferdinand OlivierFriday: Meadow before Aigen Near Salzburg, 1823
Saturday: Graveyard of St. Peter's in Salzburg, 1823. Creator: Ferdinand OlivierSaturday: Graveyard of St. Peter's in Salzburg, 1823
Wednesday: Footpath on the Mönchsberg Near Salzburg, 1823. Creator: Ferdinand OlivierWednesday: Footpath on the Monchsberg Near Salzburg, 1823
Thursday: Berchtesgaden and the Watzmann, 1823. Creator: Ferdinand OlivierThursday: Berchtesgaden and the Watzmann, 1823
Monday: Rosenecker Garden before Salzburg, 1823. Creator: Ferdinand OlivierMonday: Rosenecker Garden before Salzburg, 1823
Tuesday: The Castle of Salzburg Seen from the South, 1823. Creator: Ferdinand OlivierTuesday: The Castle of Salzburg Seen from the South, 1823
Sunday: Going to Church Near Berchtesgaden, 1823. Creator: Ferdinand OlivierSunday: Going to Church Near Berchtesgaden, 1823
Bulto (Penitente Nazarine Christ), 1939. Creator: Eldora P. LorenziniBulto (Penitente Nazarine Christ), 1939
Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, 1848. Creator: Johann Friedrich OverbeckChrist in the Garden of Gethsemane, 1848
God Summons Noah and His Family into the Ark, 1827 (?). Creator: Joseph von FuhrichGod Summons Noah and His Family into the Ark, 1827 (?)
Joseph and his Brothers. Creator: Angeli, Giuseppe (1712-1798)Joseph and his Brothers. Private Collection
Joseph interpreting the dreams of the baker and the butler. Private Collection
Altarpiece of Jesus Nazareno in the Cathedral of Granada. Designed in 1722 by Marcos Fernandez and made by Felix Rodriguez and Jose Narvaez, with paintings by Ribera and Alonso Cano
Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers, 1830s. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Joseph and his Brothers. Private Collection
Joseph before Pharaoh, ca 1749. Artist: Amigoni, Jacopo (1675-1752)Joseph before Pharaoh, ca 1749. Found in the collection of Museo del Prado, Madrid
Pharaoh with his Butler and Baker (from Scenes from the Story of Joseph), ca 1515. Found in the collection of the National Gallery, London
Josephs Brothers beg for Help (from Scenes from the Story of Joseph), ca 1515. Found in the collection of the National Gallery, London
Joseph sold to Potiphar (from Scenes from the Story of Joseph), ca 1515. Found in the collection of the National Gallery, London
Joseph and his Brothers, 1595-1600. Artist: Bloemaert, Abraham (1566-1651)Joseph and his Brothers, 1595-1600. Found in the collection of the Centraal Museum, Utrecht
Portait of the Artists Mother, c. 1833. Artist: Rethel, Alfred (1816-1859)Portait of the Artists Mother, c.1833. Found in the collection of the Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Italia and Germania (Sulamith and Mary), 1828. Found in the collection of the Neue Pinakothek, Munich
The Selling of Joseph, 1817. Artist: Overbeck, Johann Friedrich (1789-1869)The Selling of Joseph, 1817. Found in the collection of the Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers, 1817. Artist: Cornelius, Peter, von (1784-1867)Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers, 1817. Found in the collection of the Staatliche Museen, Berlin