Runestone from Mojra Hagby in Uppland, Sweden, 6th century. Germanic scene of Horsemen, taken from late classical art, one of the oldest examples in Scandinavian Runes
Bronze Matrix for making decorative peaques for helmets, 8th century AD. Two warriors with boars head helmets Torslunda, Bjornhovda, Sweden. Now at Vendel, Stockholm in Museum of National Antiquities
Brooch from a Viking grave, 9th centuryA brooch from a Viking grave in Sweden, now in the Museum of National Antiquities collection in Stockholm, 9th century
Swedish Iron Age stela, from Vallstenarum, Gotland, Sweden, now In the Museum of National Antiquities collection in Stockholm
Altar-piece of God the Father, 15th centuryAltar-piece of God the Father from Lubeck, now In the Museum of National Antiquities collection in Stockholm, 15th century
Woodcarving of the head of John the Baptist, from the Museum of National Antiquities in Stockholm
Bronze matrix for making decorative plaques for helmets, 8th centuryViking bronze matrix for making decorative plaques for helmets, showing a man with an axe holding a chained bear, from Torslunda, Bjornhovda, Sweden
Carved stone with Christian motifLate Viking period carved stone with Christian motif from Sweden, now in the Museum in National Antiquities in Stockholm
Hoard of arabic metalwork from a Viking grave in Sweden, showing the extent of Viking trade. In the Museum of National Antiquities collection in Stockholm
Viking stele showing Odins horse SleipnirViking stele from Tjangvide, Alskog, Gotland, Sweden, showing Sleipnir, Odins horse, the offspring of his brother Loki. From the Museum of National Antiquities in Stockholm
Viking Thors Hammer pendant, 10th centuryThors Hammer pendant from a Viking grave in Sweden at Bland. At the Museum of National Antiquities collection in Sweden, 10th century
Viking brooch from Varby, near Stockholm in Sweden. Now in the Museum of National Antiquities in Stockholm
Brooch from a Viking graveBronze-gilt brooch from a Viking grave in Sweden, now in the Museum of National Antiquities collection in Stockholm