View of Alcala street, Madrid
The Casa de Campo, Madrid, 1634
Miracle of Our Lady of Atocha in the construction of the Casa de la Villa, 1656
The public garden of Madrid called Paradise at dance night, 1862
The Alcala Gate and the Cibeles Fountain in Madrid
Arch of Triumph of St. Mary in the Mayor street in Madrid
View of the Alcazar of Madrid, 1650
View of the Plaza Mayor of Madrid in a bullfight, 1675-1680
The Plaza Mayor of Madrid during a royal bullfighting party, 1664
Benalcazar Sebastian (1480-1551), Spanish conqueror
Pilgrimage to the hermitage of San Isidro in Madrid
Anonimous engraving of the 18th century with the final scene of the play Manolo, one-act comedy by Don Ramon de la Cruz
Fair of Madrid in the Cebada Square
Suerte de Varas (Bullfighting stage), colored engraving by Antonio Carnicero
Suerte de Matar (Bullfighting stage), colored engraving by Antonio Carnicero
Suerte de Banderillas (Bullfighting stage), colored engraving by Antonio Carnicero
Colored Engravings by Antonio Carnicero, Plate VIII, Suerte de Banderillas, Plate IX: Suerte de Matar
Party in the Plaza Mayor of Madrid, oil on canvas, 1600
Canas game, party in the Plaza Mayor on the occasion of the marriage of the Prince of Wales with Maria of Austria, painting by John Reed
A walk along the large pond of El Retiro, 1780