Summer, 1896. Artist: Alphonse MuchaSummer, 1896. From the series Les Saisons. Found in the collection of the State A Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Zodiacal calendar, 1897. Artist: Alphonse MuchaZodiacal calendar, 1897. Found in the collection of the State A Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Topaz (From the series The gems). Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Topaz (From the series The gems). Private Collection
Elf with iris flowers, ca. 1886-1890. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Elf with iris flowers, ca. 1886-1890. Private Collection
La Lune, 1902. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)La Lune, 1902. Found in the collection of the A. Mucha Museum, Prague
Poster for the 10th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Czechoslovakia. Found in the Collection of A. Mucha Museum, Prague
The Abolition of Serfdom in Russia, 1914. Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)The Abolition of Serfdom in Russia, 1914. Found in the collection of City Gallery Prague
Sokol Festival (Poster). Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Sokol Festival (Poster). Found in the collection of Moravska galerie, Brno
8th Sokol Festival in Prague (Poster), 1925. Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)8th Sokol Festival in Prague (Poster), 1925. From a private collection
The Oath of Omladina Under the Slavic Linden Tree (The cycle The Slav Epic). Found in the collection of City Gallery Prague
Sokol Festival (Poster), 1912. Found in the Collection of A. Mucha Museum, Prague
Study For A Poster Fruit. Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Study For A Poster Fruit. Private Collection
Spring, 1896. Artist: Alphonse MuchaSpring, 1896. From the series Les Saisons. Found in the collection of the State A Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Book illustration, 1890s. Artist: Alphonse MuchaBook illustration, 1890s. Found in the collection of the State A Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
L'Habitation Pratique, 1906-1909. Creator: Mucha; Alfons Marie (1860-1939)L'Habitation Pratique, 1906-1909. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection
Portrait of Josephine Crane-Bradley (1886-1952) as Slavia, 1908. Found in the Collection of the National Gallery, Prague
Thalia, the Muse of Comedy, 1897. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Thalia, the Muse of Comedy, 1897. Private Collection
Maslenitsa doll, 1920. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Maslenitsa doll, 1920. Private Collection
Woman among flowers (printed fabric), 1898-1899. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Woman among flowers (printed fabric), 1898-1899. Found in the Collection of the Ville de Paris, Bibliotheque Forney
The Rose (From the Series Flowers), 1898. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)The Rose (From the Series Flowers), 1898. Private Collection
Iris (From the Series Flowers), 1898. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Iris (From the Series Flowers), 1898. Private Collection
The carnation (From the Series Flowers), 1898. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)The carnation (From the Series Flowers), 1898. Private Collection
The lily (From the Series Flowers), 1898. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)The lily (From the Series Flowers), 1898. Private Collection
Exposition universelle et internationale de St. Louis (Etats-Unis), 1903. Private Collection
Sarah Bernhardt. La Plume, ca 1897. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Sarah Bernhardt. La Plume, ca 1897. Private Collection
Regional exhibition in Ivancice, 1912. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Regional exhibition in Ivancice, 1912. Private Collection
F. Champenois Imprimeur-Editeur, 1897. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)F. Champenois Imprimeur-Editeur, 1897. Private Collection
La Plume, 1896. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)La Plume, 1896. Private Collection
La primevère, 1899. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)La primevere, 1899. Private Collection
L'année qui vient, 1897. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)L'annee qui vient, 1897. Private Collection
Figures décoratives, 1902. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Figures decoratives, 1902. Private Collection
Les Chansons Éternelles by Paul Redonnel, 1898. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Les Chansons Eternelles by Paul Redonnel, 1898. Private Collection
Advertising Poster La Trappistine, 1897. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Advertising Poster La Trappistine, 1897. Found in the collection of the A. Mucha Museum, Prague
Emerald (From the series "The gems"), 1899. Found in the collection of the A. Mucha Museum, Prague
Les quatre saisons: L'Automne, 1900. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Les quatre saisons: L'Automne, 1900. Found in the collection of the A. Mucha Museum, Prague
Poster for the exhibition The Slav Epic (Slovanská epopej)Poster for the exhibition The Slav Epic (Slovanska epopej), 1928. Private Collection
Documents Décoratifs, 1902. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Documents Decoratifs, 1902. Private Collection
Russia Restituenda (Russia needs renewal), 1922. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Russia Restituenda (Russia needs renewal), 1922. Private Collection
Pater Noster, 1900. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Pater Noster, 1900. Private Collection
Bisquit?s Brandy, 1899. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Bisquit?s Brandy, 1899. Private Collection
L'Art Photographique No. 10, 1900. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)L'Art Photographique No. 10, 1900. Private Collection
Soleil du Dimanche, 1897. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Soleil du Dimanche, 1897. Private Collection
Au Quartier Latin, 1898. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Au Quartier Latin, 1898. Private Collection
Bosnie-Herzégovine. L'exposition universelleBosnie-Herzegovine. L'exposition universelle, Paris, 1900, 1900. Private Collection
Lefèvre - Utile Gaufrettes Vanille, c. 1900. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Lefevre - Utile Gaufrettes Vanille, c. 1900. Private Collection
Whitman's chocolates and confections. Philadelphia, c. 1900. Private Collection
Cocorico magazine title, c. 1898. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)Cocorico magazine title, c. 1898. Private Collection