Composer Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943), 1900sComposer Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943)
Composer Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943) Correction of the Piano Concerto No. 3 in Ivanovka
Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin (1869-1916), 1910sGrigori Yefimovich Rasputin (1869-1916)
Illustration to the book Le Morte d Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory, 1893-1894. Private Collection
The Weird Sisters (The Three Witches), ca 1782. Found in the collection of The Huntington, California
Mirth (Regozijo). Album Witches and Old Women, ca 1820. Found in the Collection of The Hispanic Society of America, New York
The Kuybyshev première of Shostakovich's Symphony NoThe Kuybyshev premiere of Shostakovich's Symphony No. 7 on March 5, 1942 by the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra under Samuil Samosud, 1942. Found in the Collection of the Bolshoi Theatre Museum, Moscow
Macbeth and Banquo Meet the Three Witches, 1849-1851. Creator: Martin, John (1789-1854)Macbeth and Banquo Meet the Three Witches, 1849-1851. Found in the Collection of the Musee des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux
Portrait of Marie Catherine Cadière (1709-1731). Creator: AnonymousPortrait of Marie Catherine Cadiere (1709-1731). Private Collection
Witch unleashing storm. From "History of Northern Peoples" by Olaus Magnus, Archbishop of Uppsala, 1555. Private Collection
Regni Annae Reginae decimo. The 1711 act of the Massachusetts legislature to reverse the Salem witchcraft convictions, 1711. Private Collection
C'est la guerre (It's the war), 1915-1916. Private Collection
L'Émoi, 1894. Creator: Vallotton, Felix Edouard (1865-1925)L'Emoi, 1894. Private Collection
Portrait of the Composer Eduard Artemyev. Creator: AnonymousPortrait of the Composer Eduard Artemyev. Private Collection
Portrait of Field Marshal Helmuth Graf von Moltke (1800-1891), c. 1870. Creator: AnonymousPortrait of Field Marshal Helmuth Graf von Moltke (1800-1891), c. 1870. Private Collection
Long live the Council of Workmen's and Soldiers Deputees! Russian Sailors and Women Demonstrating in Petrograd on April 9, 1917, 1917. Private Collection
Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), 1915. Creator: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), 1915. Private Collection
Christoph Willibald Gluck hands Queen Marie Antoinette the score of the opera " Iphigenie in Aulis" at Trianon. Private Collection
Witch scene. Creator: Heintz, Joseph, the Younger (ca 1600-after 1674)Witch scene. Private Collection
The Family of Emperor Alexander II of Russia, c. 1871. Creator: LevitskyThe Family of Emperor Alexander II of Russia, c. 1871. Private Collection
Portrait of Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), 1889. Creator: Manet, Edouard (1832-1883)Portrait of Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), 1889. Private Collection
Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich of Russia (1877-1943), c. 1900. Creator: Photo studio LGrand Duke Boris Vladimirovich of Russia (1877-1943), c. 1900. Private Collection
Portrait of the Princeess Dagmar of Denmark (1847-1928), 1866. Private Collection
Entry of the Princess Dagmar of Denmark into St. Petersburg on 23 September 1866, 1866. Private Collection
Emperor Alexander III (1845-1894) and Empress Maria Fyodorovna (1847-1928) on a horse carriage. Private Collection
Witches, 1510. Creator: Baldung (Baldung Grien), Hans (1484-1545)Witches, 1510. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Conjuration scene with a witch at the altar, 1779. Found in the Collection of Klassik Stiftung Weimar
Cover design for Paradiso by Dante Alighieri, 1918. Creator: Chekhonin, Sergei VasilievichCover design for Paradiso by Dante Alighieri, 1918. Private Collection
Witches, from The Invisible World by Cotton Mather, 1689. Creator: AnonymousWitches, from The Invisible World by Cotton Mather, 1689. Private Collection
Grand Duke Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich (the Elder) of Russia, Prince Vasilchikov and Count Vorontsov-Dashkov with military o, 1912. Private Collection
The Pandurs visiting the Jews, ca 1756. Artist: Englebrecht, Martin (1684-1756)The Pandurs visiting the Jews, ca 1756. From a private collection
Portrait of Princess Isabella of Parma (1741-1763), Archduchess of Austria, 1861. Private Collection
Carlotta Grisi (left), Marie Taglioni (center), Lucille Grahn (right back), and Fanny Cerrito (right front) in the Pugni Pas de, c1840. Private Collection
Emperor Nicholas II (1868-1918) and Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna (1864-1918) in the amateur performance Eugene Onegin, 1890. Found in the Collection of State P. Tchaikovsky Memorial Museum, Klin
The composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) with his wife Antonina Miliukova, 1877. Found in the Collection of State P. Tchaikovsky Memorial Museum, Klin
Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich of Russia (1827-1892) and Grand Duke Constantine Constantinovich of Russia (1858-1915), c. 1875
Cellar of Ipatiev house in Yekaterinburg, after the Execution of the Imperial Family in the night on 16-17 July 1918, 1919. Found in the collection of State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF)
Witches at a black mass. Artist: Dandini, Ottaviano (ca 1706-1740)Witches at a black mass. Private Collection
Valery Chkalov meets with Joseph Stalin. Artist: AnonymousValery Chkalov meets with Joseph Stalin. Private Collection
The sale of indulgences (Detail). Artist: Lutzelburger, Hans (?-1526)The sale of indulgences (Detail). From a private collection
Grigori Rasputin, General Count Mikhail Putyatin (right) and Colonel Dmitriy Lotman
Composers Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Anatoly Lyadov, c. 1903-1906Composers Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Anatoly Lyadov
Kolkhoz near Kiev, 1936Kolkhoz near Kiev
Portrait of the composer Pyotr I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), 1880sPortrait of the composer Pyotr I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
Nadezhda Filaretovna von Meck (1831-1894), 1880s. Found in the Collection of State P. Tchaikovsky Memorial Museum, Klin
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), 1564. Private Collection
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), ca 1529. Private Collection
The Witches Sabbath, 1515. Found in the Collection of Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Portrait of the historian and journalist Michail Petrovich Pogodin (1800-1875), 1860s. Found in the Collection of State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, Moscow
The Church of Saint Nicholas on Three Hills (surnamed, 1912-1914. Found in the Collection of State Scientific A. Shchusev Research Museum of Architecture, Moscow
The Church of Holy Martyr Nikita at Old Basmannaya street in Moscow, 1929. Found in the Collection of State Scientific A. Shchusev Research Museum of Architecture, Moscow
The Chudov Monastery in the Moscow Kremlin, 1918. Found in the Collection of State Scientific A. Shchusev Research Museum of Architecture, Moscow
Portrait of the poet Apollon Maykov (1821-1897), 1860s. Found in the Collection of State Central Literary Museum, Moscow
Francis I (1494-1547), King of France, 1690. Private Collection
Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna with the infant Anastasia, fourth and youngest daughter of Nicholas II, 1901. Private Collection
Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna of Russia with Grand Duchesses Olga Nikolaevna of Russia and Tatiana Nikolaievna of Russia, 1914. Private Collection
Grand Duke Constantin Constantinovich and Grand Duke Dimitri Constantinovich of Russia, c. 1890. Found in the collection of Russian State Film and Photo Archive, Krasnogorsk
Grand Duke Dimitri Constantinovich, Grand Duke Constantin Constantinovich and Grand Duke Vyacheslav Constantinovich of Russia, 1866
Portrait of Grand Duke Constantine Constantinovich of Russia (1858-1915), c. 1874. Found in the collection of Russian State Film and Photo Archive, Krasnogorsk
Motor Rally Moscow-Karakum-Moscow, 1933, 1933. Found in the collection of Russian State Library, Moscow
The Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg, 1919. Found in the collection of State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF)
The Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg, c. 1920. Found in the collection of Russian State Library, Moscow
The Family of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, 1914. Found in the collection of State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF)
Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943) and pianist and conductor Alexander Siloti (1863-1945), 1902. Found in the Collection of State S. Rachmaninov Memorial Museum, Ivanovka
Portrait of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893-1930), 1912. Found in the Collection of State Mayakovsky Museum, Moscow
Witches. Private Collection
Leo Tolstoy and Sophia Andreevna. Found in the Collection of State Museum of Leo Tolstoy, Moscow
The Song of Songs, 1893. Found in the collection of Ohara Museum of Art, Kurashiki
The Coronation of Charlemagne, 1882. Artist: AnonymousThe Coronation of Charlemagne, 1882. Private Collection
Portrait of the author Ivan A. Bunin (1870-1953), 1909. Found in the collection of State Central Literary Museum, Moscow
Tsar Nicholas II and Alexandra Fyodorovna with their Daughters Olga, Tatiana, Maria und Anastasia (as Baby), 1902. Private Collection
The Song of Songs. Artist: Moreau, Gustave (1826-1898)The Song of Songs. Private Collection
Saint Basil The Great. Illustration from the book The Asketikon (O postnichestve), 1594. Private Collection
Illustration to The Song of Songs, 1911. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)Illustration to The Song of Songs, 1911. Private Collection
Macbeth and Banquo Meet the Three Witches, 1759. Artist: Wootton, John (1686-1765)Macbeth and Banquo Meet the Three Witches, 1759. Private Collection
The Witches Floating Above Macbeth and Banquo. Private Collection
The Witches Sabbath. Artist: Teniers, David, the Younger (1610-1690)The Witches Sabbath. Private Collection
The author Leo Tolstoy, 1902. Artist: Bulla, Karl Karlovich (1853-1929)The author Leo Tolstoy, 1902. Found in the collection of Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, Moscow
Nicholas II of Russia with Family in Tobolsk. Artist: AnonymousNicholas II of Russia with Family in Tobolsk. Private Collection