Onoranze Nazionali a F.T. Marinetti Animatore d'Italianita, 1o Congresso Futuristi Italiano, 1924. Group portrait taken at a formal dinner
Milan Cathedral, 1870s-1880s. Creator: UnknownMilan Cathedral, 1870s-1880s. View of Duomo di Milano Milan Cathedral
The print shop of Luigi Valeriano Pozzi in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele in Milan, 1788-1847
Cathedral, Milan, Italy, between 1900 and 1910. Creator: William H. JacksonCathedral, Milan, Italy, between 1900 and 1910
View of the Duomo in Milan, 1759-c.1796. Creator: UnknownView of the Duomo in Milan, 1759-c.1796
Procession de saint Charles Borromée pendant la peste de MilanProcession de saint Charles Borromee pendant la peste de Milan. Esquisse pour la peinture murale de l'eglise Saint-Sulpice, 1861
Le Dôme de Milan. Creator: Felix Francois Georges Philibert ZiemLe Dome de Milan
The Entrance of the French into Milan, 15 May 1796, 1805/1816. Creator: Adolphe AppianThe Entrance of the French into Milan, 15 May 1796, 1805/1816
Details of Milan Cathedral, between 1905 and 1915. In album: Various views and studies, Russian Empire and Europe
Coronation of Emperor Othon Celebrated in San Ambrogio, Milan, ca. 1649
Corso Venezia, Milano, Italy. Creator: Chris SuspectCorso Venezia, Milano, Italy
Triumphal Entry of Margaret of Austria into Milan, from The Life of Margaret of Austria, plate 10, 1612
Duomo Milan, 1846. Creator: Calvert JonesDuomo Milan, 1846
The Cathedral of Milan, Italy - Up among Its Myriad Spires, c1930s. Creator: UnknownThe Cathedral of Milan, Italy - Up among Its Myriad Spires, c1930s. From " Tour of the World". [Keystone View Company, Meadville, Pa. New York, Chicago, London]
Napoleon enters Milan, 14 May 1796, (1921). Creator: UnknownNapoleon enters Milan, 14 May 1796, (1921). Entree de Bonaparte a Milan, accompagne de Massena, Joubert, Kilmaine et du commissaire Saliceti
Interior of Milan Cathedral, 1890. Creator: UnknownInterior of Milan Cathedral, 1890. Construction began in 1386 under Archbishop Antonio da Saluzzo by Italian architect Simone da Orsenigo. Interior decoration continued well into the 16th century