Arrangement in Grey and Black: Portrait of the Artists Mother, 1892
The Bruiser (Caricature of Charles Churchill), August 1, 1762. Creator: William HogarthThe Bruiser (Caricature of Charles Churchill), August 1, 1762
The Complicated R_____n, 1794 (?). Creator: Probably etched by Richard Livesay (BritishThe Complicated R_____n, 1794 (?). Mocking the preface of Jonathan Richardson Sr.s " Explanatory Notes and Remarks on Miltons Paradise Lost. After William Hogarth
Armed Three-master with Daedalus and Icarus in the Sky from The Sailing Vessels, 1561-65
First View of Clarenton near Paris, mid to late 18th century
Noli me Tangere, ca. 1435-1491. Creator: Martin SchongauerNoli me Tangere, ca. 1435-1491
The Temple of the Sibyl at Tivoli (from Landscapes and Ruins), ca. 1615
Holy Family with St. Elizabeth & St. John the Baptist, 1588. Creator: Jan MullerHoly Family with St. Elizabeth & St. John the Baptist, 1588. After Dirck Barendsz
Salome receiving the head of John the Baptist, surrounded by three men and a child bearing a torch, the Baptists body lies on the ground, an oval composition, ca. 1610. After Adam Elsheimer
Plate 77 from The Disasters of War (Los Desastres de la Guerra): May the cord break. (Que se rompe la cuerda.), after 1814-15 (published 1863)
Plate 14: Senatorial Bridge, today called the Ponte Rotto (Broken Bridge). 1. Temple of Vesta. 2. Temple of Fortuna Virilis. 3. Part of the ancient Palatine
Judith, 1647. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham BosseJudith, 1647
Sibylle Persique, ca. 1635. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham BosseSibylle Persique, ca. 1635. Persian Sibyl After Claude Vignon
Le cheval blanc, 1858?. Creator: Felix BracquemondLe cheval blanc, 1858?. After Camille Corot
Saint Simon, 1726. Creator: Etienne BrionSaint Simon, 1726. After Francois Boucher
Personification of Faith, 1642. Creator: Claude MellanPersonification of Faith, 1642
Gobbling a Meal, 1861. Creator: Charles Francois DaubignyGobbling a Meal, 1861
Francesco I d Este Orders Fete Decorations, from L Idea di un Principe ed Eroe Cristiano in Francesco I d Este, di Modena e Reggio Duca VIII [...], 1659
Portrait of Denis Diderot, 1766. Creator: Augustin de Saint-AubinPortrait of Denis Diderot, 1766. After Jean-Baptiste Greuze
Lazarus and the Rich Man, 1830. Creator: UnknownLazarus and the Rich Man, 1830. Caricature showing the Duke of Wellington eating at table witha footman standing behind him. He is approached by a starving man who holds out a petition
Coffee Vendor, 1746. Creator: Caylus, Anne-Claude-Philippe deCoffee Vendor, 1746
The Charming Doll, 1742. Creator: Caylus, Anne-Claude-Philippe deThe Charming Doll, 1742
Wood Cutter, 1742. Creator: Caylus, Anne-Claude-Philippe deWood Cutter, 1742
The Flagellation, with the Pavement, ca. 1475-80. Creator: UnknownThe Flagellation, with the Pavement, ca. 1475-80
Plate 33, from the Fans of the Period series (N7) for Allen &Plate 33, from the Fans of the Period series (N7) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes Brands, 1889
Plate 12, from the Fans of the Period series (N7) for Allen &Plate 12, from the Fans of the Period series (N7) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes Brands, 1889
African Flamingo, from the Birds of the Tropics series (N5) for Allen &African Flamingo, from the Birds of the Tropics series (N5) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes Brands, 1889
Nemesis (The Great Fortune), 1501-2. Creator: Albrecht DurerNemesis (The Great Fortune), 1501-2
The Great Triumphal Car third sheet. n. d. Creator: UnknownThe Great Triumphal Car third sheet.n.d
Love Conquers All (Omnia vincit Amor), in a struggle with a satyr Amor places his right knee on its thigh, two nude nymphs are seated with interlocking legs at the base of a tree, 1599
Toilettes de Mme. L. Massieu, from La Mode Illustree, 1881
Nemesis (The Great Fortune), ca. 1501. Creator: Albrecht DurerNemesis (The Great Fortune), ca. 1501
Chelyshev Inn (Chelyshi) in Moscow, 1880s. Artist: AnonymousChelyshev Inn (Chelyshi) in Moscow, 1880s. Private Collection
Princess of Dream (La Princesse lointaine), ca 1896. Found in the collection of the Hotel Metropol, Moscow