Casting one of the plates for the great steam-hammer at Woolwich, 1872. Creator: UnknownCasting one of the plates for the great steam-hammer at Woolwich, 1872
Before shift work. Stakhanov Brigade, 1937. Found in the collection of State Art Museum, Yekaterinburg
L Aciérie (The Steelworks), 1895. Creator: Luce, Maximilien (1858-1941)L Acierie (The Steelworks), 1895. Found in the collection of the Musee du Petit Palais, Geneva
Professor Faraday lecturing at the Royal Institution, before H.R.H
View of Zlatoust, 1890s. Creator: Prokudin-Gorsky, Sergey Mikhaylovich (1863-1944)View of Zlatoust, 1890s. Private Collection
Metallurgy: Sketch for the school in rue Chateau-Landon, 10th arrondissement of Paris, 1881
Ammunition Works at Northfleet - Bullet-Casting, 1854. Creator: UnknownAmmunition Works at Northfleet - Bullet-Casting, 1854
Without Heavy Industry We Cannot Build Any Industry, 1930. Private Collection
Non-ferrous metallurgy on January 1, 1933, 1934. Creator: Mikhail Alekseevich TSvetkovNon-ferrous metallurgy on January 1, 1933, 1934. From the atlas "Industry of the USSR at the beginning of the 2nd Five-Year Plan
Ferrous metallurgy on January 1, 1933, 1934. Creator: Mikhail Alekseevich TSvetkovFerrous metallurgy on January 1, 1933, 1934. From the atlas "Industry of the USSR at the beginning of the 2nd Five-Year Plan
Casting a billet from an electric furnace, Chase Brass and Copper Co. Euclid, Ohio
Toning the Bell, 1874. Creator: Walter ShirlawToning the Bell, 1874. Musicians in a foundry, helping the blacksmith tone a church bell
View of Verkh-Neyvinsky, ca 1877. Creator: Vereshchagin, Pyotr Petrovich (1836-1886)View of Verkh-Neyvinsky, ca 1877. Private Collection
Metalworkers, Styria, Austria, c1935. Creator: UnknownMetalworkers, Styria, Austria, c1935. Factory workers using an industrial hammer to shape steel. From " Osterreich - Land Und Volk", (Austria, Land and People). [R
Blast furnaces, Donawitz, Austria, c1935. Creator: UnknownBlast furnaces, Donawitz, Austria, c1935. Steam locomotive at the steel-making industrial complex near Leoben in Styria. From " Osterreich - Land Und Volk", (Austria, Land and People). [R
Millions of workers! Join the socialist competition!, ca 1927. Creator: KlutsisMillions of workers! Join the socialist competition!, ca 1927. Found in the Collection of State Art Museum of Republic Latvia, Riga
The Accelerating Industrialization, 1930. Creator: Klutsis, Gustav (1895-1938)The Accelerating Industrialization, 1930. Found in the Collection of State Art Museum of Republic Latvia, Riga
A Portable Smelting Furnace, 1761. Creator: UnknownA Portable Smelting Furnace, 1761. Diagram of small furnace and bellows. From " The Gentlemans Magazine"
We Will Turn the Five-Year Plan into a Four-Year Plan. Artist: Klutsis, Gustav (1895-1938)We Will Turn the Five-Year Plan into a Four-Year Plan. Found in the collection of Russian National Library, St. Petersburg
The Mounting of a workshop, 1932. Found in the Collection of State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Arrowheads peduncle and fins on flint, dagger and biconical punches on copper, from the trousseau of the Gobaederra burial (Subijana - Morillas, Alava)
New metallurgy block shortly after completion, Sheffield University, South Yorkshire, 1966
In the Storm of the Third Year of the Five Year Plan, 1930. Found in the Collection of Russian State Library, Moscow
Ironworks, 1873. Found in the collection of Nationalmuseum Stockholm
The Visit of Sergo Ordzhonikidze, 1937. Private Collection
The hot rolling workshop of the Red Nail Makers Factory in Leningrad. Found in the Collection of State Museum- and exhibition Centre ROSIZO, Moscow
Turbine installation. Found in the Collection of State Museum- and exhibition Centre ROSIZO, Moscow
Ironworks, 1902. Artist: Shilder, Andrei Nikolayevich (1861-1919)Ironworks, 1902. Found in the collection of Museum of History and Art, Cherepovets
Metallurgy section, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. The Exposition Universelle of 1889 was staged in commemration of the centenary of the French Revolution
The Bessemer process for the mass-production of steel, c1880. Artist: CJBThe Bessemer process for the mass-production of steel, c1880. A print from Great Industries of Great Britain, Volume I, published by Cassell Petter and Galpin, (London, Paris, New York, c1880)
The studio of Etienne Delaune, 1576, (1870). Artist: Etienne DelauneThe studio of Etienne Delaune, 1576, (1870). A wood engraving of the interior of the workshop of Etienne Delaune (1518-1583), French goldsmith, artist, printmaker and medallist
English engineer and inventor Sir Henry Bessemer (1813-1898). Artist: AnonymousEnglish engineer and inventor Sir Henry Bessemer (1813-1898). From a private collection
The Iron Rolling Mill (Modern Cyclopes), 1873-1875. Found in the collection of the Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Preparation of copper and silver to be alloyed for production of coins, 1683. Copper is melted (1) while an apprentice (9) soaks birch twigs in water
Georgius Agricola, 16th century German physician, mineralogist and metallurgist
Antoine Cesar Becquerel (1788-1878), French physicist, 1878. Antoine Cesar Becquerel was the first to use electrolysis for separating metals from their ores
Charcoal burning, 1540. Building a pyramid of wood (right) to be covered with bracken and earth, then slowly burned (left) to produce charcoal
Smelting of copper, 1683Smelting of copper: making liquation cakes by reducing copper in furnaces and alloying with lead, 1683
Georgius Agricola (1494-1555), German physician, mineralogist and metallurgist, 1881
Assayer testing samples of gold and silver, 1683
Refining copper using the Hungarian process, 1683. Copperplate engraving showing cupellation cakes being roasted, releasing lead. The lead obtained is smelted at top left
Blast furnaces, 1683. Illustration from the 1683 English edition of Beschreibung Allerfurnemisten Mineralischen Ertzt (Treatise on Ores and Asssaying), by Lazarus Ercker, published in 1580
Using bellows to increase the draught in a furnace, 1540. Woodcut showing a workman using bellows to increase the draught in a furnace for refining copper