Farmers in the delivery of their taxes to the landlords, 1479. Creator: AnonymousFarmers in the delivery of their taxes to the landlords. From Speculum Vitae Humanae by Rodericus Zamorensis, 1479. Private Collection
School lessons. From Speculum Vitae Humanae by Rodericus Zamorensis, 1479. Creator: AnonymousSchool lessons. From Speculum Vitae Humanae by Rodericus Zamorensis, 1479. Private Collection
Shepherd. From Speculum Vitae Humanae by Rodericus Zamorensis, 1479. Creator: AnonymousShepherd. From Speculum Vitae Humanae by Rodericus Zamorensis, 1479. Private Collection
Arithmetic and Geometry. From Speculum Vitae Humanae by Rodericus Zamorensis, 1479. Private Collection
Combing, spinning and weaving of wool. From Speculum Vitae Humanae by Rodericus Zamorensis, 1479. Private Collection
The Art of Blacksmithing. From Speculum Vitae Humanae by Rodericus Zamorensis, 1479. Private Collection
Miniature from the Le Roman de Renart, 13th century. Creator: AnonymousMiniature from the Le Roman de Renart, 13th century. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
The pillory. From the Coutumes de Toulouse, 1295-1297. Creator: AnonymousThe pillory. From the Coutumes de Toulouse, 1295-1297. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
The execution of Enguerrand de Marigny. From Grandes Chroniques de France, 14th century. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
The Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket, 1460s. Creator: AnonymousThe Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket, 1460s. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Trial by combat, 15th century. Creator: AnonymousTrial by combat. From Ceremonies des gages de bataille selon les constitutions du bon roi Philippe de France, 15th century. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
The monk sleeps with the wife while the husband is praying, 1460s. Creator: AnonymousThe monk sleeps with the wife while the husband is praying. Miniature from Le livre appelle Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, 1460s. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque de l Arsenal
Corruption. Miniature from Le livre appelle Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, 1460s. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque de l Arsenal