Study, 1856. Creator: Constantin GuysStudy, 1856
Cricket - drawn by Duncan, 1850. Creator: DuncanCricket - drawn by Duncan, 1850. The Cricket season commences late in May, and is, therefore, now in full force. Cricket has its changes as well as all other things mundane
Entertainment to the...Coldstream Guards... 1850. Creator: UnknownEntertainment to the Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates of the Coldstream Guards, at the Portman-Street Barracks, 1850
The Canterbury Colonists - scene at Gravesend, on Monday, 1850. Creator: UnknownThe Canterbury Colonists - scene at Gravesend [in Kent], on Monday, 1850. Settlers bound for New Zealand
School Fete at Codrington College, Barbadoes, 1850. Creator: UnknownSchool Fete at Codrington College, Barbadoes, 1850
Exhibition of American Plants at the Royal Botanical Society's Gardens, Regent's-Park, [London]
Horticultural Fete at Cheltenham - the Well Walk and Pump Room, 1850. Creator: UnknownHorticultural Fete at Cheltenham - the Well Walk and Pump Room, 1850. Flower show in Gloucestershire
Horticultural Fete at Cheltenham - the Lawn, 1850. Creator: UnknownHorticultural Fete at Cheltenham - the Lawn, 1850
The Emperor Greeting The Triumphant Troops Outside of the Capital, 1772. From " Les Conquetes de l Empereur de la Chine", (The Conquests of the Emperor of China)
Shanes Castle, Tenants Dinner. Creator: James BulwerShanes Castle, Tenants Dinner. Attributed to James Bulwer
The Fair, 1895 / 1896. Creator: James Abbott McNeill WhistlerThe Fair, 1895/1896
Noce de Village (Village Wedding), 1785. Creator: Charles-Melchior DescourtisNoce de Village (Village Wedding), 1785
Antonio Maura (1853-1925), Spanish politician, he was president of the council of ministers
Gabriel Maura and Gamazo, (Madrid, 1879-1963)
Antonio Maura y Montaner (Palma de Mallorca, 1853-Torrelodones, 1925), Spanish lawyer and politician
Antonio Maura (1853-1935), Spanish politician and five times president of the government
Attack against Maura in Barcelona Antonio Maura (1853-1925), Spanish statesman, he was several times president of the council of ministers, colored engraving from Ilustracion espanola y americana
Antonio Maura, (1853-1925), 1920sAntonio Maura, born in Palma de Majorca in 1853 and was the Minister of Overseas trade from December 1892 until March 1894