Diagram of a Jacquard loom, 1838-1845. Creator: UnknownDiagram of a Jacquard loom, 1838-1845. French text: Explication de la mecanique a la Jacquard
Krishna with Gopis on a Riverbank, 1750-1775. Creator: UnknownKrishna with Gopis on a Riverbank, 1750-1775. The god Krishna places a water pot on the head of Radha, his beloved
Costumes de Différents Pays, PrCostumes de Differents Pays, Pr. Ministre des Ydoles de Congo, c1797
Embroidery, c. 1937. Creator: Eleanor CunninghamEmbroidery, c. 1937
Cotton Printing at Merton Abbey Works, c1884. Creator: UnknownCotton Printing at Merton Abbey Works, c1884. Workers hand-printing cotton fabric with woodblocks at Merton Abbey Mills in south London
Hammersmith Carpet Weaving at Merton Abbey Works, . Creator: UnknownHammersmith Carpet Weaving at Merton Abbey Works, late 19th century. Female weaver at a loom at Merton Abbey Mills in south London
Portrait of a Young Man Seated at Table, about 1852. Creator: Richard BeardPortrait of a Young Man Seated at Table, about 1852
Portrait of a young girl, about 1870. Creator: UnknownPortrait of a young girl, about 1870
Self-Portrait, 1734. Creator: Charles-Antoine CoypelSelf-Portrait, 1734
Portrait of a Bearded Man, 1865-1870. Creator: Disderi & CiePortrait of a Bearded Man, 1865-1870
Portrait of Gabriel Bernard de Rieux, 1739-1741. Creator: Maurice-Quentin de La TourPortrait of Gabriel Bernard de Rieux, 1739-1741
Portrait of a Man, about 1712. Creator: Hyacinthe RigaudPortrait of a Man, about 1712. Additional Info: His subjects rank and social position interested Hyacinthe Rigaud more than each individual's character
Portrait of a Seated Young Woman and Dog, 1845-1847. Creator: UnknownPortrait of a Seated Young Woman and Dog, 1845-1847
Portrait of Five Children, about 1870. Creator: UnknownPortrait of Five Children, about 1870. Additional Info: Four girls and one boy standing
Portrait of seated woman, about 1860-1870. Creator: UnknownPortrait of seated woman, about 1860-1870. Additional Info: Portrait of a woman seated beside a small table. The table has a floral print tablecloth and a small vase of flowers
Omar Pacha, 1855. Creator: Roger FentonOmar Pacha, 1855. Additional Info: Portrait of a seated man in militrary attire in a doorway
Portrait of a man, seated, 1850s. Creator: Roger FentonPortrait of a man, seated, 1850s. Additional Info: Portrait of a man seated in an arm chair, facing the camera
Portrait of Three Women, late 19th century. Creator: UnknownPortrait of Three Women, late 19th century. Additional Info: Studio portrait of three women standing, one peeking out from behind a curtain
Portrait of a Man in Velvet Jacket, 1890-1900. Creator: Frederick Henry EvansPortrait of a Man in Velvet Jacket, 1890-1900. Man is leaning on his arm with his chin
Father of Twenty-three Children, Gee's Bend, Alabama, 1937. Creator: Arthur RothsteinFather of Twenty-three Children, Gee's Bend, Alabama, 1937. Portrait of a man wearing a hat and denim overalls smiles at the camera. He holds the straps of his overalls at the shoulders
The Friday Night Club, 1870s. Creator: James Wallace BlackThe Friday Night Club, 1870s. Group portrait of thirteen men seated and standing in a semi-circle with a small cloth-draped table at the apex of the semi-circle
The Adoration of the Magi, early-mid 17th century. Creator: Artus WolfordtThe Adoration of the Magi, early-mid 17th century
Resting Model, late 19th-early 20th century. Creator: Auguste DurstResting Model, late 19th-early 20th century
The City of Valenciennes, 1656. Creator: David Teniers IIThe City of Valenciennes, 1656
Portrait of a Girl as a Huntress, mid-17th century. Creator: Caesar Boetius van EverdingenPortrait of a Girl as a Huntress, mid-17th century
The Jewels of the Bride. Venetian Women in the Sixteenth Century, 1872
The Painter Mattheus Ignatius van Bree, 1849. Creator: Antoon Van IjsendijckThe Painter Mattheus Ignatius van Bree, 1849. Belgian artist
Portrait of a Man, 1520-1530. Creator: Albert CornelisPortrait of a Man, 1520-1530
Deipara Virgo, 1530. Creator: Ambrosius BensonDeipara Virgo, 1530. The Glorification of the Virgin
Scaldis and Antverpia, 1609. Creator: Abraham JanssensScaldis and Antverpia, 1609. Allegorical figures representing the River Scheldt and the city of Antwerp
Saskia van Uylenburgh, the Artist Rembrandt's Wife, mid 17th century
Self Portrait, mid-18th century. Creator: Balthasar BescheySelf Portrait, mid-18th century
The Adoration of the Magi, late 16th-early 17th century. Creator: Abraham JanssensThe Adoration of the Magi, late 16th-early 17th century
Maria de Deckere, Second Wife of Gillis de Smidt, and Béatrix, One of their Daughters, 1575
Catharina van Heemskerck with Sunflowers, late 17th-early 18th century
The Dining Room at the Home of the Artist Henri Leys, 1869
Interior, 1865-1870. Creator: Henri Jean Augustin de BraekeleerInterior, 1865-1870
Strawberries and Champagne, 1881-1885. Creator: Henri Jean Augustin de BraekeleerStrawberries and Champagne, 1881-1885
Still Life with Oysters (study of light), 1882. Creator: James EnsorStill Life with Oysters (study of light), 1882
Still Life Requisites, 1885. Creator: Henri Jean Augustin de BraekeleerStill Life Requisites, 1885
The Meal, 1885. Creator: Henri Jean Augustin de BraekeleerThe Meal, 1885
Still Life with Chinoiseries, 1906. Creator: James EnsorStill Life with Chinoiseries, 1906
The Oyster Eater, 1882. Creator: James EnsorThe Oyster Eater, 1882
Still Life with Chinoiseries, 1880. Creator: James EnsorStill Life with Chinoiseries, 1880
Haddock, 1916. Creator: Rik WoutersHaddock, 1916
Vera Icon, 1592. Creator: AnonVera Icon, 1592
Elisabeth Hoegaerts, 1625. Creator: Cornelis de VosElisabeth Hoegaerts, 1625
The Meal or Woman Seen from the Back, 1881-1885
Still Life with Pastries, 1886. Creator: Willem Linnig IIStill Life with Pastries, 1886
After the Wedding, 1875. Creator: Willem Linnig IIAfter the Wedding, 1875
Looshais on the frontier of Bengal, 1872. Creator: Felix Elie RegameyLooshais on the frontier of Bengal, 1872
The Presentation in the Temple; Book of Hours, about 1415-1420
Louis XII of France Kneeling in Prayer, Accompanied by Saints Michael, Charlemagne, Louis, and Denis, 1498/1499
The Presentation in the Temple; Book of Hours, 1478. Creator: Master of Guillaume LambertThe Presentation in the Temple; Book of Hours, 1478
The Presentation in the Temple; Book of Hours, about 1420-1430
Initial D: An Angel Holding Up the Sudarium; Book of Hours, about 1405-1410
The Holy Family; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Creator: Workshop of the Bedford MasterThe Holy Family; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Mary breastfeeds the infant Jesus as Joseph holds a pan over the fire
Portrait of a Woman, 1660s. Creator: Jan MytensPortrait of a Woman, 1660s. Additional Info: Standing before a wooded landscape, an unknown woman looks out at the viewer while plucking a sprig from a fruit tree
Portrait of a Boy in Fancy Dress, about 1710-1714. Creator: Nicolas de LargillierePortrait of a Boy in Fancy Dress, about 1710-1714. Additional Info: Dressed in a fanciful Roman costume, a young boy with blond hair and blue eyes poses before an enigmatic landscape
The Way to Calvary and Saint Veronica with the Sudarium; Spinola Hours, about 1510-1520
Seated woman in bonnet, about 1850. Creator: UnknownSeated woman in bonnet, about 1850. A woman seated on a green upholstered chair. She is wearing a dark dress with a white ruffled bonnet. She is holding a small bag in her lap
Two Japanese Women in Costume, about 1870-1890. Creator: UnknownTwo Japanese Women in Costume, about 1870-1890. Two Japanese women dancing together. The women are both dressed in kimono with striped and floral patterns and are wearing headscarves
Winding Off the Silk From the Cocoons, about 1873-1883. Creator: Shinichi Suzuki IWinding Off the Silk From the Cocoons, about 1873-1883
Selling Cocoons, about 1873-1883. Creator: Shinichi Suzuki ISelling Cocoons, about 1873-1883
Two women standing at a table holding flowers, about 1875. Creator: UnknownTwo women standing at a table holding flowers, about 1875
Selling the Silk-worm Cocoons, about 1873-1883. Creator: Shinichi Suzuki ISelling the Silk-worm Cocoons, about 1873-1883
Cutting the Mulberry Leaves... about 1873-1883. Creator: Shinichi Suzuki ICutting the Mulberry Leaves... about 1873-1883
Feeding the silkworms, about 1873-1883. Creator: Shinichi Suzuki IFeeding the silkworms, about 1873-1883
Selling Silk-worms Egg-cards, about 1873-1883. Creator: Shinichi Suzuki ISelling Silk-worms Egg-cards, about 1873-1883
Statue of Aphrodite (Venus Genetrix type), 2nd century A.D. Creator: UnknownStatue of Aphrodite (Venus Genetrix type), 2nd century A.D
Cloth Store, 1870s-1890s. Creator: Kusakabe KimbeiCloth Store, 1870s-1890s
Second-Hand Cloth Store, 1870s-1890s. Creator: Kusakabe KimbeiSecond-Hand Cloth Store, 1870s-1890s
A Young Scholar and his Tutor, about 1629-1630. Additional Info: An elderly man in a subdued green velvet cloak trimmed in fur instructs a boy wearing a lavish Eastern costume
Still Life with Dead Birds and Game Bag, 1674. Creator: Willem van AelstStill Life with Dead Birds and Game Bag, 1674
Still Life with Ewer, Vessels, and Pomegranate, mid-1640s. Creator: Willem KalfStill Life with Ewer, Vessels, and Pomegranate, mid-1640s
Buddhist Priests, 1870s-1890s. Creator: Kusakabe KimbeiBuddhist Priests, 1870s-1890s
Portrait of John Talbot, later 1st Earl Talbot, 1773. Creator: Pompeo BatoniPortrait of John Talbot, later 1st Earl Talbot, 1773
Portrait of a Woman, 1818. Creator: Sophie RudePortrait of a Woman, 1818. Additional Info: A poised young woman with cascading ringlets of dark hair sits before us in a tastefully appointed interior
Portrait of Anne, Countess of Chesterfield, 1777-1778. Creator: Thomas GainsboroughPortrait of Anne, Countess of Chesterfield, 1777-1778. Additional Info: Anne Thistlewhaite, the Countess of Chesterfield, appears lost in thought as she sits with her left arm resting on a plinth
Portrait of Louise de Keroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth, about 1671-1674. Additional Info: Louise de Keroualle, the duchess of Portsmouth, sits in front of a window open to a lush landscape
Still Life with Apples, 1893-1894. Creator: Paul CezanneStill Life with Apples, 1893-1894
Portrait of a Young Woman, 1632. Creator: Nicolaes Eliasz PickenoyPortrait of a Young Woman, 1632. Although the sitter's identity is not known, the painting was almost certainly one of a pair of portraits created to celebrate a marriage
Portrait of the Sisters Zenaide and Charlotte BonapartePortrait of the Sisters Zénaïde and Charlotte Bonaparte, 1821
Portrait of Suzanne Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1804. Creator: Jacques-Louis DavidPortrait of Suzanne Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1804. Additional Info: The portrait was painted the year of her engagement to her cousin Léon Le Peletier de Mortefontaine, whom she married in 1806