The interior of the Grand Hotel, showing the damage done by the bombardment, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
Girl workers in a munitions factory, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]. (Colorised black and white print)
Murdered Archduke Francis Ferdinand with his wife and children, c1910The murdered Archduke Francis Ferdinand with his wife and children c1910. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his family, c1910 (c1920)
The boat deck of the Lusitania, showing lifeboats, 1915. A German submarine sank the Lusitania off the Irish coast. Although unarmed, she was carrying munitions
An unusual sight in Paris, 1914. Conducting a funeral service according to Mohammedan rites over the coffin of an Algerian sharp-shooter who had died in Paris
Customs Room at the Gare du Nord, Paris, a relief station for French refugees, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
The naval raid on the East Coast, 1914. The cafe attached to the Grand Hotel, Scarborough, which was struck by shells from the German cruisers
The Australian troops in Egypt encamped near the Pyramids, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
In one of the French trenches, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
Red Cross officers at dinner in a dug-out, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
The last act of a tragedy: A photograph taken on the last boat leaving Ostend for England, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
The part played by motor transports in the retreat from Antwerp, 1914. Cars attached to the Belgian Army and the British Naval Brigade drawn up on the outskirts of the city
A British submarine running on the surface of the water, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
Taking a submarine mine out of stores, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
Examining a Torpedo, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
A German mine layer leaving port with her mines ready on deck, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
The morning toilet on the Continent, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
The Soldier and his Rations: A photograph taken at one of the British camps in France, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
Turcos waiting for the order to advance, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
French cuirassiers riding through the streets of Paris on their way on the front, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
Compiegne: The Hotel de Ville, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
Abandoned British trenches and guns at Maubeuge, 1914. The breech blocks of all these guns were removed before being abandoned in order to make each gun useless
General Botha and his three sons, 1914
Drilling Recruits on the roof of Somerset House, London, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
Inside the Barbette of a Battleship showing the opened breech of a 13 5 inch gun, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
The Stokehold of a Battleship, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
Fitting up an Electric Contact Mine, 1914. A naval mine is a self-contained explosive device placed in water to damage or destroy surface ships or submarines
A view of the Bourse during the passage of the German troops, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
German infantry entering Brussels in the rain, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
Removing German emblems from German Embassy, Carlton House Terrace, London, 1914. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War - 1914, Vol. I.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1914]
One of the New Army making himself useful in his billet, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
Soldiers assisting the farmers by getting in the hay, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
Sergeants hauling the bridal coach from the church, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
A khaki wedding: Cutting the wedding cake with the bridegrooms sword, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
Back to the trenches from Victoria Station, London, 1915. Soldiers who have been home for a day or two on leave saying good-bye to their friends. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol
The interior of one of the wrecked houses in Southend, 1915. The destruction caused by a German Zeppelin attack, 10th May 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15
Packing gifts for despatch to British prisoners in Germany, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
The result of an air raid: A wrecked house in Southend, 1915The result of an air raid: A wrecked house in Southend. 1915. The destruction caused by a German Zeppelin attack, 10th May 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15
The Lusitania at full speed, 1915. A German submarine sank the Lusitania off the Irish coast. Although unarmed, she was carrying munitions
The funeral of some of the Lusitania victims at Queenstown, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
After the Declaration of War: German beer being run away at an Italian Customs store, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
Behind French lines, Field kitchens attached to the French army, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
The Cabinet crisis: Lord Kitchener arriving at the War Office, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
A general view of Moscow, showing the Kremlin, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
A financial conference of the Allies, Paris, 1915. Left, M. Bark; centre, M. Ribot; and right, Mr. Lloyd George, Ministers of Finance in Russia, France, and Britain respectively
The treatment of German wounded, 1915. Exercising the muscles of the arms by means of embroidery work. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915
After the settlement: Miners taking their ponies back to the pit, 1915. On 15 July 1915 about 200, 000 coalminers in south Wales went on strike
Miners leaving the pithead after the expiration of their strike notices, 1915. On 15 July 1915 about 200, 000 coalminers in south Wales went on strike
The scene of the Coal Strike: A typical South Wales coat mine, 1915. On 15 July 1915 about 200, 000 coalminers in south Wales went on strike
The shortage of farm labour: Soldiers assisting with the harvest, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
The Austrian Frontier of Italy, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
Part of Canadas gift of flour of the relief of war distress in England, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
The launching of the War Loan, 1915.The platform at the great Guildhall meeting in support of the new loan. Mr. Asquith is seen speaking, with Mr
Issuing passes for a few days leave at home to the wounded Serbian troops at Nish, 1915
First aid to a wounded man in one of the French trenches, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
Galicia and the Carpathian Passes, 1915
A French telephone post, 1915
The German advance through Galicia: A bivouac of troops by the roadside, 1915
British soldiers on a wrecked Turkish gun, 1915
The officers and crew of the HM Submarine E14, 1915The officers and crew of HM Submarine E14, 1915. Carried out the daring raids against Turkish shipping in the Sea of Marmora. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915
Carrying wounded through the trenches, 1915
Inside the wrecked fortress of Sedd el Bahr, 1915Inside the wrecked fortress of Seddil Bahr, 1915
The Dardanelles Expeditionary Force sets out: A transport loading up at Alexandria, 1915
Landing beach at Sedd el Bahr, as British troops arrived on the Peninsula, 1915. Taken from the beached SS River Clyd showing the horses, provisions, baggage, etc
Landing party of marines during the early part of operations against the Dardanelles, 1915
British sailors round a hole in the deck of their vessel, 1915British sailors round a hole in the deck of their vessel, caused by a shell from one of the Turkish forts, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915
Sending up one of the French war kites, to which a camera is attached, 1914, (1915). From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
Mr. Asquith inspecting the Royal Flying Corps, 1915. Herbert Henry Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith (1852-1928), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1908 to 1916
The concentration camp at Frith Hill, Camberley, 1914, (1915). From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
The opening of Parliament, November 1914, (1915). : The Royal Coach arriving at Parliament Square, 1914. George V (1865-1936), opening parliament in 1914
Robert Fay (on the left) and his two accomplices photographed in court, 1915. Robert Fay was a German spy during WWI who was convicted of trying to sabotage ships in American harbors
The married man in the army, 1915
A remarkable war photograph, mined and captured by the British, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
Rifle drill on board a British battleship, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
The despatching room of one of the great Government stores, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
A lecture on the anatomy of the horse, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
The New Army in training at the Farriers School, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
Royal Army Medical Corps recruits take a meal in the open, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
German and Austrian prisoners being marched through the streets of Petrograd, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
The New Army in training: A rest by the roadside, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War Vol. III - 1915.. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
Recruits to the Grenadier Guards at physical drill at Caterham, 1915. Caterham is a town in the Tandridge District of Surrey, England where the Brigade of Foot Guards depot was established
Waiting for relief rations at Bruges, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
The new French armies: Conscripts and volunteers waiting to enrol for service, 1915. From The Manchester Guardian History of the War, Vol. II. - 1914-15. [John Heywood Ltd, London, 1915]
Lieut. Bell, R. N. R. captain of the ThordisLieut. Bell, RNR captain of the Thordis, being presented by the Lord Mayor of London with a reward, 1915. Offered to the captain and crew of the first British merchantman to sink a German submarine