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Madison Collection

Background imageMadison Collection: James Madison, c. 1821. Creator: Gilbert Stuart

James Madison, c. 1821. Creator: Gilbert Stuart
James Madison, c. 1821

Background imageMadison Collection: Fifth Avenue and Madison Square, New York, c1897. Creator: Unknown

Fifth Avenue and Madison Square, New York, c1897. Creator: Unknown
Fifth Avenue and Madison Square, New York, c1897. The Fifth Avenue Hotel, built 1856-59 by Amos Richards Eno at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Broadway in Manhattan

Background imageMadison Collection: Portrait of Lady Catherine Caroline Montagu (1808-1834), wife of Count Alexandre

Portrait of Lady Catherine Caroline Montagu (1808-1834), wife of Count Alexandre Joseph Colonna-Walewski, 1831. Found in the Collection of Chazen Museum of Art, Madison

Background imageMadison Collection: The Fall of Novgorod

The Fall of Novgorod. Found in the Collection of Chazen Museum of Art, Madison

Background imageMadison Collection: James Madison, 4th President of the the United States of America, (1901)

James Madison, 4th President of the the United States of America, (1901). Madison (1751-1836) was president from 1809 until 1817

Background imageMadison Collection: Portrait of James Madison (1751-1836), 1816. Artist: Vanderlyn, John (1775-1852)

Portrait of James Madison (1751-1836), 1816. Artist: Vanderlyn, John (1775-1852)
Portrait of James Madison (1751-1836), 1816. Found in the collection of White House

Background imageMadison Collection: James Madison (1751-1836), fourth President of the United States, 19th century (1908)

James Madison (1751-1836), fourth President of the United States, 19th century (1908). Madison, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, was president from 1809 to 1817

Background imageMadison Collection: An American Household in the Days of Madison, 1872. Artist: C Burt

An American Household in the Days of Madison, 1872. Artist: C Burt
An American Household in the Days of Madison, 1872. A family during the presidency of James Madison (1809-1817). Engraving from John Gilmary Shea, A Childs History of the United States

Background imageMadison Collection: James Madison, fourth President of the United States, (early 20th century). Artist: Gordon Ross

James Madison, fourth President of the United States, (early 20th century). Artist: Gordon Ross
James Madison, fourth President of the United States, (early 20th century). Madison (1751-1836) was president from 1809 until 1817

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