Costume design for the opera Atys by Jean-Baptiste Lully, c1676. Private Collection
Louis XIV as Apollo in the ballet Ballet de la Nuit, 1653. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Stage design for the Prologue of the Tragedie lyrique "Atys"Stage design for the Prologue of the Tragedie lyrique " Atys" by Jean-Baptiste Lully, c. 1708. Found in the collection of Musee Carnavalet, Paris
Portrait of Jean-Baptiste Lully, 1770. Creator: Augustin de Saint-AubinPortrait of Jean-Baptiste Lully, 1770. After Charles Nicolas Cochin II. After Gaspard Colignon
Portrait of the composer Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687). Creator: AnonymousPortrait of the composer Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687). Private Collection
Dorimene, 1868. Creator: UnknownDorimene, 1868. The character of Dorimene in " Le Mariage Force" (The Forced Marriage), a comedy-ballet by Jean Baptiste de Moliere and Jean-Baptiste Lully, first staged in 1664
Eriphile, 1868. Creator: UnknownEriphile, 1868. The character of Eriphile in " Les Amants Magnifiques" (The Magnificent Lovers), a comedie-ballet by Jean Baptiste de Moliere with music by Jean-Baptiste Lully
Palais de Ceres. Stage design for the opera Proserpine by Jean-Baptiste Lully, 1758. Found in the Collection of Centre des monuments nationaux
Medee. Costume design for the opera Thesee by Jean-Baptiste Lully, 1770-1778. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Stage design for the opera Armide by Jean-Baptiste Lully, 1760. Creator: De WaillyStage design for the opera Armide by Jean-Baptiste Lully, 1760. Found in the Collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Roland and Angelica. Private Collection
Engraving of a tree in the work Arbor Scientiae (Science Tree) copy printed in Barcelona in 1505 by Pere Posa, encyclopaedia written between 1295 and 1296 by the philosopher, theologian
Cover of the Latin edition printed by Jean Petit in Paris in 1505, Libre d Amic e d Amat (Song of the Friend and the Beloved)
Set design for the Opera Bellerophon by Jean-Baptiste Lully, 18th century. Found in the collection of State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Ballet La Princesse d Elide The Princess of Elis) by Moliere and Lully in Versailles, 1664, 1673. Private Collection
Louis XIV as Apollo in the ballet Noces de Thetis et Pelee in 1654. Artist: AnonymousLouis XIV as Apollo in the ballet Noces de Thetis et Pelee in 1654. Private Collection
Jean-Baptiste Lully. Artist: Bonnart, Henri (1642-1711)Jean-Baptiste Lully. Private Collection
Le Grand Divertissement royal de Versailles, July 18, 1668. Found in the collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Jean-Baptiste Lullys opera Alceste being performed in the marble courtyard at the Palace of Versail Artist: Le PautreJean-Baptiste Lullys opera Alceste being performed in the marble courtyard at the Palace of Versailles, 1674. Found in the collection of Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Jean-Baptiste Lully, Florentine-born French composer. Artist: Gerard EdelinckJean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687), Florentine-born French composer. He spent most of his life working in the court of Louis XIV of France and is considered the chief master of the French Baroque style
Composer Jean-Baptiste Lully, before 1711. Artist: Bonnart, Henri (1642-1711)Composer Jean-Baptiste Lully, before 1711. Found in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Chair of Medee, c1675. Artist: Jean BerainChair of Medee, c1675. Costume design by Jean Berain the Elder for the Thesee, (1675), by Jean-Baptiste Lully. Found in the collection of the National Library, Paris
Temple of Apollo, for the opera Achille and Polyxene, c1687. Artist: Jean BerainT emple of Apollo, for the opera Achille and Polyxene, c1687. Achille et Polyxene (Achilles and Polyxena) is an opera with a libretto by Philippe Quinault
Set design for the opera Proserpine, c1680. Artist: Jean BerainSet design for the opera Proserpine, c1680
Enchanted Knight, c1685. Artist: Jean BerainEnchanted Knight, c1685. Costume design by Jean Berain the Elder for an opera by Jean-Baptiste Lully
Costume design by Jean Berain the Elder, c1680. Artist: Jean BerainCostume design by Jean Berain the Elder, c1680. Found in the collection of the Louvre, Paris
Enchanted Hero, c1684. Artist: Jean BerainEnchanted Hero, c1684. Alquif, enchanted knight for the rerun of the opera Amadis or Amadis de Gaule (Amadis of Gaul), by Lully in 1684. Found in the collection of the Louvre, Paris
Devil, c1680. Artist: Jean BerainDevil, c1680. A devil costume for a opera by Jean-Baptiste Lully. Found in the collection of the Louvre, Paris