Los Caprichos, series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 24: No hubo remedio (There was no help), first edition, 1799
Ferdinand VII, king of Spain, oil by Francisco de Goya
Juan Melendez Valdes (1754-1817), Spanish poet, jurist and politician. Oil by Goya
The Duchess of Osuna, oil by Francisco de Goya
The Countess of Chinchon, oil by Francisco de Goya
Poverty, drawing No. 258 of the series of sepia gouaches by Francisco de Goya
The Hunter, tapestry made on a cardboard by Francisco de Goya
The ring-shaped pastries maker, tapestry made on a cardboard by Francisco de Goya
Meeting of witches. Drawing No. 113 of the series of sepia gouaches by Francisco de Goya
Duke of San Carlos, 1815, oil painting by Francisco de Goya
The travelling comedians, 1793, oil painting by Francisco de Goya
Dancing on the banks of Manzanares river, 1777, oil painting by Francisco de Goya
Saturn devouring one of his children by Francisco de Goya
Bullfighting, series of etchings by Francisco de Goya. Plate 11: The Cid Campeador lancing another bull
The Wedding, Painting by Francisco de Goya
Cardinal Borbon, by Francisco de Goya