AI IMAGE - Portrait of Alan Turing, 1950s, (2023). Creator: Heritage ImagesAI IMAGE - Portrait of Alan Turing, 1950s, (2023)
Chrysippos, about 1853-1859. Creator: Roger FentonChrysippos, about 1853-1859. Additional Info: Portrait bust in the British Museum
Philosophy Presenting the Seven Liberal Arts to Boethius, about 1460-1470
Isaac Watts, the National Portrait Gallery, 1871. Creator: UnknownIsaac Watts, the National Portrait Gallery, 1871
Leibnitz, (1646-1716), 1830. Creator: UnknownLeibnitz, (1646-1716), 1830
AI IMAGE - Alan Turing at Bletchley, 1940s, (2023). Creator: Heritage ImagesAI IMAGE - Alan Turing at Bletchley, 1940s, (2023)
AI IMAGE - Portrait of Alan Turing, 1940s, (2023). Creator: Heritage ImagesAI IMAGE - Portrait of Alan Turing, 1940s, (2023)
Christ on the Cross with Saints Vincent Ferrer, John the Baptist, Mark and Antoninus, c1491/1495
Adriaen Heereboord. Creator: Jonas SuyderhoefAdriaen Heereboord
Dialectica (Dialectics). Creator: Virgil SolisDialectica (Dialectics)
Allegory of the Seven Liberal Arts, Second half of the16th. Private Collection
Logic, plate 22 from Arts and Sciences, c.1465. Creator: UnknownLogic, plate 22 from Arts and Sciences, c.1465
Self-Portrait, 1857. Creator: Lewis CarrollSelf-Portrait, 1857
St. Vincent Ferrer. Creator: Andrea ProcacciniSt. Vincent Ferrer
Zeno Eleates, (c495-430 BC), 1830. Creator: UnknownZeno Eleates, (c495-430 BC), 1830
Euler, (1707-1783), 1830. Creator: UnknownEuler, (1707-1783), 1830. Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) Swiss mathematician, physicist, astronomer, geographer, logician and engineer. From " Biographical Illustrations", by Alfred Howard
Galen, (129 AD-c216), 1830. Creator: UnknownGalen, (129 AD-c216), 1830. Aelius Galenus or Claudius Galenus (129 AD-c216) known as Galen of Pergamon, Greek physician, surgeon and philosopher in the Roman Empire
Chrysippus, (c279-206 BC), 1830. Creator: UnknownChrysippus, (c279-206 BC), 1830. Chrysippus of Soli (c279-c206 BC) Greek Stoic philosopher and writer who excelled in logic, theory of knowledge, ethics, and physics
Abelard, (1079-1142), 1830. Creator: UnknownAbelard, (1079-1142), 1830. Peter Abelard (1079-1142) medieval French philosopher, theologian, and logician noted for his affair with Heloise d Argenteuil
Allegory of the Liberal Arts: Logic and Grammar, early 15th century, (1943). CreatorAllegory of the Liberal Arts: Logic and Grammar, early 15th century, (1943). A seated woman holds a snake in each hand, flanked by two bearded men holding books, (philosophers?)
Astronomy, from The Seven Liberal Arts, plate 7, 1544. Creator: Monogrammist BAstronomy, from The Seven Liberal Arts, plate 7, 1544. [Dialectics, Geometry, Music, Astrology]
Scene in Covent Garden, Westminster, London, 1830. Artist: Isaac Robert CruikshankScene in Covent Garden, Westminster, London, 1830
Tom, Jerry and Logic at All-Max in the East, 1821. Artist: JL MarksTom, Jerry and Logic at All-Max in the East, 1821. Figures including a coal-whipper are drinking and dancing at the Coach and Horses, Nightingale Lane, London
llustration of a scene at the Fleet Prison, from Pierce Egans Life in London, 1820
A whistling shop : Tom & Jerry visiting Logic, on board the Fleet, Fleet PrisonA whistling shop : Tom & Jerry visiting Logic, on board the Fleet. A scene at the Fleet Prison, London, 1821 showing characters smoking, drinking and playing cards
Arti liberali. Frieze in the Casa Pellizzari, c. 1500. Artist: Giorgione (1476-1510)Arti liberali. Frieze in the Casa Pellizzari, c. 1500. Found in the collection of Casa Giorgione, Castelfranco Veneto
The Seven Liberal Arts. Artist: Giovanni di Ser Giovanni, (Lo Scheggia) (1406-1486)The Seven Liberal Arts. Found in the collection of Museu Nacional d Art de Catalunya, Barcelona
The Seven Liberal Arts (From Regia Carmina by Convenevole da Prato). Found in the collection of British Library
A Young Man Being Introduced to the Seven Liberal Arts, 1484-1486. Found in the collection of the Louvre, Paris
The Seven Liberal Arts, c. 1450. Artist: Pesellino, Francesco di Stefano (1422-1457)The Seven Liberal Arts, c. 1450. Found in the collection of the Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, Alabama
Philosophy Presenting the Seven Liberal Arts to Boethius, ca 1465. Found in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
Jerry having his hand read by a gypsy, c1828. Artist: Isaac Robert CruikshankJerry having his hand read by a gypsy, c1828. Jerry takes a break from a hunt to have his hand read told by a pretty gypsy while Logick leans on a fence
Tom, Jerry and Logic in the Press Yard, Newgate prison, London, 1821
Tom, Jerry and Logic at the Grand Carnival, 1821. Artist: George CruikshankTom, Jerry and Logic at the Grand Carnival, 1821. Illustration for Life in London by Pierce Egan, 1821
Flooding during the excavation of the Thames Tunnel, London, 1828 (1836). Tom, Jerry and Logic having a narrow escape as water breaks through during a visit to the Thames Tunnel workings
George Boole, English mathematician and logician, 1865George Boole (1815-65). English mathematician and logician, 1865. Wood engraving
Wall painting of Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric and Music from le Puy, France