The Philologist and the Counsellor of Secretary Johan Ihre, 1780. Creator: Gustaf LundbergThe Philologist and the Counsellor of Secretary Johan Ihre, 1780
Dr. E. Dillon, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceDr. E. Dillon, between c1915 and c1920. Shows Emile Joseph Dillon (1855-1933) who was an author, journalist and linguist
Columbia -- Mr. Dhalla, H.Y. Clews, Djelal Munif Bey and A.V.W. Jackson, 1914
Johannes Bureus, 1568-1652, 1627. Creator: UnknownJohannes Bureus, 1568-1652, 1627
Georg Stiernhielm, 1598-1672, 1663. Creator: David Klocker EhrenstrahlGeorg Stiernhielm, 1598-1672, 1663
Portrait of Frans de Haes, Poet and Linguist in Rotterdam, 1732-1771
Charles de Moveron, 1582-1657, c17th century. Creator: AnonCharles de Moveron, 1582-1657, c17th century
Thomas Erpenius as Metellus, 1791. Creator: Cornelis de JonkerThomas Erpenius as Metellus, 1791. In 1613, Dutch orientalist Thomas van Erpe was the first European to publish an accurate book of Arabic grammar
Charles L. Reason, 1887. Creator: UnknownCharles L. Reason, 1887. African-American mathematician, linguist, and educator; the first black college professor in the United States
Albert Gallatin, after 1859. Creator: Worthington WhittredgeAlbert Gallatin, after 1859
Ugolino Martelli, mid 16th century. Creator: UnknownUgolino Martelli, mid 16th century
Sir R. Fanshaw, (1608-1666), 1830. Creator: UnknownSir R. Fanshaw, (1608-1666), 1830. Sir Richard Fanshawe, 1st Baronet (1608-1666) English poet, translator, linguist, diplomat and politician, educated at Jesus College, Cambridge
Elizabeth Smith, 1809. Creator: Robert Mitchell MeadowsElizabeth Smith, 1809. Portrait of Elizabeth Smith (1776-1806), English translator, linguist, and Biblical scholar
Portrait of Professor E.N.Setälä, 1911. Creator: Akseli Gallen-KallelaPortrait of Professor E.N.Setala, 1911
Bishop Crowther, c1860-c1869. Creator: Ernest EdwardsBishop Crowther, c1860-c1869. Additional title: Full length portrait of Bishop Crowther in his vestments
William Woodville Rockhill, half-length portrait, standing, facing left, between 1890 and 1910
Peter Stephen DuPonceau, c. 1800. Creator: Charles Balthazar Julien FéPeter Stephen DuPonceau, c. 1800
Demetrius Cantemir S. Ros Siaci Imperii, et Moldaviae Princeps, 1734. Prince of Moldavia and man of letters. Antonio Cavallucci (1752-1795), Italian painter of the late Baroque period
Jose Jacinto Milanes y Fuentes (1814-1863), renowned poet, linguist and writerJose Jacinto Milanes y Fuentes (1814-1863), renowned poet
Guillaume Postel, 16th century French linguist, astronomer and diplomat
Yakov Groth, Russian philologist and linguist, 1860sYakov Groth (1812-1893(, Russian philologist and linguist, 1860s. Found in the collection of the State Museum of AS Pushkin, Moscow
Jean Francois Champollion, French historian, linguist and Egyptologist, 19th century. Champollion (1790-1832) is regarded as the founder of scientific Egyptology
Ole Worm, Danish scholar. Worm (1588-1654) was a physician and a scholar of early Scandinavian and Icelandic languages
William Balfour Baikie (1825-1864), Scottish naturalist, explorer, naval surgeon and linguist, 1864. Baikie went on expeditions to explore the River Niger and the surrounding country in 1854 and 1857