Study of a Girl, c1910. Artist: Maxwell Gordon LightfootStudy of a Girl, c1910. From The Studio Volume 95. [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1928]
The Nile Flood Had Retired, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonThe Nile Flood Had Retired, c1930. An illustration from The Marsh Kings Daughter by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
Frances, Countess of Surrey, c1532-1533 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerFrances, Countess of Surrey, c1532-1533 (1945). Frances Howard, (nee de Vere), Countess of Surrey (c. 1516-1577) was daughter of John de Vere, 15th Earl of Oxford, and Elizabeth Trussell
Mary, Lady Monteagle, c1538-1540 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerMary, Lady Monteagle, c1538-1540 (1945)
Edward, Lord Clinton, c1532-1543 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerEdward, Lord Clinton, c1532-1543 (1945). Edward Fiennes de Clinton, 1st Earl of Lincoln, KG (1512 -1584/85) was an English nobleman and Lord High Admiral
Mask of Fudo Myoo, 18th-19th century. Creator: School of Katsushika HokusaiMask of Fudo Myoo, 18th-19th century. Edo period
Battle of Hastings, (1066), 1835. Creator: UnknownBattle of Hastings, (1066), 1835. The Battle of Hastings in which invading Normans, led by William the Conqueror, defeated the Anglo Saxons under King Harold II
Pinochle: Guards at the Walters Art Gallery, 1953. Creator: Walter ChatelainePinochle: Guards at the Walters Art Gallery, 1953
Preparatory Sketches for Prints (set of 5) (image 4 of 4), Late 19th century
Preparatory Sketches for Prints (set of 5) (image 3 of 4), Late 19th century
Plaque Inscribed by a High Priest of Amen, 21st Dynasty (1055-931 BCE) or later
Matsya Avatar of Vishnu, between c1700 and c1725 or later. Creator: UnknownMatsya Avatar of Vishnu, between c1700 and c1725 or later
Nata Ragini, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies), c1675. Creator: UnknownNata Ragini, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies), c1675
Ramagadi Ragini, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies), c1775. Creator: UnknownRamagadi Ragini, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies), c1775
Krishna and the Cowherds at the Edge of a Forest, c1750. Creator: UnknownKrishna and the Cowherds at the Edge of a Forest, c1750
A Young Rider Approaches a Water Reservoir, c1750. Creator: UnknownA Young Rider Approaches a Water Reservoir, c1750
Patamanjari Ragini, Fourth Wife of Bhairava Raga, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies), c1675
Illustration for the Story of Layla and Majnun, c1770. Creator: UnknownIllustration for the Story of Layla and Majnun, c1770
Prince and Princess in the Guise of Krishna and Radha Drinking on a Terrace, c1725
Desavari Ragini, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies), c1675. Creator: UnknownDesavari Ragini, Folio from a Ragamala (Garland of Melodies), c1675
Women Playing a Game of Chess, c1700. Creator: UnknownWomen Playing a Game of Chess, c1700
A Prince and His Sons Receive Visitors in the Mardana (Men's Quarter), 1786
Les allemands peints par eux-memes et par les neutres; "Voila tout mon futur ministere sous la table!", 1916. From "Collection de la Guerre IV. L'Illustration Tome CXLVIII
Les allemands peints par eux-memes et par les neutres; "les enfants du commandant-major repandent la culture prussienne a la campagne", 1916. From "Collection de la Guerre IV
Cyclamen, 1920. Creator: Julie de GraagCyclamen, 1920
The Path of Flowers, New York, 1936. Creator: UnknownThe Path of Flowers, New York, 1936. The Federal Theatre Project, created by the U.S
Sketches Related to Painting of Marcus Curtis, n.d. Creator: Benjamin Robert HaydonSketches Related to Painting of Marcus Curtis, n.d
A Sketch of the Battle of Waterloo, (18 June 1815 ), 1816. Creator: UnknownA Sketch of the Battle of Waterloo, (18 June 1815), 1816. Fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815
Landscape with rainbow, late 18th-early 19th century, (1943). Creator: Joseph Anton KochLandscape with rainbow, late 18th-early 19th century, (1943). Drawing in the Heumann Collection, Chemnitz, Germany
The Good Shepherd, 1925. Creator: Joakim SkovgaardThe Good Shepherd, 1925
Plan of the Battle of Maiwand, (July 27, 1880), c1880. From British Battles on Land and Sea, Vol. IV, by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris & Melbourne, c1880]
Their Slippers Flew About Their Ears, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonTheir Slippers Flew About Their Ears, c1930. An illustration from The Flying Trunk by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
But Let It Make Us Laugh, Said the King, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonBut Let It Make Us Laugh, Said the King, c1930. An illustration from The Flying Trunk by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
Will You Tell Us A Story? Asked the Queen, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonWill You Tell Us A Story? Asked the Queen, c1930. An illustration from The Flying Trunk by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
The Son Lived Merrily, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonThe Son Lived Merrily, c1930. An illustration from The Flying Trunk by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen. [Hodder and Stoughton Limited for Boots Pure Drug Co
Up Flew The Trunk, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonUp Flew The Trunk, c1930. An illustration from The Flying Trunk by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen. [Hodder and Stoughton Limited for Boots Pure Drug Co
Ach! Du Lieber Augustin, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonAch! Du Lieber Augustin, c1930. An illustration from The Swineherd by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen. [Hodder and Stoughton Limited for Boots Pure Drug Co
And He Wept Like A Child, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonAnd He Wept Like A Child, c1930. An illustration from The Swineherd by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen. [Hodder and Stoughton Limited for Boots Pure Drug Co
All Cares and Sorrows Were Forgotten By Him Who Inhaled Its Fragrance, c1930. An illustration from The Swineherd by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
And Karen Was Dressed Very Neatly, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonAnd Karen Was Dressed Very Neatly, c1930. An illustration from The Red Shoes by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
The Old King Himself Went Out To Open It, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonThe Old King Himself Went Out To Open It, c1930. An illustration from The Real Princess by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
The Peas Were Presented In The Cabinet of Curiousities, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonThe Peas Were Presented In The Cabinet of Curiousities, c1930. An illustration from The Real Princess by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
So Elise Took Off Her Clothes and Stepped into the Water, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonSo Elise Took Off Her Clothes and Stepped into the Water, c1930. An illustration from The Wild Swans by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
He Was Quite As Successful as the Real Nightingale, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonHe Was Quite As Successful as the Real Nightingale, c1930. An illustration from The Nightingale by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
The Chief Imperial Nightingale Bringer, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonThe Chief Imperial Nightingale Bringer, c1930. An illustration from The Nightingale by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
Among the Branches Dwelt a Nightingale, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonAmong the Branches Dwelt a Nightingale, c1930. An illustration from The Nightingale by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
They Ate From Their Hands, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonThey Ate From Their Hands, c1930. An illustration from The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
The Youngest Was The Most Lovely, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonThe Youngest Was The Most Lovely, c1930. An illustration from The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
She Was On The Whole A Sensible Sort Of Lady, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonShe Was On The Whole A Sensible Sort Of Lady, c1930. An illustration from The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
I Will Have Thee Myself To Wife, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonI Will Have Thee Myself To Wife, c1930. An illustration from Elfin-Mount by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
She Entered the Large, Cold, Empty Hall, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonShe Entered the Large, Cold, Empty Hall, c1930. An illustration from The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
She Ran On As Fast As She Could, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonShe Ran On As Fast As She Could, c1930. An illustration from The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
And Flapped His Black Wings at the Carriage Till It Was Out of Sight, c1930. An illustration from The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
And the Nearer They Were To The Door The Prouder They Looked, c1930. An illustration from The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
Cabinet Councillors Were Walking About Barefooted, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonCabinet Councillors Were Walking About Barefooted, c1930. An illustration from The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
Gerda Knew Every Flower in the Garden, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonGerda Knew Every Flower in the Garden, c1930. An illustration from The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
She Wore a Large Hat, With Most Beautiful Flowers On It, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonShe Wore a Large Hat, With Most Beautiful Flowers On It, c1930. An illustration from The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
He Chuckled With Delight, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonHe Chuckled With Delight, c1930. An illustration from The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
Oh, Terrified Was Poor Tommelise!, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonOh, Terrified Was Poor Tommelise!, c1930. An illustration from Tommelise by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
That Was The Greatest of Pleasures, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonThat Was The Greatest of Pleasures, c1930. An illustration from Tommelise by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
This Is Just The Wife For My Son, Said the Toad, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonThis Is Just The Wife For My Son, Said the Toad, c1930. An illustration from Tommelise by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
Thou Poor Little Thing! Said the Field-Mouse, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonThou Poor Little Thing! Said the Field-Mouse, c1930. An illustration from Tommelise by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
The Swallow Soared High Into The Air, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonThe Swallow Soared High Into The Air, c1930. An illustration from The Marsh Kings Daughter by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
Placed The Golden Circuit Around His Neck, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonPlaced The Golden Circuit Around His Neck, c1930. An illustration from The Marsh Kings Daughter by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
She Understood the Speech of Birds, c1930. Artist: W Heath RobinsonShe Understood the Speech of Birds, c1930. An illustration from The Marsh Kings Daughter by Hans Christian Andersen. From Hans Andersens Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
Little Brother and Little Sister, 1917, (1923). Artist: Arthur RackhamLittle Brother and Little Sister, 1917, (1923). Tired of the cruel mistreatment they endure from their wicked stepmother, who is also a witch, a brother and sister run away from home
Edward, Prince of Wales (Not by Holbein), c1550-1599, (1945)Edward, Prince of Wales (Not by Holbein), c16th century (1945). After Hans Holbein the Younger ( c1497-1543). The drawing is part of the Royal Collection Trust, Windsor Castle
Richard, Baron Rich, c1532-1543 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerRichard, Baron Rich, c1532-1543 (1945). Richard Rich, 1st Baron Rich, 1st Baron Rich (1496/7-1567), was Lord Chancellor during the reign of King Edward VI of England from 1547 until January 1552
A Gentleman: Unknown, c1532-1543 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerA Gentleman: Unknown, c1532-1543 (1945). The drawing is part of the Royal Collection Trust, Windsor Castle. From The Drawings of Holbein at Windsor Castle by K. T. Parker
Lord Francis Russell, c1534-1538 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerLord Francis Russell, c1534-1538 (1945). Francis Russell, 2nd Earl of Bedford, KG (c. 1527-1585) was an English nobleman, soldier and politician and godfather to Francis Drake
Margaret, Lady Butts, c1541-1543 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerMargaret, Lady Butts, c1541-1543 (1945). Lady Margaret Butts (nee Bacon), (c.1485-1545), wife of Sir William Butts, and daughter of John Bacon. She served as a lady-in-waiting to Princess Mary
William Fitzwilliam, Earl of Southampton, c1536-1540 (1945)
Anne Boleyn, 1533-1536 (1945). Artists: Hans Holbein the Younger, Anne BoleynAnne Boleyn, 1533-1536 (1945). Anne Boleyn (c. 1501- 1536) was Queen of England from 1533 to 1536 as the second wife of King Henry VIII, and Marquess of Pembroke in her own right
John Colet, c1535 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerJohn Colet, c1535 (1945). John Colet (1467 -1519) was an English churchman, educational pioneer, Renaissance humanist, theologian, member of the Worshipful Company of Mercers, and Dean of St
William Parr, Marquess of Northampton, c1538-1542 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerWilliam Parr, Marquess of Northampton, c1538-1542 (1945)
Elizabeth, Lady Rich, c1532-1543 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerElizabeth, Lady Rich, c1532-1543 (1945). The drawing is part of the Royal Collection Trust, Windsor Castle. From The Drawings of Holbein at Windsor Castle by K. T. Parker
Catherine Willoughby, c1532-1543 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerCatherine Willoughby, c1532-1543 (1945)
A Lady: Unknown, c1532-1543 (1945). Artists: Hans Holbein the Younger, UnknownA Lady: Unknown, c1532-1543 (1945). The drawing is part of the Royal Collection Trust, Windsor Castle. From The Drawings of Holbein at Windsor Castle by K. T. Parker
Edward, Prince of Wales, 1538 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerEdward, Prince of Wales, 1538 (1945). The drawing is part of the Royal Collection Trust, Windsor Castle. From The Drawings of Holbein at Windsor Castle by K. T. Parker
Princess Mary, c1536 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerPrincess Mary, c1536 (1945). The drawing is part of the Royal Collection Trust, Windsor Castle. From The Drawings of Holbein at Windsor Castle by K. T. Parker
Alice London, Lady Borough, c1541 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerAlice London, Lady Borough, c1541 (1945). 27.2 × 19.6 cm
Queen Jane Seymour, c1536-1537 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerQueen Jane Seymour, c1536-1537 (1945). The drawing is part of the Royal Collection Trust, Windsor Castle. From The Drawings of Holbein at Windsor Castle by K. T. Parker
A Gentleman: Unknown, c1535 (1945). Artist: Hans Holbein the YoungerA Gentleman: Unknown, c1535 (1945). The drawing is part of the Royal Collection Trust, Windsor Castle. From The Drawings of Holbein at Windsor Castle by K. T. Parker