Francois Leclerc du Tremblay (1577-1638), 1704Franc ois Leclerc du Tremblay (1577-1638), 1704. Found in the Collection of Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Bust of Louis, Dauphin of France, Sevres, 1766. CreatorsBust of Louis, Dauphin of France, Sevres, 1766
Prenant un Ris a Bord de L Astree, 1871. Creator: Felix Auguste LeclercPrenant un Ris a Bord de L Astree, 1871
J. Le Clerc, (1657-1736), 1830. Creator: UnknownJ. Le Clerc, (1657-1736), 1830. Jean Leclerc (1657-1736) Genevan theologian and biblical scholar who promoted exegesis, or critical interpretation of the Bible
S. Le Clerc, (1637-1714), 1830. Creator: UnknownS. Le Clerc, (1637-1714), 1830. Sebastien Leclerc (1637-1714) French artist from the Duchy of Lorraine, counselled by Charles Le Brun, he worked for Louis XIV
Buffon, (1707-1788), 1830. Creator: UnknownBuffon, (1707-1788), 1830. Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1788) French naturalist, mathematician, cosmologist, and encyclopedist who published Histoire Naturelle
Gabriel Jean Joseph Molitor, 1804, (1839). Creator: LeclercGabriel Jean Joseph Molitor, 1804, (1839). Molitor (Gabriel-Jean-Joseph, Comte), Marechal de France. Portrait of Gabriel Jean Joseph Molitor (1770-1849), Marshal of France
Nicolas Joseph Maison, 1804, (1839). Creator: LeclercNicolas Joseph Maison, 1804, (1839). Maison (Nicolas-Joseph, Marquis), Marechal de France. Portrait of Nicolas Joseph Maison (1770-1840), Marshal of France and Minister of War
La Souris, c1763. Creator: Christian Friedrich FritzschLa Souris, c1763. The mouse, and below its skeleton
George Louis Le Clerc, Comte De Buffon, 1774. Creator: Jacobus HoubrakenGeorge Louis Le Clerc, Comte De Buffon, 1774. Portrait of French naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte du Buffon (1707-1778)
La Noctule & La Serotine, c1763. Creator: Christian Friedrich FritzschLa Noctule & La Serotine, c1763. The Common noctule bat and the serotine bat
La Chauve-Souris les Ailes entendues & La Chauve-Souris sur ses quatre Jambes, c1763. Bat shown with wings extended, and on all fours
Le Fer-A-Cheval & Le Fer-A-Cheval suspendu par les pieds, c1763. The Greater horseshoe bat showin on all fours, and hanging upside-down
La Taupe & La Taupe Depoiuillee de sa Peau, c1763. The mole, and the mole without its skin
La Barbastelle & La Pipistrelle, c1763. Creator: Christian Friedrich FritzschLa Barbastelle & La Pipistrelle, c1763. The barbastelle bat and the pipistrelle bat
Marie-Pauline Bonaparte - Madame LeclercMarie-Pauline Bonaparte, Madame Leclerc, Princess Borghese, c1806, (1896)
Marie-Pauline Bonaparte, c1800, (1896). Artist: R. G. TietzeMarie-Pauline Bonaparte - Wife of General Leclerc and Afterward of Prince Camillo Borghese, c1800, (1896). Pauline Bonaparte (1780-1825) was the sister of Napoleon Bonaparte
Victor-Emmanuel Leclerc - First Husband of Pauline Bonaparte, c1800, (1896)
Francois Leclerc du Tremblay (1577-1638), c. 1630Franc ois Leclerc du Tremblay (1577-1638), c.1630. Found in the Collection of Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Charles Victoire Emmanuel Leclerc (1772-1802), 1889. Private Collection
Villafranca, Italy, c1870
Nicolas Joseph Maison (1770-1840), Marshal of France and Minister of War, 1839
Gabriel Jean Joseph Molitor (1770-1849), Marshal of France, 1839. Artist: LeclercGabriel Jean Joseph Molitor (1770-1849), Marshal of France, 1839
Buffon, 19th century. Artist: HartBuffon, 19th century. George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, French naturalist
Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, French naturalist, 18th centuryGeorges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, French naturalist, mathematician, and biologist, 18th century. Portrait of Leclerc (1707-1788) with specimens from the natural world
Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte du Buffon, French naturalist, 1761
George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, French naturalist, 18th century. Artist: HollGeorge-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, French naturalist, 18th century