Sketch Map of the Valley of the Aisne above Soissons, 1914, (c1920). Creator: UnknownSketch Map of the Valley of the Aisne above Soissons, 1914, (c1920). Part of northern France, showing Laon and Rheims, at the start of the First World War
Le Passage Des Chenizelles A Laon (Aisne), 1903. Creator: UnknownLe Passage Des Chenizelles A Laon (Aisne), 1903. The lane from Chenizelles to Laon, Aisne, northern France. View of city ramparts in the town of Laon
Northern France Illustrating the Western Campaign, 1914, (c1920). Map of northern France, Belgium and Luxembourg, at the start of the First World War
The Tower of Louis D Outremer at Laon (Destroyed in 1831), 1890. Creator: UnknownThe Tower of Louis D Outremer at Laon (Destroyed in 1831), 1890
Portrait of a young man, 1565-1569. Found in the Collection of Muse e du Pays, Laon
Leon Daudet, c1893. Artist: Aaron GerschelLeon Daudet, c1893. Leon Daudet (1867-1942), French journalist, writer, an active monarchist and a member of the Academie Goncourt. From the 2e collection [Felix Potin, c1893]
En Pays Flamand, 1902. Artist: Leon FredericEn Pays Flamand, 1902. From The Studio Volume 40. [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1907]
The Age of the Worker, 1896. Artist: Leon FredericThe Age of the Worker, 1896. Leon Frederic drew on contemporary and centuries-old influences to evolve his unique symbolist style