Stater (Coin) Depicting the Goddess Kore, 330-300 BCE. Creator: UnknownStater (Coin) Depicting the Goddess Kore, 330-300 BCE
Rape of Persephone with Pluto on horseback at right, 1590-1607. Creator: Giuseppe ScolariRape of Persephone with Pluto on horseback at right, 1590-1607
Versailles, Girardon, Enlevement de Proserpine par Pluton, 1904. Creator: Eugene AtgetVersailles, Girardon, Enlevement de Proserpine par Pluton, 1904. A work made of albumen print
Versailles, Enlevement de Proserpine par Pluton, 1904. Creator: Eugene AtgetVersailles, Enlevement de Proserpine par Pluton, 1904. A work made of albumen print
Versailles, Bosquet de la Colonnade, 1904. Creator: Eugene AtgetVersailles, Bosquet de la Colonnade, 1904. A work made of albumen print
Versailles, La Collonnade, 1904. Creator: Eugene AtgetVersailles, La Collonnade, 1904. A work made of albumen print
Rape of Persephone, ca. 1755-90. ca. 1755-90. Creator: Gaetano GandolfiRape of Persephone, ca. 1755-90
Pluto and Proserpine, from The Loves of the Gods, ca. 1531-76. Creator: Giulio BonasonePluto and Proserpine, from The Loves of the Gods, ca. 1531-76
The Rape of Proserpine, 1839. Creator: JMW TurnerThe Rape of Proserpine, 1839
Amorini Celebrate the Rape of Proserpina, 1805-12. Creator: Francesco RosaspinaAmorini Celebrate the Rape of Proserpina, 1805-12
Proserpine, 1882. Creator: Dante Gabriel RossettiProserpine, 1882
Cupid and Psyche - Palace Green Murals - Psyche receiving the Casket from Proserpine, 1881. A scene from William Morris epic poem, The Earthly Paradise
Proserpina, from Game of Mythology (Jeu de la Mythologie), 1644
Plate 27: Proserpina gives Psyche the box of beauty, from The Fable of Cupid and Psyche, 1530-60
Proserpina, 1594. Creator: Hendrik GoltziusProserpina, 1594
Plate 8: Prosperpina, standing in a niche, turning to the right while holding mantle in both hands and flowers in her right hand, from a series of mythological gods and goddesses, 1526
The Abduction of Proserpina, ca. 1620-25. Creator: Pieter SoutmanThe Abduction of Proserpina, ca. 1620-25
Proserpine Changing Aesculapius into an Owl, 1548. Creator: Enea VicoProserpine Changing Aesculapius into an Owl, 1548
The Underworld, c1613-c1644. Artist: Francois de NomeThe Underworld, c1613-c1644. On the left Pluto and Persephone, King and Queen of the Underworld, view their kingdom
Greek Vase Painting, Persephone and Hades Banqueting in the Underwold, c430 BC. Artist: Codrus PainterGreek Vase Painting, Persephone and Hades Banqueting in the Underwold, c430 BC. Attic red-figured Kylix by the Codrus Painter. Held at British Museum
Greek statue Kore 674 from the Acropolis, 6th century BCA Kore from the Acropolis, now from the Acropolis Museums collection, 6th century BC
Hades, 18th century. Hades, the underworld of Greek mythology, showing Charon the ferryman, Cerberus, the three-headed dog guarding the entrance, Pluto and Persephone (centre left) and the River Styx
Hades and Persephone Banqueting: Altic Red-figure Kylix, c430 BC. Artist: Codrus PainterHades and Persephone Banqueting, Altic Red-figure Kylix, c430 BC. by the Codros painter
Kore, Persephone wearin Ionaian Chiton and Himation Attic Sculpture, c420 BC. Found in Piraeus at National Archaeological Museum, Athens
Greek statue known as the Peplos Kore, 6th century BCThe Peplos Kore, found on the Acropolis in Athens, 6th century BC
Greek statue of a Kore from the Acropolis, 5th century BCKore from the Acropolis Museum in Athens, 5th century BC
Greek statue Kore 675, 6th century BCKore 675 from the Acropolis, now from the Acropolis Museums collection. The kore was originally brightly painted, 6th century BC
Greek sculpture of the Lady of Auxerre, 7th century BCAn archaic sculpture of the Lady of Auxerre, made of limestone, 7th century BC
Greek bronze figure holding a pomegranate and a torch, possibly the Greek goddess Persephone. from the British Museums collection
Greek gods Pluto and Persephone sit with Cerberus, the three-headed dog, (15th century)Pluto and Persephone enthroned: the God and goddess of the underworld, they sit with the three-headed dog, Cerberus, at their feet
Detail from a krater showing Pluto carrying off Persephone, 4th century BC. Artist: Iliupersis PainterDetail from a red-figure volute krater showing Pluto carrying off Persephone, from the British Museums collection, 4th century BC
Persephone Taking Leave of Pluto with Hermes and Demeter standing nearby, c550BC-c525 BC. Attic Black-figured Kylix, From Vucli. British Museum
Hades carries off Persephone, detail of Red-figure Volute Krater, c380 BC Artist: Iliupersis PainterHades carries off Persephone, detail of Red-figure Volute Krater, c380 BC. By the Iliupersis Painter Ornate Apulian style, held at British Museum
Demeter and Persephone in a carriage, c620 BC. Terracotta goroup from Thebes, made in Corinth, at British Museum
Statue of Persephone, 2nd century. Roman, after a Greek original of the 4th century BC. In Greek Mythology Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter
Head of Persephone, 2nd century. Roman, after a Greek original of the 4th century BC. In Greek Mythology Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter