Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I, 1710. Creator: UnknownHoly Roman Emperor Joseph I, 1710
Portrait of Rudolf II of Austria (1552-1612), Holy Roman Emperor, Early 18th cen. Private Collection
Portrait of Ferdinand II (1578-1637), Holy Roman Emperor, First third of 17th cen. Private Collection
Portrait of Rudolf II of Austria (1552–1612)Portrait of Rudolf II of Austria (1552-1612), Holy Roman Emperor, c1592. Found in the Collection of the Art History Museum, Vienna
Seni with the body of Wallenstein, 26 February 1634, (1936). Creator: UnknownSeni with the body of Wallenstein, 26 February 1634, (1936). Seni An Der Leiche Wallensteins, 26 Februar 1634
Emperor Ferdinand I, 1531. Creator: Barthel BehamEmperor Ferdinand I, 1531
Ferdinand III, 1608-57, Holy Roman Emperor, c17th century. Creator: AnonFerdinand III, 1608-57, Holy Roman Emperor, c17th century
Ferdinand III, 1638. Creator: AnonFerdinand III, 1638
Ferdinand II, 1578-1637, Holy Roman Emperor King of Bohemia and Hungary, c17th century
Allegory on the Abdication of Emperor Charles v in Brussels, c.1635-c.1640. Other Title(s): Allegory of the Abdication of Emperor Charles V
Friedrich V (1596-1632), Elector of the Palatinate, King of Bohemia, and his Wife Elizabeth Stuart (1596-1662) on Horseback, 1626-1628
Ferdinand II. Creator: Pieter van SompelFerdinand II
Allegory of the Marriage of Emperor Ferdinand II and Eleanor Gonzaga
People celebrating at the coronation of Ferdinand II in Frankfurt, 16th century
Ferdinand I, 1556. Creator: Hans Sebald LautensackFerdinand I, 1556
King Ferdinand of Austria, 1547. Creator: UnknownKing Ferdinand of Austria, 1547
Facade of the Church of San Lorenzo, Florence, 1637. Creator: Stefano della BellaFacade of the Church of San Lorenzo, Florence, 1637
Emperor Ferdinand II. Creator: Stefano della BellaEmperor Ferdinand II
The Emperor Ferdinand II, 1637. Creator: Stefano della BellaThe Emperor Ferdinand II, 1637
Armour of Emperor Ferdinand I (1503-1564), German, Nuremberg, dated 1549
Frontispiece for The funeral of Emperor Ferdinand II (Esequie dell imperadore Ferdinando II): the imperial coat of arms in center, supported by two eagles
Emperors Charles V and Ferdinand I, ca. 1531. Creator: Christoph BockstorfferEmperors Charles V and Ferdinand I, ca. 1531
Emperor Ferdinand I, 16th century. Creator: Barthel BehamEmperor Ferdinand I, 16th century
The Arms of Ferdinand I, King of Hungary and Bohemia. n. d. Creator: Albrecht DurerThe Arms of Ferdinand I, King of Hungary and Bohemia.n.d
Jasper Cup with Gilded-Silver Mounts, Bohemian, ca. 1350-80. Creator: UnknownJasper Cup with Gilded-Silver Mounts, Bohemian, ca. 1350-80. Product of the imperial court of Charles IV (crowned at Rome 1355; d. 1378)
View in Prague - The bridge Tower, 1890. Creator: UnknownView in Prague - The bridge Tower, 1890. Gothic monument on the Charles Bridge Prague over the Vltava river in Prague, built late 14th century, under Emperor Charles IV, designed by Petr Parler
Palace of the Bohemian Kings and Cathedral of Hradschin, Prague, 1890. Creator: UnknownPalace of the Bohemian Kings and Cathedral of Hradschin, Prague, 1890
Ferdinand II, (1933). Creator: UnknownFerdinand II, (1933). Portrait of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor (1578-1637), King of Bohemia and Hungary, as a young man. After a miniature of 1595
Friedrich V. Von Der Pfalz, (1933). Creator: UnknownFriedrich V. Von Der Pfalz, (1933). Portrait of King Frederick V (1596-1632), Elector Palatine of the Rhine and King of Bohemia
Karlstejn Castle, Czech Republic. Karlstejn Castle was built in the mid 14th century by the Bohemian King and Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV
Portrait of Ferdinand II (1578-1637), Holy Roman Emperor. Found in the collection of Nationalmuseum Stockholm
Fireworks for Charles VI on October 1, 1731 in Braunschweig, 1731. Private Collection
The Oath of Allegiance to Charles VI, as Count of Styria on 6 July 1728, 1740. Private Collection
Charles IV places a splinter of the Holy Cross in a reliquary, c. 1360. Found in the collection of National Gallery, Prague
The crown of King Charles IV. before 1349. Found in the collection of Aachen Cathedral
Charles IV, ca 1430. Found in the collection of Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Opera Costanza e fortezza in the Prague Castle on August 28, 1723 to celebrate the coronation of Charles VI, 1723. Found in the collection of Theatre Museum, Vienna
John of Bohemia in the Battle of Crecy, 1860. Found in the collection of National Gallery, Prague
Votive Painting of Archbishop Jan Ocko of Vlasim, before 1371. Found in the collection of National Gallery, Prague
Emperor Rudolf II during a drinking cure. Found in the Collection of Art History Museum, Vienne
George of Podebrady, 1911. Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)George of Podebrady, 1911. Found in the collection of City Gallery Prague
Rudolf II, 1900. Artist: Liebscher, Adolf (1857-1919)Rudolf II, 1900. Found in the collection of City Gallery Prague
John of Bohemia, 1900. Artist: Liebscher, Adolf (1857-1919)John of Bohemia, 1900. Found in the collection of City Gallery Prague
George of Podebrady, 1900. Artist: Liebscher, Adolf (1857-1919)George of Podebrady, 1900. Found in the collection of City Gallery Prague
Charles IV, 1900. Artist: Liebscher, Adolf (1857-1919)Charles IV, 1900. Found in the collection of City Gallery Prague
Rudolf II grants the Letter of Majesty, 1882. Artist: AnonymousRudolf II grants the Letter of Majesty, 1882. Private Collection
Karl IV Enters Avignon, 1882. Artist: AnonymousKarl IV Enters Avignon, 1882. Private Collection
Portrait of Rudolf II of Austria (1552?1612), Holy Roman Emperor, ca 1578. Found in the collection of Ambras Castle, Innsbruck
Sign it, Nandel!, 1882. Artist: AnonymousSign it, Nandel!, 1882. Private Collection
Saint Catherine protects Charles IV during the Pisan popular revolt in May 1355. Found in the collection of National Gallery, Prague
Illuminated page, with bordering, c1480 (1905). The illustration depicts Emperor Wenceslas in conference with King Charles VI of France at Rheims. From Cassells History of England, Vol
Elisabeth of the Palatinate, (1618-1680), 1912Elisabeth of the Palatinate also known as Elisabeth of Bohemia and Princess Elisabeth of the Palatinate (1618-1680)
Fellows of the University of Paris haranguing the Emperor Charles IV (1316-1378) in 1377 (1849)Fellows of the University of Paris haranguing the Emperor Charles IV (1316-1378) in 1377, 15th century (1849)
Frederick V, Elector Palantine, (1816). Artist: Charles TurnerFrederick V, Elector Palantine, (1816)
Elizabeth of Bohemia. Artist: GunstElizabeth of Bohemia. Elizabeth Stuart (1596-1662) was the eldest daughter of James I of England and Anne of Denmark
Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor. Portrait of Ferdinand (1578-1637) who was King of Hungary and Bohemia
Frederick V, King of Bohemia from 1619-1620
Ferdinand I, 1531, (1870). Artist: BenhamFerdinand I, 1531, (1870). A wood engraving showing King Ferdinand I of Austria (1503-1564) at the age of 29, and wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece
Seven Prince Electors voting for Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor (Copy of a miniature from the Balduineum), 1341. Found in the collection of the Public main federal state record office, Koblenz
Votive Painting of Archbishop Jan Ocko of Vlasim, ca 1370. Found in the collection of the National Gallery, Prague
Charles IV receiving presents, (1375-1379). The people of Paris present gifts to the Holy Roman Emperor and his son, the future Wenceslas IV
King Charles IV entering Paris, (1375-1379). King Charles V of France, Emperor Charles IV and his son, the future Wenceslas IV, followed by bishops and escorted by armed bailiffs and bodyguards
Prince Maurice of Orange accompanied by Frederick V and his wife Elizabeth Stuart, King and Queen of Bohemia, at the Buitenhof i, ca 1620-1625. Found in the collection of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Heidelberg Castle and town viewed across the Neckar river, Germany, in 1620
Frederick V (1596-1632) the Winter King, 1812. Artist: Robert DunkartonFrederick V (1596-1632) the Winter King
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, and Johann Vogelin, Vienna, 1529. From the title page of the De Sphaericus of Theodosius of Tripoli, 2nd century