The Order of Release, 1746, 1852-1853. Artist: John Everett MillaisThe Order of Release, 1746, 1852-1853
The Macnab, 1802. (1922). Artist: Henry RaeburnThe Macnab, 1802. A portrait of Francis Macnab (1734-1816), landowner and 16th chief of Clan Macnab. From The Connoisseur Volume LXIII [Otto Limited, London, 1922.]
How Piper Laidlaw won the Victoria Cross on September 25, 1915, (c1920). CreatorHow Piper Laidlaw won the Victoria Cross on September 25, 1915, (c1920). Playing the 7th Kings Own Scottish Borderers out of their trenches at the Battle of Loos in the midst of the gas attack
Macdonald of Glenco, from The Clans of the Scottish Highlands, pub. 1845 (colour lithograph)
The Cape Town Highlanders, 1900. Creator: JE BrutonThe Cape Town Highlanders, 1900
Pipers of the 1st Scots Guards, 1896. Artist: Gregory & CoPipers of the 1st Scots Guards, 1896. Pipe-Major Fraser flanked by Piper James Pourie (right) and Piper John Gordon (left). A print from The Navy and Army Illustrated, 3rd January 1896
Macdonnel of Glengarry, from The Clans of the Scottish Highlands, pub. 1845 (colour lithograph)
Queen Victoria at Osborne House, 1865 (1906). From Cassells History of England, Vol. VI. [Cassell and Company, Limited, London, Paris, New York & Melbourne, 1906]. (Colorised black and white print)
The Cock of the North: George, Fifth Duke of Gordon, c1812. Artist: George SandersThe Cock of the North: George, Fifth Duke of Gordon, c1812. From The Connoisseur Volume 103. [Otto Limited, London, 1939]
The Highland Shepherd - painted by R. Ansdell - from the Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1856. Engraving of a of those happy transcripts of Highland life that has made Mr
The Highland Family, 1824. Creator: David WilkieThe Highland Family, 1824
Lochiels Charge at Killycrankie, 27 July 1689, (c1880)
Mac Donald of Keppagh, from The Clans of the Scottish Highlands, pub. 1845 (colour lithograph)
Portrait of a man in British military uniform, about 1865. Creator: UnknownPortrait of a man in British military uniform, about 1865
Officers of the 42nd Highlanders, 1855. Creator: Roger FentonOfficers of the 42nd Highlanders, 1855. Additional Info: Four men in military uniform posing for a portrait in a military camp
The Queen laying the foundation-stone of a monument to the late Duchess of Sutherland at Dunrobin Castle
Scene from "The Lady of The Lake, " at Drury Lane Theatre, 1872. London stage production. The scenery by Mr
Sir Henry Havelock at the relief of Lucknow, c1900. Creator: Howard DavieSir Henry Havelock at the relief of Lucknow, c1900
Lord Roberts on the march to Kandahar, c1900. Creator: Howard DavieLord Roberts on the march to Kandahar, c1900. The British army in Afghanistan. Roberts led a column from Kabul on August 9 [1880], and on the 31st entered Kandahar
Highland dancing at the Crystal Palace, 1872. Creator: C. RHighland dancing at the Crystal Palace, [south London], 1872
The Autumn Campaign: Arrival of Volunteers in the Southern Camp on Saturday last - the London Scottish breaking off to their tents, 1872. British Army manoeuvres
Marriage of Princess Louise: throwing the slipper at the bride and bridegroom, 1871
Marriage of Princess Louise: the Castle Hill, Windsor, 1871. Creator: UnknownMarriage of Princess Louise: the Castle Hill, Windsor, 1871
Marriage of Princess Louise at Windsor: arrival of wedding guests, 1871. Creator: C. RMarriage of Princess Louise at Windsor: arrival of wedding guests, 1871. The doors of St
The Indian Frontier War, 1897: The storming of the Dargai Ridge by the Gordon HighlandersThe Indian Frontier War, 1897: The Storming of the Dargai Ridge by the Gordon Highlanders, October 20, (1901)
Funeral of Sir John Burgoyne at the Tower: the procession passing Traitors Gate, 1871
The Queen's Visit to the Prince of Wales: arrival at Wolferton Station, near Sandringham, 1871
Highland Deerstalking: "By George! Missed Again", 1871. Creator: William RalstonHighland Deerstalking: "By George! Missed Again", 1871
Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lorne at "Rest and Be Thankful", near Inverary, 1871
Highland Games at Aboyne, Aberdeenshire, 1871. Creator: UnknownHighland Games at Aboyne, Aberdeenshire, [Scotland], 1871
A Highland shelter in a storm, 1871. Creator: Joseph SwainA Highland shelter in a storm, 1871
Reception of Princess Louise at Inverary Castle, 1871. Creator: UnknownReception of Princess Louise at Inverary Castle, [in Scotland], 1871
Presentation of Colours to the 93rd (Sutherland) Highlanders in the Queen's Park, Edinburgh, 1871....the old colours...old pieces of silk
"Waiting For The Shot, " by James Hardy, Jun. in the Dudley Gallery, 1871. Engraving of a painting
Harry Lauder & wife, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceHarry Lauder & wife, between c1910 and c1915
Jeremiah C. Lynch, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceJeremiah C. Lynch, between c1915 and c1920. Shows Jeremiah C. Lynch, an Irish American who was sentenced to be executed for his role in the Easter Rising in Dublin, Ireland in 1916
"The Playmates, " by J. Hayllar, 1870. Creator: Robert Loudan"The Playmates, " by J. Hayllar, 1870. Engraving of a painting. Mr
The Easter Volunteer Review: preparing for the field, 1870. Creator: UnknownThe Easter Volunteer Review: preparing for the field, 1870
Incidents of the Easter Volunteer Review, 1870. Creator: UnknownIncidents of the Easter Volunteer Review, 1870
"Amongst the Pets, " by J. W. Bottomley, in the Royal Academy exhibition, 1870
Masquerade at the Skating Rink, Montreal, 1870. Creator: UnknownMasquerade at the Skating Rink, Montreal, 1870. The citizens of Montreal, as well as of Ottawa, have exerted themselves to do honour to Prince Arthur since he has been in Canada
Aimee Rochester, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceAimee Rochester, between c1910 and c1915. Shows Aimee Rochester in a Scottish kilt holding an American flag
Presentation of New Colours to the 42nd Highlanders, 1871. Creator: UnknownPresentation of New Colours to the 42nd Highlanders, 1871. Scottish soldiers with union jack and regimental flags. From "Illustrated London News", 1871
The Waverley Ball at Willis's Rooms, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Waverley Ball at Willis's Rooms, [London], 1871. Royals in Scottish-themed fancy dress
Private, Drummers, Piper, and Bugler - The Black Watch, 1900. Creator: KnightPrivate, Drummers, Piper, and Bugler - The Black Watch, 1900
Private and Corporal of the Gordon Highlanders, 1900. Creator: Gregory & CoPrivate and Corporal of the Gordon Highlanders, 1900. From " South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. II", by Louis Creswicke. [T. C. & E. C. Jack, Edinburgh, 1900]
All That Was Left of Them. The Black Watch After the Battle of Magersfontein, 1900" All That Was Left of Them." The Black Watch After the Battle of Magersfontein, 1900. From " South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. II", by Louis Creswicke. [T. C. & E. C
Highland Chiefs in the Stewart and Gordon Tartans, 1831, (1946). Creator: Robert HavellHighland Chiefs in the Stewart and Gordon Tartans, 1831, (1946). Full-length study of Scottish chieftans in traditional tartan kilts of the Stewart and Gordon clans
The Pipers at Longueval... July 14, 1916, First World War, (c1920). Creator: UnknownThe Pipers at Longueval: how the Highlanders were led into battle on July 14, 1916, First World War, (c1920)
Ernest Shackleton with James Marr and Norman Mooney, 1921, (1935). Creator: UnknownErnest Shackleton with James Marr and Norman Mooney, 1921, (1935). British explorer Shackleton (1874-1922) with boy scouts Marr and Mooney, specially chosen to accompany the expedition
King George V, Queen Mary, Prince George, Princess Marina... at Balmoral in 1934, (1951)King George V, Queen Mary, Prince George, Princess Marina and her parents at Balmoral in 1934, (1951)
Dr. McKinnon, c.1900. Creator: William Francis GordonDr. McKinnon, c.1900
Harry Lauder & wife, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceHarry Lauder & wife, between c1915 and c1920. Shows Scottish singer and comedian Sir Harry Lauder and his wife, Ann, who is holding an American flag
The National Rifle Association prize meeting at Wimbledon:the Highland GamesThe National Rifle Association prize meeting at Wimbledon: diversions of the camp - the Highland Games, 1865
Lauder, 19 Oct 1917. Creator: Bain News ServiceLauder, 19 Oct 1917. Scottish comedian Harry Lauder, probably on the steps in front of the Sub-Treasury to speak at the noonday Liberty Loan meeting during World War I
Lauder, (19 Oct 1917?). Creator: Bain News ServiceLauder, (19 Oct 1917?). Scottish comedian Harry Lauder, probably on the steps in front of the Sub-Treasury to speak at the noonday Liberty Loan meeting during World War I
Lauder, (19 Oct 1917?). Creator: Bain News ServiceLauder, (19 Oct 1917?). Shows Scottish comedian Harry Lauder, probably on the steps in front of the Sub-Treasury to speak at the noonday Liberty Loan meeting during World War I
Lieut. Seely, Lt. Col. P.A. Guthrie, Col. J.S. Denis [i.e. Dennis], Capt. Black, July 1917
Col. Percy A. Guthrie, July 1917. Creator: Bain News ServiceCol. Percy A. Guthrie, July 1917. Colonel Percy Albert Guthrie (1884-1948) on the steps of the 71st Regiment Armory, Park Avenue (between East 33rd and East 34th streets), New York City
Statue of the late Prince Consort, at Balmoral, by W. Theed, 1864. Creator: UnknownStatue of the late Prince Consort, at Balmoral, by W. Theed, 1864
Recruiting, Montreal, 1914. Creator: Bain News ServiceRecruiting, Montreal, 1914 (date created or published later)
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, 1858. Portrait of the future King Edward VII
Group of Children in the Royal Caledonian Asylum - from a painting by MrGroup of Children in the Royal Caledonian Asylum [in London] - from a painting by Mr. Wighton, 1858
Richesse et misère ou rien qu'un, 1818. Creator: Louis MaloeuvreRichesse et misere ou rien qu'un, 1818. (Wealth and Misery or Nothing but One)
Les joueurs de cornemuse du "Sutherland Highlanders", 1915. From "Collection de la Guerre IV. L'Illustration Tome CXLVIII
The 93rd Regiment, Highlanders, 1857. Creator: UnknownThe 93rd Regiment, Highlanders, 1857. Scots soldiers in traditional uniform. From "Illustrated London News", 1857
"Looking Out" - painted by F. W. Topham - from the Exhibition of the Society of Painters in Water Colours, 1856
L'effort de l'Angleterre, 1915. Creator: UnknownL'effort de l'Angleterre, 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]
Tradesman's Sign, c. 1939. Creator: Beatrice DeKalbTradesman's Sign, c. 1939
Lt. Col. Percy A. Guthrie, 236 BattalionLt. Col. Percy A. Guthrie, 236th Battalion, Canada, The Maclean Kilties of America, 1917
The Hallowe'en Dinner of the London Scottish Volunteers -- Bringing in the Haggis, 1891. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper", Volume 44. July to December, 1891
L'aide du Canada; Officiers de Highlanders canadiens, 1914. Creator: UnknownL'aide du Canada; Officiers de Highlanders canadiens, 1914. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I". [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]
John Bull Learning a New Movement, published March 21, 1799. Creator: UnknownJohn Bull Learning a New Movement, published March 21, 1799....against the next Campaign'
Highland Pipers Practising in Hyde Park, 1890. Creator: UnknownHighland Pipers Practising in Hyde Park, 1890. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper", Volume 41. January to June, 1890
The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders at Ceylon, 1835, 1886. Creator: H HammalThe Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders at Ceylon, 1886. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper Volume 33. January to June, 1886"
Guests at Balmoral, October 1946, (1947). Creator: UnknownGuests at Balmoral, October 1946, (1947)
Silo, James P. Mr. children of, portrait photograph, 1927 Creator: Arnold GentheSilo, James P. Mr. children of, portrait photograph, 1927
Silo, James P. Mr. daughter of, portrait photograph, 1927 Creator: Arnold GentheSilo, James P. Mr. daughter of, portrait photograph, 1927
Portrait de Gilbert Duprez (1806-1896), chanteur, dans le role d'Edgardo dans Lucia di Lammermoor, c1840
Temporary Barrack at Ballater for the Queen's Guard of Honour, 1850. Creator: UnknownTemporary Barrack at Ballater for the Queen's Guard of Honour, 1850
A International Moot in Scotland, 1939, 1944. Creator: UnknownA International Moot in Scotland, 1939, 1944. From "Boy Scouts, by E. E. Reynolds. [Collins, London, 1944]
Madras Testimonial to Major-General Sir Robert Dick, 1850. Creator: UnknownMadras Testimonial to Major-General Sir Robert Dick, 1850. Memorial to...the brave Major-General Sir Robert Dick, who so gallantly fell at Sobraon...Mr
The Scottish Fete, in Lord Holland's Park, 1850. Creator: UnknownThe Scottish Fete, in Lord Holland's Park, [Notting Hill, London], 1850
The Highland Coronach - painted by Mr. M'Ian, 1850. Creator: W. T. GreenThe Highland Coronach - painted by Mr. M'Ian, 1850. Exhibition of the National Institution, in Regent-street, [London]. It is a touching scene. 76 [in the catalogue]