Trotsky slaying the counter-revolutionary dragon (poster), 1918. Found in the collection of the State Museum of Revolution, Moscow
The Death of General Gordon, Khartoum, 26 January 1885, 1893 (1906). From Cassells Illustrated History of England, Vol. VIII. [Cassell and Company, Limited, London, Paris, New York & Melbourne, 1906]
General Gouraud escapes an assassination attempt on route from Damascas to Kunaitra, 1921. General Henri-Joseph-Eugene Gouraud (1867-1946), French High Commissioner of Syria
Beowulf shears off the head of Grendel, 1910. Artist: John Henry Frederick BaconBeowulf shears off the head of Grendel, 1910. A print from Hero Myths and Legends of the British Race by MI Ebbutt, 1910
Two of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, early 14th century
December - the Chateau de Vincennes, 15th century, (1939). Creator: Paul LimbourgDecember - the Chateau de Vincennes, 15th century, (1939). Decembre - Le Chateau De Vincennes. Hunting scene in a forest: dogs tear apart a wild boar. The man on the right sounds a horn
There Was A Hand-To-Hand Struggle, 1902. Artist: WR WollenThere Was A Hand-To-Hand Struggle, 1902. In the aftermath of their victory at the Battle of Isandlwana, the Zulus mounted an attack on the British border post at Rorkes Drift
Massacre in the boats off Cawnpore, 1857, (c1860). Massacre of British civilians in what is now known as Kanpur, India
Defeat of the Insurgents by Sir John Colborne at St Eustache, 25 November 1837, (1877). Battle between the British and the French during the Canadian Rebellions of 1837
Attic Black-Figure Amphora, 550-540 BC. Creator: LydosAttic Black-Figure Amphora, 550-540 BC. Storage Jar; Black-figured belly
Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora, about 550 BC. Creator: Workshop of ExekiasAttic Black-Figure Neck Amphora, about 550 BC. Storage Jar with Theseus Slaying the Minotaur. Additional Info: Scenes of combat decorate this Athenian black-figure neck-amphora
Plundering Soldiers, 1655-1660. Creator: David Ryckaert IIPlundering Soldiers, 1655-1660
Autumn, 1607. Creator: Abel GrimmerAutumn, 1607. Killing pigs
The Death of Abel, 17th century. Creator: AnonThe Death of Abel, 17th century
The Massacre of the Children at Bethlehem, c1580-1630
Scene from "The Lady of The Lake, " at Drury Lane Theatre, 1872. London stage production. The scenery by Mr
Assassination scene - miniature from a manuscript, about 1420
Historiated initial from an antiphonal, about 1260-1270. Creator: UnknownHistoriated initial from an antiphonal, about 1260-1270. Additional Info:Cistercian antiphonal
Initial C: Isaiah Being Sawn in Two; Psalter, about 1240-1250. Creator: UnknownInitial C: Isaiah Being Sawn in Two; Psalter, about 1240-1250
The Trinity, about 1440-1450. Creator: Master of the Oxford HoursThe Trinity, about 1440-1450. Additional Info:Cité de Dieu
Initial B: David Playing the Harp for Saul, and David and Goliath; Psalter, mid-1200s
King Avenir Hunting Wild Boar; Barlaam und Josaphat, 1469. Illustration from "Barlaam und Josaphat", a romance in verse, by Rudolf von Ems
Saint George and the Dragon; Book of Hours, about 1410. Creator: UnknownSaint George and the Dragon; Book of Hours, about 1410. Follower of the Egerton Master
The Stoning of Saint Stephen; Book of Hours, about 1410. Creator: UnknownThe Stoning of Saint Stephen; Book of Hours, about 1410. Follower of the Egerton Master
Judith Slaying Holofernes (Jael Slaying Sisera); Barlaam und Josaphat, 1469. Illustration from "Barlaam und Josaphat", a romance in verse, by Rudolf von Ems
King Avenir Ordering the Burning of Two Monks in the Presence of his Son Josaphat; Barlaam und Josaphat, 1469
Guerin de Lorraine Freeing Vienne from the Saracens; Histoire de Charles Martel, written 1463-1465; illuminated 1467-1472
The Trinity; Prayer Book of Charles the Bold, 1469. Creator: Lieven van LathemThe Trinity; Prayer Book of Charles the Bold, 1469
Initial S: The Stoning of Saint Stephen; Antiphonal, late 13th century
Initial S: The Massacre of the Innocents; Antiphonal, late 13th century
Saint George and the Dragon; Prayer Book of Charles the Bold, about 1471
The Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket; Book of Hours, about 1430-1440. Assassination of the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1170. Soldiers slice off the top of Becket's head before killing him
Saint Erasmus; Book of Hours, about 1430-1440. Creator: Fastolf MasterSaint Erasmus; Book of Hours, about 1430-1440. According to legend, the saint was martyred by being disembowelled; his abdomen was slit open and his intestines were wound around a windlass
The Massacre of the Innocents; Spinola Hours, about 1510-1520
The Massacre of the Innocents; Crohin-La Fontaine Hours, (about 1480-1485?)
Initial G: Saint George and the Dragon; Llangattock Hours, 1450s. Additional info: This finely illustrated book of hours takes its name from the Baron Llangattock, who owned the book in the 1900s
Initial O: The Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus; Llangattock Hours, 1450s
Cain Killing Abel; Cite de Dieu, about 1440-1450. Creator: Master of the Geneva BoccaccioCain Killing Abel; Cité de Dieu, about 1440-1450
Alexander Fights with a Lion and Kills Clitus; Livre des fais d'Alexandre le grant, about 1470-1475
The King of Cyprus Killed by his Brothers Persecutors, c1360s; Chroniques (Book Three), about 1480-1483
Border with Joab Stabbing Abner; Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, about 1525-1530
The Beast from the Earth Killing People and People Receiving the Mark of the Beast; Dyson Perrins Apocalypse, about 1255-1260
The Massacre of the Innocents; Illustrated Vita Christi, with devotional supplements, about 1190-1200
The Massacre of the Innocents; Llangattock Hours, 1450s. Additional info: This finely illustrated book of hours takes its name from the Baron Llangattock, who owned the book in the 1900s
A King Enthroned Speaking to a Peacock: A Shepherd Killing a Ram: A Shepherd with a Staff and a Knife before Two Goats; Fables: Exemplum de Tribus Latronibus
An Imprisoned Wolf and a Fox and Many Dogs Nearby: A Elderly Man with a Club: A Young Man Killing a Wolf; Fables: Exemplum de Tribus Latronibus: Defensio Curatorum Adversus Fratres Mendicantes
A Woman in Prayer and a Snake on a Nearby Hillock: A Man Trying to Kill a Snake with an Axe; Fables: Exemplum de Tribus Latronibus: Defensio Curatorum Adversus Fratres Mendicantes
A Wolf Killing a Lamb; Fables, third quarter of 15th century. Creator: UnknownA Wolf Killing a Lamb; Fables: Exemplum de Tribus Latronibus: Defensio Curatorum Adversus Fratres Mendicantes, 1357: De Balsamo (Ch)
Phyllis Hanging Herself from a Tree and Medea Killing her Children; Roman de la Rose, about 1405
Moses Leaves Tabris, the King's Daughter, with a Magic Ring: Moses Killing an Egyptian; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
A Hunter and Dogs Killing a Wild Boar; Livre de la Chasse, about 1430-1440
Pinehas Kills Simri and Kosbi; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410. Creator: UnknownPinehas Kills Simri and Kosbi; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
The Battle with the Five Kings of Canaan; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410. Creator: UnknownThe Battle with the Five Kings of Canaan; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
Samson Killing a Lion: Samson's Wedding; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
Samson Slaying the Philistines with the Jawbone of an Ass: Samson Drinking from the Jawbone of an Ass; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
Saul Tearing Samuel's Cloak: Samuel Killing Agag; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
The Massacre of the Innocents; Arenberg Hours, early 1460s. Creator: Willem VrelantThe Massacre of the Innocents; Arenberg Hours, early 1460s
Saint George and the Dragon; Arenberg Hours, early 1460s. Creator: Willem VrelantSaint George and the Dragon; Arenberg Hours, early 1460s
The Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket; Arenberg Hours, early 1460s. Creator: Willem VrelantThe Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket; Arenberg Hours, early 1460s
The Blindman Lamech Kills Cain: Enoch Before God; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
The Killing of Abel: Cain's Punishment; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410. Creator: UnknownThe Killing of Abel: Cain's Punishment; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
December Calendar Page: Slaughtering a Pig: Capricorn; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450
Saint George and the Dragon; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450
Saint Michael Battling the Devil; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450
Gillion Slaying King Ysore and Freeing the Sultan, 1464
The Battle before Roussillon's Castle, written 1463-1465; illuminated 1467-1472
Shooting Communist prisoners in the Garden of the Luxembourg, 1871. Creator: UnknownShooting Communist prisoners in the Garden of the Luxembourg, 1871. La semaine sanglante in Paris
Anger (Ira), from the series The Seven Deadly Sins, 1558. Creator: Philip GalleAnger (Ira), from the series The Seven Deadly Sins, 1558. After Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, ca. 1505. Creator: Hans BaldungMartyrdom of St. Lawrence, ca. 1505
Hercules Slaying the Hydra, ca. 1602. Creator: Jan MullerHercules Slaying the Hydra, ca. 1602
Statuette of Mithras, mid-2nd century A.D. Creator: UnknownStatuette of Mithras, mid-2nd century A.D. Additional Info: The Roman cult of Mithras was a mystery religion, meaning its practices and beliefs were kept secret from non-initiates
Justice and Divine Vengeance Pursuing Crime, about 1805-1806
Death of Messalina, about 1704/1712. Creator: Francesco SolimenaDeath of Messalina, about 1704/1712. Additional Info: Solimena here represents the murder of Messalina, third wife of the Roman Emperor Claudius, who had a reputation for promiscuity
The Death of Virginia, about 1825-1828. Creator: Guillaume LethiereThe Death of Virginia, about 1825-1828. Additional Info: The subject derives from Livy (The History of Rome, book III, 44-58)
The Creation of the World; Stammheim Missal, probably 1170s. Creator: UnknownThe Creation of the World; Stammheim Missal, probably 1170s
The Expulsion, about 1480-1490. Creator: UnknownThe Expulsion, about 1480-1490. Additional Info:Illustrated Vita Christi, with devotional supplements
Saint George and the Dragon; Book of Hours, about 1430-1440. Creator: Fastolf MasterSaint George and the Dragon; Book of Hours, about 1430-1440
Saint George and the Dragon; Book of Hours, about 1450-1455. Additional Info:The illuminator playfully linked border and miniature in this image accompanying a prayer to Saint George
The Civil War in Paris: Communists routed at the Bridge of Neuilly, 1871. Creator: C. RThe Civil War in Paris: Communists routed at the Bridge of Neuilly, 1871. 2nd April...The Reds had strongly barricaded the bridge of Neuilly...Admiral Bruat commanded the troops in the field
The Conflict in Paris: encounter on the Place Pigalle, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Conflict in Paris: encounter on the Place Pigalle, 1871
Mob of Paris rioters drowning a police agent, 1871. Creator: UnknownMob of Paris rioters drowning a police agent, 1871
The Conflict in Paris: massacre in the Place Vendome, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Conflict in Paris: massacre in the Place Vendôme, 1871
St George Series - St George slaying the Dragon, c1860s, (1900). Creator: UnknownSt George Series - St George slaying the Dragon, c1860s, (1900)
Madonna with Child piercing the Head of the Serpent ('Madonna della Serpe'), 1697-98