Coronation of Charlemagne in Rome, Christmas Day, 800 AD, (1936). Creator: UnknownCoronation of Charlemagne in Rome, Christmas Day, 800 AD, (1936). Kronung Karls Des Grossen in Rom, 25 Dezember 800
The Emperor Charlemagne in Full State Dress (A. D. 800), 1924. Creator: Herbert NorrisThe Emperor Charlemagne in Full State Dress (A.D. 800), 1924. From " Costume & Fashion - The Evolution of European Dress Through the Earlier Ages", by Herbert Norris. [J. M
Louis XII of France Kneeling in Prayer, Accompanied by Saints Michael, Charlemagne, Louis, and Denis, 1498/1499
Decorated Text Page; Gospel Lectionary, early 9th century. Creator: UnknownDecorated Text Page; Gospel Lectionary, early 9th century
Decorated Text Page; Gospel Lectionary, early 9th century. Creator: UnknownDecorated Text Page; Gospel Lectionary, early 9th century. Additional Info: The script seen on the majority of this text page is called Carolingian minuscule
Map of the Kingdom of the Franks Under Charlemagne, 1890. Creator: UnknownMap of the Kingdom of the Franks Under Charlemagne, 1890
The Death of Roland at Roncesvalles, (778AD), 1890. Creator: UnknownThe Death of Roland at Roncesvalles, (778AD), 1890
Charlemagne destroys a pagan idol, (1936). Creator: UnknownCharlemagne destroys a pagan idol, (1936). Sturz Der Irmensaule Durch Karl Den Grossen, 772 AD
Louis XII Kneeling in Prayer Accompanied by Saint Michael, Saint Charlemagne, Saint Louis, and Saint Denis; Leaf from the Hours of Louis XII, 1498/1499
Louis the Pious Doing Penance for Treatment of his Nephew, Bernard, (c818), 1890Louis the Pious Doing Penance for the Treatment of his Nephew, Bernard, (c818), 1890
Design for a stained glass window, in the new Government Building in Maastricht, 1932. Not executed design for three windows
Three Christian Kings, 1567. Creator: Harmen Jansz MullerThree Christian Kings, 1567. From Nine Heroes
Defeat of Wittekind near Bürberg, 1835. Creator: Julius Schnorr von CarolsfeldDefeat of Wittekind near Burberg, 1835
King Arthur, Charlemagne and Godfrey of Boulogne, 1492
Successeur de Charlemagne, 1871. Creator: Honore DaumierSuccesseur de Charlemagne, 1871. Successor of Charlemagne
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis : Robert le PieuxEsquisse pour l'eglise Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis : Robert le Pieux. Clovis. Saint Louis. Charlemagne, between 1873 and 1875. Grisaille design: Robert the Pious, Clovis, Saint Louis, Charlemagne
Detailled sketch for the Pantheon: A bishop (the coronation of Charlemagne), c1884
Esquisse pour le salon d'entrée de l'Hôtel de Ville : Paris et les Hautes EpoquesEsquisse pour le salon d'entree de l'Hotel de Ville : Paris et les Hautes Epoques ; L'epoque gallo-franque, 1892
Charlemagne, plate seven from The Nine Worthies, 1594. Creator: Nicolaes de BruynCharlemagne, plate seven from The Nine Worthies, 1594
B. B. French, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownB.B. French, between 1855 and 1865
The Challenge Of Rodomont To Rogero, 1827. Creator: Henry Perronet BriggsThe Challenge Of Rodomont To Rogero, 1827
Head Runner or Runaways from the Leipzic Fair, March 2, 1814. March 2, 1814Head Runner or Runaways from the Leipzic Fair, March 2, 1814
The Saracens Leaving Narbonne, Restored to the Franks, (737AD), 1890. Creator: UnknownThe Saracens Leaving Narbonne, Restored to the Franks, ( (737AD), 1890. The Saracens defeated by Charlemagne in 737AD. From " Cassells Illustrated Universal History, Vol
Charlemagne Causing the Saxons to be Baptised in the Weser, (782AD), 1890
The Basilica of Aachen, or Aix-La-Chapelle, 1890. Creator: UnknownThe Basilica of Aachen, or Aix-La-Chapelle, 1890. Aachen Cathedral was constructed by order of emperor Charlemagne, who was buried here after his death in 814
Equestrian Statue of Charlemagne, Paris, 1890. Creator: UnknownEquestrian Statue of Charlemagne, Paris, 1890
Charlemagne is shown the plans for the Palatine Chapel in Aachen, (1936). Creator: UnknownCharlemagne is shown the plans for the Palatine Chapel in Aachen, (1936). Karl Der Grosse Lasst Sich Den Plan Zur Palastkapelle Der Kaiserpfalz in Aachen Vorlegen, 796 AD
Charlemagne enters Pavia, (1936). Creator: UnknownCharlemagne enters Pavia, (1936). Einzug Karls Des Grossen in Pavia, 774 AD
Otto III visits the tomb of Charlemagne, 1000 AD, (1936). Creator: UnknownOtto III visits the tomb of Charlemagne, 1000 AD, (1936). Otto III In Der Gruft Karls Des Grossen Im Jahre 1000
Charles the Great, c1930. Creator: UnknownCharles the Great, c1930. Portrait of Charlemagne, or Charles the Great (742- 814), King of the Franks from 768, King of the Lombards from 774 and Emperor of the Romans from 800
Scene from the tale of Renaud De Montauban, 15th century, (1849). Creator: KellerhovenScene from the tale of Renaud De Montauban, 15th century, (1849). On the left a messenger brings a letter, and on the right is the Emperor Charlemagne (742-814 AD)
St. Mark from the Godescalc Gospel Lectionary, 781-783 (1947). Artist: GodescalcSt. Mark from the Godescalc Gospel Lectionary, 781-783 (1947)
St James appears to Charlemagne in a dream, stained glass, Chartres Cathedral, France, c1225. Detail from the Charlemagne Window
The Crowning of Charlemagne, 800 AD, (19th century). Charlemagne (c742-814), king of the Franks (768-814) was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800 AD by Leo III
Charlemagne, King of the Franks, (1780). Artist: Pierre DuflosCharlemagne, King of the Franks, (1780). King of the Franks from 768, Charlemagne (c742-814) was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800 AD by Leo III
Charlemagne, King of France, 1789. Artist: RideCharlemagne, King of France, 1789. Charlemagne (c742-814), King of the Franks from 768 was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800 AD by Leo III
Charlemagne receives the Ambassadors from the Emperor of the East, 1789. ArtistCharlemagne receives the Ambassadors from the Emperor of the East, 1789. Charlemagne (c742-814), King of the Franks from 768 was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800 AD by Leo III
Charlemagne (712-814), Holy Roman Emperor and King of the Franks, 16th century (1849)
Karl der Grosze 1742-1814, 1934. Charlemagne or Charles the Great (742- 814), Charles I was the King of the Franks from 768, King of the Lombards from 774 and Emperor of the Romans from 800
The coronation of Charlemagne (712-814), 14th century (1849)The coronation of Charlemagne (712-814), King of the Franks and the Emperor of Rome, 14th century (1849)
Charles The Great and His Wife, after the Earliest Portrait, c775, (1907). Charlemagne (c742-814) and his wife Hildegard (758-783), detail from an illuminated manuscript page
Statue of Charlemagne, King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor, 1882-1884. King of the Franks from 768, Charlemagne (c742-814) was crowned Emperor of the Romans in 800 AD by Leo III
Charlemage hunting, 8th-9th century (1882-1884). Artist: SermCharlemage hunting, 8th-9th century (1882-1884). Hunting in an Oriental/Eastern style with falcons
The baths of Charlemagne, 8th-9th century (1882-1884). Artist: A TauxierThe baths of Charlemagne, 8th-9th century (1882-1884). A print from La France et les Francais a Travers les Siecles, Volume I, F Roy editor, Saint-Antoine, 1882-1884
Charlemagne, King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor, late 8th - early 9th century (1882-1884)
The Emperor Charlemagne (742-814), 1870. A 19th century version of an earlier original from the book of the Gospels of Charlemagne, held by the library of the Louvre, Paris
Statue of Charlemagne (712-814), St Julien le Pauvre, Paris, 11th-12th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 11th or 12th century manuscript illustration
Royal garments of Charlemagne (742-814), 15th century (1849). Artist: A BissonRoyal garments of Charlemagne (742-814), 15th century (1849)
The costume worn by emperors during their coronations since the time of Charlemagne, 1579 (1849)
Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor, (1805)
The Crowning of Charlemagne in Rome 800, (c1900). French advertising for Liebig, extract of meat, c1900
The diadem of Charlemagne, c8th century, (1870)
Sword of Charlemagne, c8th century, (1870). Sword belonging to the Frankish king and emperor Charlemagne (742-814 AD), preserved at the Weltliche Schatzkammer (Imperial Treasury) in Vienna, Austria
Charlemagne Window, Cathedral of Chartres, France, c1225. Detail of a stained glass window
Charlemagne, king of the Franks, 1875. Artist: DJ PoundCharlemagne, king of the Franks, 1875. Charlemagne (Charles the Great) (742-814 AD) was crowned Christian Emperor of the West in St Peters Cathedral, Rome, on Christmas Day, 800 AD
The Crowning of Charlemagne (detail), c1514. Artist: RaphaelThe Crowning of Charlemagne (detail), c1514. Located in the Raphael Rooms, Vatican Museums, Rome
Charlemagne departs for Spain, stained glass, Chartres Cathedral, France, c1225. Detail from the Charlemagne Window
Constantine presents relics to Charlemagne, stained glass, Chartres Cathedral, France, c1225. Detail from the Charlemagne Window
Charlemagne leaves Spain, Stained glass, Chartres Cathedral, France, c1225. Detail from the Charlemagne Window
Baudoin tells Charlemagne of the death of Roland, stained glass, Chartres Cathedral, France, 1194-1260. Detail from the Charlemagne Window
Constantine greets Charlemagne at Constantinople, stained glass, Chartres Cathedral, France, c1225. Detail from the Charlemagne Window
Charlemagne battles the Saracens, stained glass, Chartres Cathedral, France, c1225. Detail from the Charlemagne Window
Constantines letter presented to Charlemagne, stained glass, Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France, c1225. Detail from the Charlemagne window
Mass of St Giles, stained glass, Chartres Cathedral, France, 1194-1260. Detail from the Charlemagne Window
Charlemagne prays, stained glass, Chartres Cathedral, France, c1225. Detail from the Charlemagne Window
Charlemagne gives relics to the Chapel at Aix, stained glass, Chartres Cathedral, France, c1225. Detail from the Charlemagne Window
Charlemagne looks at the Milky Way, stained glass window, Chartres Cathedral, France, c1225. Detail from the Charlemagne Window
Painting of Charlemagne, 8th centuryPainting of Charlemagne in the Gallery of Battles at Versailles in France, 8th century
Equestrian statue of Charlemagne, 8th centuryEquestrian statue of Charlemagne, King of the Franks. The statue is cast in bronze, and was originally gilded, 8th century
Illustration of St Mark holding his gospel, 8th centuryIllustration of St Mark holding his gospel, from four gospels in latin. It was probably made at the court of Charlemagne (c)
Charlemagne, King of the Franks, accepting the submission of the Saxons, 777 (19th century). Charlemagne (741-814) became King of the Franks in 768, jointly with his brother Carloman
Charlemagne, king of the Franks. Charlemagne (Charles the Great) (747-814) was crowned Christian emperor of the west in St Peters Cathedral, Rome, on Christmas Day 800
Charlemagne, king of the Franks, c1920. Charlemagne (Charles the Great) (747-814) was crowned Christian Emperor of the West in St Peters Cathedral, Rome on Christmas Day 800
Saint Charlemagne, 1892. Artist: Henri MeyerSaint Charlemagne, 1892. A print from a supplement to the Le Petit Journal, 30th January 1892