Ostafyevo Estate. The Karamzin Room, End of 19th century. Artist: AnonymousOstafyevo Estate. The Karamzin Room, End of 19th century. Private Collection
Portrait of Andrei Nikolaevich Karamzin (1814-1854), 1836. Creator: Orlov, Pimen NikitichPortrait of Andrei Nikolaevich Karamzin (1814-1854), 1836. Private Collection
Portrait of Vladimir Nikolaevich Karamzin (1819-1878), 1935. Creator: Bard, Jean AugustePortrait of Vladimir Nikolaevich Karamzin (1819-1878), 1935. Private Collection
Portrait of Alexander Nikolaevich Karamzin (1815-1888), after 1836. Creator: OrlovPortrait of Alexander Nikolaevich Karamzin (1815-1888), after 1836. Private Collection
Poor Liza, 1827. Artist: Kiprensky, Orest Adamovich (1782-1836)Poor Liza, 1827. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Portrait of the author and Historian Nikolay M. Karamzin (1766-1826). From a private collection
Portrait of the author and historian Nikolay M Karamzin, 1805