Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer called Baal Shem Tov, 19th century. Found in the collection of Universitatsbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main
Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still upon Gibeon, 1816. Creator: John MartinJoshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still upon Gibeon, 1816
Scrolls of the Torah, Torah cover and the Ten Commandments, 1797
The Archangel Michael and his angels fighting the dragon, 1865-1866. Artist: Gustave DoreThe Archangel Michael and his angels fighting the dragon, 1865-1866. The Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus in her arms looks down from Heaven. From Gustave Dores Bible (Revelation 12:1)
Jacob Blessing Ephraim and Manasseh, 1656. Artist: Rembrandt van Rhijn (1606-1669)Jacob Blessing Ephraim and Manasseh, 1656. Found in the collection of Staatliche Museen, Kassel
King David Playing the Harp, 1622. Artist: Honthorst, Gerrit, van (1590-1656)King David Playing the Harp, 1622. Found in the collection of the Centraal Museum, Utrecht
Jews praying in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur, 1878. Artist: Maurycy GottliebJews praying in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur, 1878. Gottlieb, Maurycy (1856-1879). Found in the collection of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Moses descending from Mount Sinai with the tablets of the law (Ten Commandments), 1866. From The Bible (Exodus 5.35)
Construction of the Temple at Jerusalem by King Solomon, 15th century. Solomon directs proceedings from a balcony
The Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis), Early 18th century. Artist: AnonymousThe Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis), Early 18th century. Private Collection
Deborah, Hebrew prophetess and judge, 1866. Artist: Gustave DoreDeborah, Hebrew prophetess and judge. According to the Bible, Deborah delivered her people from Jabin, King of Canaan and his general Sisera. Here she is singing her song of triumph
Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?, c1830s. Creator: GH AdcockSaul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?, c1830s
Palestine Place, Bethnal Green, London, c1840. Artist: F JonesPalestine Place, Bethnal Green, London, c1840. Palestine Place was the centre of missionary operations of the London Society for promoting Christianity amongst the Jews
The Finding of Moses. Found in the Collection of Collection Perez Simon, Mexico
The Queen of Sheba before the Temple of King Solomon in Jerusalem, ca 1630-1634. Private Collection
Christ raising the daughter of Jairus, Governor of the Synagogue, from the dead, c1860. From the Bible (Mark V)
Prophets and Sibyls: Jonah (Sistine Chapel ceiling in the Vatican), 1508-1512. Found in the collection of The Sistine Chapel, Vatican
Portrait of Jacob Judah Leon (1602-1675). Artist: Italia, Salom (ca 1619-ca 1655)Portrait of Jacob Judah Leon (1602-1675). Found in the collection of Joods Historisch Museum, Amsterdam
Jeremiah lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem, 1630. Found in the collection of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Portrait of Jonathan ben Nathan Eybeschütz (1690-1764), 1772. Creator: BalzerPortrait of Jonathan ben Nathan Eybeschutz (1690-1764), 1772. Private Collection
Jewish circumcision. Artist: Luyken, Jan (Johannes) (1649-1712)Jewish circumcision. Found in the collection of Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The Idolatry of King Solomon. Artist: Conca, Sebastiano (1680-1764)The Idolatry of King Solomon. Found in the collection of Museo del Prado, Madrid
Vilna Gaon, 19th century. Artist: AnonymousVilna Gaon, 19th century. From a private collection
Interior of the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam, c. 1680. Found in the collection of Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Christ appearing to David and a group of Camaldolese monks, 1390-1410. Found in the collection of the Free Library of Philadelphia
Manuscript Illumination with the Presentation in the Temple in an Initial S, 1450-60Manuscript Illumination with the Presentation in the Temple in an Initial S, from a Gradual, 1450-60
The Prophet Isaiah and the Hellespontine Sibyl, 1492-1495. Found in the Collection of Apostolic Palace, Vatican
The Prophet Daniel and the Erythraean Sibyl, 1492-1495. Found in the Collection of Apostolic Palace, Vatican
The Prophet Jeremiah and the Agrippine Sibyl, 1492-1495. Found in the Collection of Apostolic Palace, Vatican
The Prophet Obadiah and the Libyan Sibyl, 1492-1495. Found in the Collection of Apostolic Palace, Vatican
The Prophet Jeremiah and the Phrygian Sibyl, 1492-1495. Found in the Collection of Apostolic Palace, Vatican
The Gathering of Manna, End of 16th cen. Found in the Collection of Musee du Louvre, Paris
Mendelssohn, 19th century. Artist: C CookMendelssohn, 19th century. Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847), German composer
The First Passover Feast. Artist: Beuckelaer, Huybrecht (active 1563-1584)The First Passover Feast. Private Collection
Abraham serving the three Angels, 1807. Creator: Jacob Wilhelm MechauAbraham serving the three Angels, 1807.
The Sacrifice of Abraham, The 1690s. Creator: Giuseppe Maria CrespiThe Sacrifice of Abraham, The 1690s. Additional Info: The story of the Sacrifice of Abraham is related in chapter 22 of Genesis
Christ among the Doctors, 1622. Creator: Dirck van BaburenChrist among the Doctors, 1622
Judith and her Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes, c1608-1612
Judah and Tamar. Creator: Aert de GelderJudah and Tamar.
Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, Prime Minister, 1881. Creator: UnknownBenjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, Prime Minister, 1881. Disraeli (1804-1881) was twice Prime Minister of Britain, first in 1868 and then again between 1874 and 1880
Polish Jews driving to market: a sketch on the Polish Russian frontier, 1880
David Playing his Harp for Saul. Creator: Lucas van LeydenDavid Playing his Harp for Saul.
Judith's Prayer, 1872. Creator: Jean Francois PortaelsJudith's Prayer, 1872.
Christ Escapes the Pharisees, 1866. Creator: Johann Friedrich OverbeckChrist Escapes the Pharisees, 1866.
The Israelites in the Desert. Creator: Hendrick van Balen IThe Israelites in the Desert.
Elijah Fed by the Raven, 1619-1630. Creator: Gaspar de CrayerElijah Fed by the Raven, 1619-1630.
Pilate and the Chief Priests, 1480-1485. Creator: Gerard DavidPilate and the Chief Priests, 1480-1485.
The Judgement of Solomon, 1547. Creator: Frans FlorisThe Judgement of Solomon, 1547.
Esther and Ahasuerus, probably 17th century. Creator: Ambrosius Francken IEsther and Ahasuerus, probably 17th century.
Judith, c1554. Creator: Jan MassysJudith, c1554.
The Calling of Elisha, 1572. Creator: Jan MassysThe Calling of Elisha, 1572.
The Healing of Tobit. Creator: Jan MassysThe Healing of Tobit.
Joseph Explaining the Dreams of the Baker and the Cupbearer, 1500. Creator: Jan MostaertJoseph Explaining the Dreams of the Baker and the Cupbearer, 1500.
Heliodorus Driven from the Temple, 1850s. Creator: Eugene DelacroixHeliodorus Driven from the Temple, 1850s.
Jacob Seeking the Forgiveness of Esau, 1652. Creator: Jan VictorsJacob Seeking the Forgiveness of Esau, 1652.
Mr. Henry Irving as Shylock, in "The Merchant of Venice" at the Lyceum TheatreMr. Henry Irving as Shylock, in "The Merchant of Venice" at the Lyceum Theatre, 1880. London stage production
Daniel Unmasks the Priest of Baal. Creator: Theodor van LoonDaniel Unmasks the Priest of Baal.
Malediction Being Read in the Synagogue, probably end of 1670s. Creator: Jacob ToorenvlietMalediction Being Read in the Synagogue, probably end of 1670s.
Christ Driving the Money-changers from the Temple. Creator: Theodoor RomboutsChrist Driving the Money-changers from the Temple.
Moses Drawing Water from the Rock, probably between 1630 and 1635.
The Sacrifice of Noah, Last half of 17th century.
Benediction Being Read in the Synagogue, probably end of 1670s. Creator: Jacob ToorenvlietBenediction Being Read in the Synagogue, probably end of 1670s.
Pharaoh and his Army engulfed in the Red Sea. Creator: Vincent MaloPharaoh and his Army engulfed in the Red Sea.
The Circumcision, 1500. Creator: Master of FrankfurtThe Circumcision, 1500.
Passage through the Red Sea, 1626. Creator: Martin PepynPassage through the Red Sea, 1626.
Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's, 1602. Creator: Martin de VosThen give to Caesar what is Caesar's, 1602
The Temple Tax, 1602. Creator: Martin de VosThe Temple Tax, 1602
Altarpiece of the Guild of the Minters, 1602. Creator: Martin de VosAltarpiece of the Guild of the Minters, 1602
Riah and Jenny Wren, c1900. Creator: Harold CoppingRiah and Jenny Wren, c1900
David in Prayer, 1637-1638. Creators: Malnazar, Aghap'irDavid in Prayer, 1637-1638. Additional Info:Bible
Border with the Arrest of Achior; Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, about 1525-1530
Solomon Writing, 1637-1638. Creators: Malnazar, Aghap'irSolomon Writing, 1637-1638. Additional Info:Bible
Christ before Caiaphas; Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, about 1525-1530
Border with Jeremiah before Johoiakim; Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, about 1525-1530
The Rejection of Joachim and Anna's Offering; Leaf from a Book of Hours, about 1410-1430
The Presentation in the Temple; Book of Hours, about 1415-1420
The Presentation in the Temple; Book of Hours, about 1410. Creator: UnknownThe Presentation in the Temple; Book of Hours, about 1410. Follower of the Egerton Master
The Presentation in the Temple; Book of Hours, 1478. Creator: Master of Guillaume LambertThe Presentation in the Temple; Book of Hours, 1478
Christ Disputing with the Pharisees and Sadducees in the Temple; La Passion de nostre seigneur ihesus christ, about 1480-1490
Judas Conspiring with the Jews and Christ Speaking to the Virgin; La Passion de nostre seigneur ihesus christ, about 1480-1490
Christ before Annas; La Passion de nostre seigneur ihesus christ, about 1480-1490
Christ before Caiaphas; La Passion de nostre seigneur ihesus christ, about 1480-1490
Christ before Herod; La Passion de nostre seigneur ihesus christ, about 1480-1490