Venus and Cupid, 1906. Creator: Jost AmmonVenus and Cupid, 1906. From " Chats on Old Prints", by Arthur Hayden. [T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1906]
For photomontage Futura. Gebrauchsgraphik, vol. 6, No. 3, March, 1929, 1929. Private Collection
Judith, from Celebrated Women of the Old Testament, 1568-96. Creator: Jost AmmonJudith, from Celebrated Women of the Old Testament, 1568-96
The Apotheosis of Emperor Maximilian II, 16th century. Creator: Jost AmmonThe Apotheosis of Emperor Maximilian II, 16th century
Wenzel Jamnitzer, 16th century. Creator: Jost AmmonWenzel Jamnitzer, 16th century
Allegory on Vanity. Creator: UnknownAllegory on Vanity
Judith and Holofernes, from Biblia, Frankfurt, 1564. Creator: UnknownJudith and Holofernes, from Biblia, Frankfurt, 1564. After Jost Amman
Powder flask, c1580-1600, (1881). Creator: W WisePowder flask, c1580-1600, (1881). Etching of a gilt bronze powder flask in the shape of a section of antler, made in Germany, possibly Nuremberg or Augsburg, in the late 16th century
Drinker, 1581, (1943). Creator: Jost AmmanDrinker, 1581, (1943). Drawing in the Kupferstichkabinett, Staatlichen Museen, Berlin. From " Europaische Handzeichnungen", (Five Hundred Years of European Drawings), by Bernhard Degenhart
The wear and tear of a knight, 1565 (1849). Artist: Jost AmmonThe wear and tear of a knight, 1565 (1849). From a fragment of an engraving on wood attributed to Jost Ammon, found in the collection of M Guenebault, Paris
The Druggists Shop, 1568. Artist: Jost AmmanThe Druggists Shop, 1568. The druggist is grinding down ingredients with a pestle and mortar. Illustration by Jost Amman for his The Book of Trades. (Frankfurt am Main, 1568)
Woodcut by Jost Amman (1539-1591), (1927). Artist: Jost AmmanWoodcut by Jost Amman (1539-1591), 1927. From Old Furniture, Volume I. edited by Lieut.-Col. E. F. Strange, C.B.E. [Old Furniture Ltd. London, 1927]
Still Life, c1922, (1923). Artist: Joseph JostStill Life, c1922, (1923). From The Studio Volume 84. [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1923]
Hans Sachs, German meistersinger (mastersinger), poet, playwright and shoemaker, 1623. A print from Les Musiciens Celebres, Lucien Mazenod, Paris, 1948
Military trumpeter, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanMilitary trumpeter, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Flute and cornetto players, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanFlute and cornetto players, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
A guitarist, a lutenist and a trombone player, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanA guitarist, a lutenist and a trombone player, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
A violinist and two cellists, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanA violinist and two cellists, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
A German man of letters, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanA German man of letters, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Barber, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanBarber, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Bookbinder, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanBookbinder, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Coppersmith, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanCoppersmith, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Spur maker, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanSpur maker, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Coin maker, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanCoin maker, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Goldbeater, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanGoldbeater, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Miner, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanMiner, 16th century (184). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Dentist, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanDentist, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Tailor, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanTailor, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Cobbler, 16th century (184). Artist: Jost AmmanCobbler, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Wheelwright, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanWheelwright, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Cooper, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanCooper, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Carpenters, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanCarpenters, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Dyer, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanDyer, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Bell and cannon caster, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanBell and cannon caster, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Armourer, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanArmourer, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Arquebusier, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanArquebusier, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Wire worker, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanWire worker, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Sword maker, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanSword maker, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Fisherman, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanFisherman, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Physician, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanPhysician, 16th century, (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Painter, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanPainter, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Painter of popular pictures, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanPainter of popular pictures, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Illuminator, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanIlluminator, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Wood engraver, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanWood engraver, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Draughtsman, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanDraughtsman, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Paper maker, 16th century, (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanPaper-maker, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Hatter, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanHatter, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Clockmaker, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanClockmaker, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Weaver, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanWeaver, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
The manufacture of oil, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanThe manufacture of oil, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Thimble makers, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanThimble makers, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Clasp-maker, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanClasp-maker, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original wood engraving
Tinman, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanTinman, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Druggist, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanDruggist, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version of an original 16th century engraving. From Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, Ferdinand Sere and A Rivaud, Volume I (Paris, 1849)
Brewer, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanBrewer, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version of an original 16th century engraving. From Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, Ferdinand Sere and A Rivaud, Volume I (Paris, 1849)
Winemaker, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanWinemaker, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version of an original 16th century engraving. From Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, Ferdinand Sere and A Rivaud, Volume I (Paris, 1849)
Poultry supplier, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanPoultry supplier, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version of an original 16th century engraving
Miller, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanMiller, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version of an original 16th century engraving. From Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, Ferdinand Sere and A Rivaud, Volume I (Paris, 1849)
Butcher, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanButcher, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version of an original 16th century engraving. From Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, Ferdinand Sere and A Rivaud, Volume I (Paris, 1849)
Baker, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanBaker, 16th century, (1849). A 19th century version of an original 16th century engraving. From Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, Ferdinand Sere and A Rivaud, Volume I (Paris, 1849)
German falconer, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanGerman falconer, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version of an original 16th century manuscript illustration in De Omnibus Illiberalibus Siue Mechanicis Artibus... by Hartmann Schopper
German huntsman, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanGerman huntsman, 16th century (1849). From Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, Ferdinand Sere and A Rivaud, Volume I (Paris, 1849)
Sculptor, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanSculptor, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
The cook, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanThe cook, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version of an original 16th century engraving. From Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, Ferdinand Sere and A Rivaud, Volume I (Paris, 1849)
Basin maker, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanBasin maker, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
German book manufacture in the 16th century, (1903). The workshops of a paper maker, a printer, and a bookbinder
Printing Workshop, 16th century, (1870). Artist: Jost AmmanPrinting Workshop, 16th century, (1870). An engraving from The Arts of the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, (London, 1870)
Bookbinders, 16th century, (1870). Artist: Jost AmmanBookbinders, 16th century, (1870). An engraving from The Arts of the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, (London, 1870)
The Paper Maker, 16th century, (1870). Artist: Jost AmmanThe Paper Maker, 16th century, (1870). An engraving from The Arts of the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, (London, 1870)
German musicians, 16th century, (1870). Artist: Jost AmmanGerman musicians, 16th century, (1870). A wood engraving of musicians playing on the violin and bass viol
The Clockmaker, 16th century, (1870). Artist: Jost AmmanThe Clockmaker, 16th century, (1870). A wood engraving from The Arts of the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, (London, 1870)
The Weaver, 16th century, (1870). Artist: Jost AmmanThe Weaver, 16th century, (1870). A wood engraving from The Arts of the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, (London, 1870)
A coopers workshop, 16th century, (1870). Artist: Jost AmmanA coopers workshop, 16th century, (1870). A wood engraving from The Arts of the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, (London, 1870)
The Printers Workshop, 1568. Artist: Jost AmmanThe Printers Workshop, 1568. In the background compositors are sitting at the type cases setting up the text
Flagellant, 16th century. Artist: Jost AmmanFlagellant, 16th century. Flagellants were members of a sect, known as the Brothers of the Cross, founded in c1260
Pin and needle maker, c1559-1591. Artist: Jost AmmanPin and needle maker, c1559-1591. A craftsman and two assistants busy in a workshop
The spur maker, c1559-1591. Artist: Jost AmmanThe spur maker, c1559-1591. A craftsman talks to a customer while continuing to file a spur which is held in a vice
Shoemaker, c1559-1591. Artist: Jost AmmanShoemaker, c1559-1591. A master craftsman serves a female customer at his shop window, while his two assistants sew shoes from pieces of leather their master has cut out on his workbench
Sword maker, c1559-1591. Artist: Jost AmmanSword maker, c1559-1591. A craftsman at his workbench holds an item in a vice while he works on it with a file. Around him are daggers and swords he has made
Armourer, c1559-1591. Artist: Jost AmmanArmourer, c1559-1591. An armourer in his workshop using a hammer to shape a piece of armour. On display in front of his shop are items he has made, including a full suit of armour
Harquebusier or hand-gun maker, c1559-1591. Artist: Jost AmmanHarquebusier or hand-gun maker, c1559-1591. The first gun to be fired from the shoulder, the harquebus was invented in Spain in the mid 15th century
The Miner, 16th century. Artist: Jost AmmanThe Miner, 16th century. In the background a man is working at a rockface, while another wheels a trolley out of the mine
Knight Templar in travelling dress, (c1119) 16th century. Artist: Jost AmmanKnight Templar in travelling dress, 16th century. Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, founded c1119 to protect pilgrims from maruading Muslims. Order Suppressed by Clement V in 1312
Knight of Malta from the order of St John of Jerusalem, 16th century. Artist: Jost AmmanKnight of Malta from the order of St John of Jerusalem, 16th century. Dedicated to fighting infidel and treating sick and wounded. Woodcut by Jost Amman